Flood Hazard Research Centre
Title | Flood Hazard Research Centre |
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'Do the resilient things.' Residents' perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England
Snel, K., Priest, S., Hartmann, T., Witte, P. and Geertman, S. 2021. 'Do the resilient things.' Residents' perspectives on responsibilities for flood risk adaptation in England. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 14 (3). https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12727Article
'I’m big you’re small, I’m right you’re wrong': the influence of gender and generation on migrant response to flood risk in England
Riyait, S. 2016. 'I’m big you’re small, I’m right you’re wrong': the influence of gender and generation on migrant response to flood risk in England. PhD thesis Middlesex University Flood Hazard Research CentrePhD thesis
'Signals' from pre-crisis discourse: lessons from UK flooding for global environmental policy change?
Penning-Rowsell, E., Johnson, C. and Tunstall, S. 2006. 'Signals' from pre-crisis discourse: lessons from UK flooding for global environmental policy change? Global Environmental Change A. 16 (4), pp. 323-339. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2006.01.006Article
"I wish I'd never heard of Banbury": the relationship between 'place' and the health impacts from flooding
Tapsell, S. and Tunstall, S. 2007. "I wish I'd never heard of Banbury": the relationship between 'place' and the health impacts from flooding. Health and Place. 14 (2), pp. 133-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2007.05.006Article
A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England
Barendrecht, M., McCarthy, S. and Viglione, A. 2021. A comparative analysis of the relationship between flood experience and private flood mitigation behaviour in the regions of England. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 14 (2), pp. 1-12. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12700Article
A framework for evaluating flood risk governance
Alexander, M., Priest, S. and Mees, H. 2016. A framework for evaluating flood risk governance. Environmental Science and Policy. 64, pp. 38-47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2016.06.004Article
A framework to assess integration in flood risk management: implications for governance, policy, and practice
Cumiskey, L., Priest, S., Klijn, F. and Juntti, M. 2019. A framework to assess integration in flood risk management: implications for governance, policy, and practice. Ecology & Society. 24 (4). https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-11298-240417Article
A framework to include the (inter)dependencies of Disaster Risk Reduction measures in coastal risk assessment
Cumiskey, L., Priest, S., Valchev, N., Viavattene, C., Costas, S. and Clarke, J. 2018. A framework to include the (inter)dependencies of Disaster Risk Reduction measures in coastal risk assessment. Coastal Engineering. 134, pp. 81-92. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.coastaleng.2017.08.009Article
A GIS based Decision Support System tool dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems.
Viavattene, C., Lundy, L., Revitt, D. and Ellis, J. 2008. A GIS based Decision Support System tool dedicated to the implementation of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems. 11th International Conference on Storm Drainage (Proceedings of). Edinburgh, UK 31 Aug - 05 Sep 2008Conference paper
A journey to achieving integration in flood risk management [PhD research briefing note 1]
Cumiskey, L. 2020. A journey to achieving integration in flood risk management [PhD research briefing note 1]. London Middlesex University.Other
A journey towards accountable and legitimate partnerships, Journey planner for legitimate partnerships
Priest, S. and Alexander, M. 2021. A journey towards accountable and legitimate partnerships, Journey planner for legitimate partnerships. Environment Agency.Technical report
A journey towards accountable and legitimate partnerships, Journey planner on internal partnership dynamics
Priest, S. and Alexander, M. 2021. A journey towards accountable and legitimate partnerships, Journey planner on internal partnership dynamics. Environment Agency.Technical report
A method for monetising the mental health costs of flooding
Viavattene, C. and Priest, S. 2020. A method for monetising the mental health costs of flooding. Bristol, UK Environment Agency.Project report
A multi-component flood risk assessment in the Maresme coast (NW Mediterranean)
