Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Marketing & Recruitment
Title | Deputy Vice-Chancellor Global Marketing & Recruitment |
Alternative | EXC - DVC Glbl Mkg & Recruit |
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Latest research outputs
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Amplification or rearrangement of the beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG)--human LH gene cluster is not responsible for the ectopic production of beta-hCG by bladder tumour cells.
Iles, R., Czepulkowski, B., Young, B. and Chard, T. 1989. Amplification or rearrangement of the beta-human chorionic gonadotrophin (beta-hCG)--human LH gene cluster is not responsible for the ectopic production of beta-hCG by bladder tumour cells. Journal of molecular endocrinology. 2 (2), pp. 113-117.
An introduction to mass spectrometry based proteomics-detection and characterization of gonadotropins and related molecules
Kicman, A., Parkin, M. and Iles, R. 2007. An introduction to mass spectrometry based proteomics-detection and characterization of gonadotropins and related molecules. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 260-26, pp. 212-227.
An introduction to the theory and practice of MOVE progression accords.
Betts, M. and Bravenboer, D. 2008. An introduction to the theory and practice of MOVE progression accords. Bristol Higher Education Funding Council for England.Project report
Apprenticeships and work-based higher education
Bravenboer, D. 2011. Apprenticeships and work-based higher education. The London Councils: Apprenticeships and progression. London 17 Oct 2011Conference paper
Belonging Research Project: an analysis of innovative methodologies
Connor, S., Gilani, D., Cojocaru, C., Heron, E., Parkin, H., Thomas, L, May, M. and O'Connor, R. 2024. Belonging Research Project: an analysis of innovative methodologies. National Teaching Repository. report
Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and urine. A marker for metastatic urothelial cancer.
Iles, R., Jenkins, B., Oliver, R., Blandy, J. and Chard, T. 1989. Beta human chorionic gonadotrophin in serum and urine. A marker for metastatic urothelial cancer. British Journal of Urology. 64 (3), pp. 241-244.
Biological function of the free β -subunit: expression and treatment target in cancer.
Butler, S. and Iles, R. 2010. Biological function of the free β -subunit: expression and treatment target in cancer. in: Cole, L. (ed.) Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). London Elsevier. pp. 153-171Book chapter
Biological markers: maintaining standards
Leake, R., Anderson, L., Dowsett, M., Iles, R., Nicholson, R., Robertson, J., Walker, R. and UKCCCR Biomarker group 2000. Biological markers: maintaining standards. British journal of cancer. 82 (10), pp. 1627-1628.
Biological significance of beta hCG, HLA and other membrane antigen expression on bladder tumours and their relationship to tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL)
Oliver, R., Nouri, A., Crosby, D., Iles, R., Naverette, C., Martin, J., Bodmer, W. and Festenstein, H. 1989. Biological significance of beta hCG, HLA and other membrane antigen expression on bladder tumours and their relationship to tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL). International journal of immunogenetics. 16 (4-5), pp. 381-390.Article
Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker.
Cheung, K., Iles, R. and Robertson, J. 2010. Bony metastases from breast cancer: a study of foetal antigen 2 as a blood tumour marker. World Journal of Surgical Oncology. 8 (38).
Book Review: The Impact of a sense of belonging in college: Implications for student persistence, retention and success by Bentrim, E. M., and Henning, G. W.
Gilani, D. 2024. Book Review: The Impact of a sense of belonging in college: Implications for student persistence, retention and success by Bentrim, E. M., and Henning, G. W. Journal of College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice.
Building belonging a year on – how has higher education changed?
Gilani, D. 2023. Building belonging a year on – how has higher education changed? Wonkhe.Blog
Building work based learning qualifications
Bravenboer, D. 2012. Building work based learning qualifications. PARN Annual Conference, Fit for Purpose Professionals: Exploring new entry routes to the professions. Woburn House, London 25 Apr 2012Conference keynote
Can biological markers improve the management of breast cancer patients?
Leake, R., Anderson, L., Dowsett, M., Iles, R., Nicholson, R., Robertson, J., Walker, R. and UKCCR Biomarker group 2000. Can biological markers improve the management of breast cancer patients? British journal of cancer. 82 (10), pp. 1625-1626.