Ballesteros, C., Jiménez, J. and Viavattene, C. 2018. A multi-component flood risk assessment in the Maresme coast (NW Mediterranean). Natural Hazards. 90 (1), pp. 265-292. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-017-3042-9Article
A realistic assessment of fluvial and coastal flood risk in England and Wales
Penning-Rowsell, E. 2015. A realistic assessment of fluvial and coastal flood risk in England and Wales. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers. 40 (1), pp. 44-61. https://doi.org/10.1111/tran.12053Article
A restatement of the natural science evidence concerning catchment-based ‘natural’ flood management in the UK
Dadson, S., Hall, J., Murgatroyd, A., Acreman, M., Bates, P., Beven, K., Heathwaite, L., Holden, J., Holman, I., Lane, S., O'Connell, E., Penning-Rowsell, E., Reynard, N., Sear, D., Thorne, C. and Wilby, R. 2017. A restatement of the natural science evidence concerning catchment-based ‘natural’ flood management in the UK. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences. 473 (2199), pp. 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1098/rspa.2016.0706Article
A review of literature on citizen science: contribution to WP6
Tapsell, S. and McCarthy, S. 2014. A review of literature on citizen science: contribution to WP6. in: A Review of Literature on Citizen Science: Contribution to WP6 European Commission FP7 ENV.2012.6.5-1. pp. 1-65Book chapter
A threatened world city: the benefits of protecting London from the sea
Penning-Rowsell, E., Haigh, N., Lavery, S. and McFadden, L. 2012. A threatened world city: the benefits of protecting London from the sea. Natural Hazards.Article
Academic publishing in disaster risk reduction: past, present, and future
Alexander, D., Gaillard, J., Kelman, I., Marincioni, F., Penning-Rowsell, E., Niekerk, D. and Vinnell, L. 2021. Academic publishing in disaster risk reduction: past, present, and future. Disasters. 45 (1), pp. 5-18. https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12432Article
Adaptation or conflict? Responses to climate change in water management in Bangladesh
Sultana, P. and Thompson, P. 2017. Adaptation or conflict? Responses to climate change in water management in Bangladesh. Environmental Science and Policy. 78, pp. 149-156. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2017.09.011Article
Adaptive flood risk management planning based on a comprehensive flood risk conceptualisation
Klijn, F., Kreibich, H., De Moel, H. and Penning-Rowsell, E. 2015. Adaptive flood risk management planning based on a comprehensive flood risk conceptualisation. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. 20 (6), pp. 845-864. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-015-9638-zArticle
Adding an implementation phase to the framework for flood policy evolution: insights from South Africa
Solik, B. and Penning-Rowsell, E. 2017. Adding an implementation phase to the framework for flood policy evolution: insights from South Africa. International Journal of Water Resources Development. 33 (1), pp. 51-68. https://doi.org/10.1080/07900627.2016.1142860Article
Advocacy coalitions and flood insurance: power and policies in the Australian Natural Disaster Insurance Review
Dolk, M. and Penning-Rowsell, E. 2021. Advocacy coalitions and flood insurance: power and policies in the Australian Natural Disaster Insurance Review. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 39 (6), pp. 1172-1191. https://doi.org/10.1177/2399654420960484Article
Agricultural innovation and adaptation to climate change: empirical evidence from diverse agro-ecologies in South Asia
Bhatta, G., Ojha, H., Aggarwal, P., Sulaiman, V., Sultana, P., Thapa, D., Mittal, N., Dahal, K., Thompson, P. and Ghimire, L. 2017. Agricultural innovation and adaptation to climate change: empirical evidence from diverse agro-ecologies in South Asia. Environment, Development and Sustainability. 19 (2), pp. 497-525. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-015-9743-xArticle
An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change
Byskov, M., Hyams, K., Satyal, P., Anguelovski, I., Benjamin, L., Blackburn, S., Borie, M., Caney, S., Chu, E., Edwards, G., Fourie, K., Fraser, A., Heyward, C., Jeans, H., McQuistan, C., Paavola, J., Page, E., Pelling, M., Priest, S., Swiderska, K., Tarazona, M., Thornton, T., Twigg, J. and Venn, A. 2021. An agenda for ethics and justice in adaptation to climate change. Climate and Development. 13 (1), pp. 1-9. https://doi.org/10.1080/17565529.2019.1700774Article
An uncertainty index to measure the feasibility of whole life costing approach in flood risk management.
Viavattene, C. and Faulkner, H. 2009. An uncertainty index to measure the feasibility of whole life costing approach in flood risk management. Road Map Towards a Flood Resilient Urban Environment, Proceedings Final conference of the COST action C22 Urban Flood Management.. Paris, France.Conference paper
An uncertainty index to measure the feasibility of Whole-Life Cycle Costing approach in flood risk management
Viavattene, C. and Faulkner, H. 2012. An uncertainty index to measure the feasibility of Whole-Life Cycle Costing approach in flood risk management. Journal of Flood Risk Management. 5 (3), pp. 215-225. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1753-318X.2012.01140.xArticle
Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in England – enhancing societal resilience through comprehensive and aligned flood risk governance arrangements
Alexander, M., Priest, S., Micou, P., Tapsell, S., Green, C., Parker, D. and Homewood, S. 2016. Analysing and evaluating flood risk governance in England – enhancing societal resilience through comprehensive and aligned flood risk governance arrangements. Middlesex University.Project report
Aspiration and reality: flood policy, economic damages and the appraisal process
Johnson, C., Penning-Rowsell, E. and Tapsell, S. 2007. Aspiration and reality: flood policy, economic damages and the appraisal process. Area. 39 (2), pp. 214-223. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-4762.2007.00727.xArticle
Assessing multifaceted vulnerability and resilience in order to design risk mitigation strategies
Menoni, S., Molinari, D., Parker, D., Ballio, F. and Tapsell, S. 2012. Assessing multifaceted vulnerability and resilience in order to design risk mitigation strategies. Natural Hazards. 64 (3), pp. 2057-2082. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-012-0134-4Article
Assessing options for the development of surface water flood warning in England and Wales
Priest, S., Parker, D., Hurford, A., Walker, J. and Evans, K. 2011. Assessing options for the development of surface water flood warning in England and Wales. Journal of Environmental Management. 92 (12), pp. 3038-3048.Article
Assessing the costs of natural hazards - state of the art and the way forward
Meyer, V., Schwarze, R., Becker, N., Markantonis, V., Van Der Bergh, J., Bouwer, L., Bubeck, P., Ciavola, P., Genovese, E., Green, C., Hallegatte, S., Kreibich, H., Lequeux, Q., Logar, I., Papyrakis, E., Pfurtscheller, C., Poussin, J., Przyluski, V., Thieken, A. and Viavattene, C. 2015. Assessing the costs of natural hazards - state of the art and the way forward. in: Quevaullier, P. (ed.) Hydrometeorological hazards: interfacing science and policy WileyBlackwell. pp. 255-290Book chapter
Assessing the legitimacy of flood risk governance arrangements in Europe: insights from intra-country evaluations
Pettersson, M., Van Rijswick, M., Suykens, C., Alexander, M., Ek, K. and Priest, S. 2017. Assessing the legitimacy of flood risk governance arrangements in Europe: insights from intra-country evaluations. Water International. 42 (8), pp. 929-944. https://doi.org/10.1080/02508060.2017.1393716Article
Assessing urban system vulnerabilities to flooding to improve resilience and adaptation in spatial planning
Pasi, R., Viavattene, C., LaLoggia, G. and Musco, F. 2018. Assessing urban system vulnerabilities to flooding to improve resilience and adaptation in spatial planning. Bisello, A., Vettorato, D., Laconte, P. and Costa, S. (ed.) Smart and Sustainable Planning for Cities and Regions – SSPCR 2017. Bolzano, Italy 22 - 24 Mar 2017 Springer. pp. 79-94 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-75774-2_6Conference paper
Bayesian Data-Driven approach enhances synthetic flood loss models
Sairam, N., Schröter, K., Carisi, F., Wagenaar, D., Domeneghetti, A., Molinari, D., Brill, F., Priest, S., Viavattene, C., Merz, B. and Kreibich, H. 2020. Bayesian Data-Driven approach enhances synthetic flood loss models. Environmental Modelling and Software. 132. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104798Article
Bridges over troubled waters: an interdisciplinary framework for evaluating the interconnectedness within fragmented domestic flood risk management systems
Gilissen, H., Alexander, M., Beyers, J., Chmielewski, P., Matczak, P., Schellenberger, T. and Suykens, C. 2016. Bridges over troubled waters: an interdisciplinary framework for evaluating the interconnectedness within fragmented domestic flood risk management systems. Journal of Water Law. 25 (1), pp. 12-26.Article
Bridging the legitimacy gap—translating theory into practical signposts for legitimate flood risk governance
Alexander, M., Doorn, N. and Priest, S. 2018. Bridging the legitimacy gap—translating theory into practical signposts for legitimate flood risk governance. Regional Environmental Change. 18 (2), pp. 397-408. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-017-1195-4Article
Building a model to estimate risk to life for European flood events – final report
Priest, S., Wilson, T., Tapsell, S., Penning-Rowsell, E., Viavattene, C. and Fernandez-Bilbao, A. 2007. Building a model to estimate risk to life for European flood events – final report. European Commission. https://doi.org/T10-07-10Project report
Building models to estimate loss of life for flood events: executive summary
Priest, S., Tapsell, S., Penning-Rowsell, E., Viavattene, C. and Wilson, T. 2008. Building models to estimate loss of life for flood events: executive summary. European Commission. https://doi.org/T10-08-10Project report
Can England learn lessons from Bangladesh in introducing participatory floodplain management?
Sultana, P., Thompson, P. and Green, C. 2008. Can England learn lessons from Bangladesh in introducing participatory floodplain management? Water Resources Management. 22 (3), pp. 357-376. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11269-007-9166-zArticle
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