Can you credit it? Towards a process for ascribing credit to apprenticeships in England
Bravenboer, D., Crawford-Lee, M. and Dunn, C. 2024. Can you credit it? Towards a process for ascribing credit to apprenticeships in England. Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning.
Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students
Gilani, D. 2024. Challenging simplistic and deficit perceptions of belonging amongst historically underrepresented students. Student Engagement in Higher Education Journal. 5 (3), pp. 17-24.Article
Chapter 1: Basic sciences: the cell.
Iles, R. 2008. Chapter 1: Basic sciences: the cell. in: Nargund, V., Raghavan, D. and Sandler, H. (ed.) Urological oncology. London Springer. pp. 3-36Book chapter
Characterisation of the differential expression of marker antigens by normal and malignant endometrial epithelium
Chatzaki, E., Gallagher, C., Iles, R., Ind, T., Nouri, A., Bax, C. and Grudzinskas, J. 1994. Characterisation of the differential expression of marker antigens by normal and malignant endometrial epithelium. British journal of cancer. 69 (6), pp. 1010-1014.Article
Clinical and endocrinological changes after electro-acupuncture treatment in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee
Ahsin, S., Saleem, S., Bhatti, A., Aslam, M. and Iles, R. 2009. Clinical and endocrinological changes after electro-acupuncture treatment in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Pain. 147 (1-3), pp. 60-66.
Collaboration to engage employers in the cultural sector.
Bravenboer, D., Baldwin, R. and MOVE: Life Long Learning Network for the East of England 2007. Collaboration to engage employers in the cultural sector. Learning after Leitch: Building Partnerships & Practice to Upskill the Workforce. National College for School Leadership, Learning and Conference Centre, Triumph Road, Nottingham 17 Apr 2007Conference paper
Commodification and the official discourse of higher education.
Bravenboer, D. 2009. Commodification and the official discourse of higher education. PhD thesis Institute of Education, University of London Educational Foundations and Policy StudiesPhD thesis
Comparison of 12 assays for detecting hCG and related molecules in urine samples from Down syndrome pregnancies.
Cole, L., Kellner, L., Isozaki, T., Palomaki, G., Iles, R., Walker, R., Ozaki, M. and Canick, J. 1997. Comparison of 12 assays for detecting hCG and related molecules in urine samples from Down syndrome pregnancies. Prenatal diagnosis. 17 (7), pp. 607-614.<607::AID-PD118>3.0.CO;2-7Article
Composition of intact hormone and free subunits in the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material found in serum and urine of patients with carcinoma of the bladder.
Iles, R., Lee, C., Oliver, R. and Chard, T. 1990. Composition of intact hormone and free subunits in the human chorionic gonadotrophin-like material found in serum and urine of patients with carcinoma of the bladder. Clinical Endocrinology. 33 (3), pp. 355-364.
Concentrations of placental protein 14 in uterine flushings from infertile women: validation of the collection technique and method of expression of results
Hamilton, J., Iles, R., Gunn, L., Wilson, C., Lower, A., Chard, T. and Grudzinskas, J. 1998. Concentrations of placental protein 14 in uterine flushings from infertile women: validation of the collection technique and method of expression of results. Human Reproduction. 13 (12), pp. 3357-3362.Article
Creating connections: the role of universities in enhancing graduates’ social capital and challenging nepotism
Gilani, D. 2020. Creating connections: the role of universities in enhancing graduates’ social capital and challenging nepotism. Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education. 24 (1), pp. 14-18.
Cross-Reaction with luteinizing hormone ß-Core is responsible for the age-dependent increase of immunoreactive ß-Core fragment of human chorionic gonadotropin in women with nonmalignant conditions
Iles, R., Javid, M., Gunn, L. and Chard, T. 1999. Cross-Reaction with luteinizing hormone ß-Core is responsible for the age-dependent increase of immunoreactive ß-Core fragment of human chorionic gonadotropin in women with nonmalignant conditions. Clinical Chemistry. 45, pp. 532-538.Article
Delivering higher level and degree apprenticeships: opportunities and challenges - Middlesex University case study workshop
Bravenboer, D. 2015. Delivering higher level and degree apprenticeships: opportunities and challenges - Middlesex University case study workshop. HEFCE London and East institutional team event: Higher level and degree apprenticeships. Central Hall Westminster, London, United Kingdom 03 Jun 2015Conference paper
Detection of β-core fragment in second trimester Down's syndrome pregnancies
Cole, L., Isozaki, T., Palomaki, G., Canick, J., Iles, R., Kellner, L., Saller, D. and Cuckle, H. 1996. Detection of β-core fragment in second trimester Down's syndrome pregnancies. Early Human Development. 47, pp. S47-S48.
Determination of the glycoforms of human chorionic gonadotropin b-core fragment by matrix-assisted laser desoption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry
Jacoby, E., Kicman, A., Laidler, P. and Iles, R. 2000. Determination of the glycoforms of human chorionic gonadotropin b-core fragment by matrix-assisted laser desoption/ionisation time of flight mass spectrometry. Clinical Chemistry. 46 (11), pp. 1796-1803.Article
Developing a nationally recognised higher apprenticeship in construction
Bravenboer, D. 2011. Developing a nationally recognised higher apprenticeship in construction. UVAC National Conference. UVAC National Conference, YorkConference paper
Developing a transdisciplinary work based learning curriculum: a model for recognising learning from work
Bravenboer, D. and Workman, B. 2016. Developing a transdisciplinary work based learning curriculum: a model for recognising learning from work. in: Keppell, M., Reushle, S. and Antonio, A. (ed.) Open Learning and Formal Credentialing in Higher Education: Curriculum Models and Institutional Policies IGI Global. pp. 144-167Book chapter
Developing a transdisciplinary work-based learning curriculum: a model for recognising learning from work
Bravenboer, D. and Workman, B. 2015. Developing a transdisciplinary work-based learning curriculum: a model for recognising learning from work. in: Reushle, S., Antonio, A. and Keppell, M. (ed.) Open Learning and Formal Credentialing in Higher Education: Curriculum Models and Institutional Policies IGI Global. pp. 144-167Book chapter
Development for change.
Bravenboer, D., Cairns, B., Judson, T. and MOVE: Life Long Learning Network for the East of England 2009. Development for change. University of Hertfordshire.Project report
Dimerization of urinary beta-core/hCFbetacf: a cause of poor beta-core assay performance in Down syndrome screening studies.
Iles, R., Butler, S. and Jacoby, E. 1999. Dimerization of urinary beta-core/hCFbetacf: a cause of poor beta-core assay performance in Down syndrome screening studies. Prenatal diagnosis. 19 (8), pp. 790-792.<790::AID-PD627>3.0.CO;2-ZArticle
Diurnal variation of urinary "hCG beta subunit core fragment" production evaluated in patients with gynecological neoplasms
Neven, P., Iles, R., Carter, P., Shepherd, J. and Chard, T. 1994. Diurnal variation of urinary "hCG beta subunit core fragment" production evaluated in patients with gynecological neoplasms. Clinical Chemistry. 40 (3), pp. 484-485.Article
Does hCG or hCGβ play a role in cancer cell biology?
Iles, R., Delves, P. and Butler, S. 2010. Does hCG or hCGβ play a role in cancer cell biology? Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 329 (1-2), pp. 62-70.
Does HCG or HCG-beta play a role in breast cancer cell biology?
Iles, R. and Butler, S. 2010. Does HCG or HCG-beta play a role in breast cancer cell biology? Tumour Biology. 31 (S39).Article
Does hCG or hCGß play a role in cancer cell biology?
Iles, R., Delves, P. and Butler, S. 2010. Does hCG or hCGß play a role in cancer cell biology? Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 329 (1-2), pp. 62-70.
Ectopic hCGbeta expression by epithelial cancer: malignant behaviour, metastasis and inhibition of tumor cell apoptosis
Iles, R. 2007. Ectopic hCGbeta expression by epithelial cancer: malignant behaviour, metastasis and inhibition of tumor cell apoptosis. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology. 260-26, pp. 264-270.
Ectopic human chorionic gonadotropin beta secretion by epithelial tumors and human chorionic gonadotropin beta-induced apoptosis in Kaposi's sarcoma: is there a connection?
Iles, R. and Butler, S. 2003. Ectopic human chorionic gonadotropin beta secretion by epithelial tumors and human chorionic gonadotropin beta-induced apoptosis in Kaposi's sarcoma: is there a connection? Clinical Cancer Research. 9 (13), pp. 4666-4673.Article
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