Applied Health Psychology group
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Surrogate motherhood families
van den Akker, O. 2017. Surrogate motherhood families. London UK Palgrave Macmillan.Book
Searching for ‘relations’ using a DNA linking register by adults conceived following sperm donation
Frith, L., Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M. and van den Akker, O. 2018. Searching for ‘relations’ using a DNA linking register by adults conceived following sperm donation. BioSocieties. 13 (1), pp. 170-189.
Catch 22? Disclosing assisted conception treatment at work
van den Akker, O., Payne, N. and Lewis, S. 2017. Catch 22? Disclosing assisted conception treatment at work. International Journal of Workplace Health Management. 10 (5), pp. 364-375.
The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success
Whitelock, V., Nouwen, A., van den Akker, O. and Higgs, S. 2018. The role of working memory sub-components in food choice and dieting success. Appetite. 124, pp. 24-32.
Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register
Blyth, E., Crawshaw, M., Frith, L. and van den Akker, O. 2017. Gamete donors’ reasons for, and expectations and experiences of, registration with a voluntary donor linking register. Human Fertility. 20 (4), pp. 268-278.
The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education
Dyson, S., Liu, L., van den Akker, O. and O'Driscoll, M. 2017. The extent, variability, and attitudes towards volunteering among undergraduate nursing students: implications for pedagogy in nurse education. Nurse Education in Practice. 23, pp. 15-22.
A cross cultural study of the health-seeking behaviours of Nigerians from the perspective of Nigerian care providers: challenges for collaboration
Onyigbuo, C., van den Akker, O. and Alexis-Garsee, C. 2015. A cross cultural study of the health-seeking behaviours of Nigerians from the perspective of Nigerian care providers: challenges for collaboration. Humanities and Social Sciences Review. 4 (3), pp. 537-554.Article
Voluntary DNA-based information exchange and contact services following donor conception: an analysis of service users’ needs
Crawshaw, M., Frith, L., van den Akker, O. and Blyth, E. 2016. Voluntary DNA-based information exchange and contact services following donor conception: an analysis of service users’ needs. New Genetics and Society. 35 (4), pp. 372 -392.
Maternal psychosocial consequences of twins and multiple births following assisted and natural conception: a meta-analysis
van den Akker, O., Postavaru, G. and Purewal, S. 2016. Maternal psychosocial consequences of twins and multiple births following assisted and natural conception: a meta-analysis. Reproductive BioMedicine Online. 33 (1), pp. 1-14.
Prevalence of somatisation as a determinant of burnout amongst staff working in drug and alcohol services
Mazoruk, S., Huxley, A., Alexis-Garsee, C. and Schifano, F. 2017. Prevalence of somatisation as a determinant of burnout amongst staff working in drug and alcohol services. Drugs and Alcohol Today. 17 (4), pp. 242-249.
Type 2 diabetes, depressive symptoms and trajectories of cognitive decline in a national sample of community-dwellers: a prospective cohort study
Demakakos, P., Muniz-Terrera, G. and Nouwen, A. 2017. Type 2 diabetes, depressive symptoms and trajectories of cognitive decline in a national sample of community-dwellers: a prospective cohort study. PLoS ONE. 12 (4), pp. 1-14.
Relationship between parental feeding practices and neural responses to food cues in adolescents
Allen, H., Chambers, A., Blissett, J., Chechlacz, M., Barrett, T., Higgs, S. and Nouwen, A. 2016. Relationship between parental feeding practices and neural responses to food cues in adolescents. PLoS ONE. 11 (8), pp. 1-19.
A cross-sectional study of depressive symptoms and diabetes self-care in African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos with diabetes: the role of self-efficacy
Hernandez, R., Ruggiero, L., Prohaska, T., Chavez, N., Boughton, S., Peacock, N., Zhao, W. and Nouwen, A. 2016. A cross-sectional study of depressive symptoms and diabetes self-care in African Americans and Hispanics/Latinos with diabetes: the role of self-efficacy. Diabetes Educator. 42 (4), pp. 452-461.
Improving health, well‐being and cognition in schizophrenia: making the case for physical activity
Crone, D., Tyson, P. and Holley, J. 1999. Improving health, well‐being and cognition in schizophrenia: making the case for physical activity. Journal of Public Mental Health. 9 (2).
The effects of physical activity on psychological well-being for those with schizophrenia: a systematic review
Holley, J., Crone, D., Tyson, P. and Lovell, G. 2011. The effects of physical activity on psychological well-being for those with schizophrenia: a systematic review. British Journal of Clinical Psychology. 50 (1), pp. 84-105.
Healthy eating beliefs and intentions of mothers and their adult children: an intergenerational transmission perspective
Sumodhee, D. and Payne, N. 2016. Healthy eating beliefs and intentions of mothers and their adult children: an intergenerational transmission perspective. Journal of Health Psychology. 21 (12), pp. 2775-2787.
‘Together … for only a moment’ British newspaper constructions of altruistic non-commercial surrogate motherhood
van den Akker, O., Camara, I. and Hunt, B. 2016. ‘Together … for only a moment’ British newspaper constructions of altruistic non-commercial surrogate motherhood. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.
‘This neo- natal ménage à trois’: British media framing of transnational surrogacy
van den Akker, O., Fronek, P., Blyth, E. and Frith, L. 2016. ‘This neo- natal ménage à trois’: British media framing of transnational surrogacy. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 34 (1), pp. 15-27.
Reproductive health matters
van den Akker, O. 2016. Reproductive health matters. The Psychologist. 29 (1), pp. 30-33.Article
Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy interventions to reduce distress or improve well-being in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a systematic review
Gould, R., Coulson, M., Brown, R., Goldstein, L., Al-Chalabi, A. and Howard, R. 2015. Psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy interventions to reduce distress or improve well-being in people with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: a systematic review. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration. 16 (5-6), pp. 293-302.
Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing internet gaming disorder: a critical commentary on Petry et al. (2014)
Griffiths, M., Van Rooij, A., Kardefelt-Winther, D., Starcevic, V., Király, O., Pallesen, S., Müller, K., Dreier, M., Carras, M., Prause, N., King, D., Aboujaoude, E., Kuss, D., Pontes, H., Lopez Fernandez, O., Nagygyorgy, K., Achab, S., Billieux, J., Quandt, T., Carbonell, X., Ferguson, C., Hoff, R., Derevensky, J., Haagsma, M., Delfabbro, P., Coulson, M., Hussain, Z. and Demetrovics, Z. 2016. Working towards an international consensus on criteria for assessing internet gaming disorder: a critical commentary on Petry et al. (2014). Addiction. 111 (1), pp. 167-175.
Nigerian clergy and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of health-seeking behaviours among Nigerian immigrants in the UK
Onyigbuo, C., Alexis-Garsee, C. and van den Akker, O. 2016. Nigerian clergy and healthcare professionals’ perceptions of health-seeking behaviours among Nigerian immigrants in the UK. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19 (10), pp. 1043-1055.
An exploration of health seeking behaviours among Nigerian Christians in the UK: towards enhanced health services utilisation
Onyigbuo, C., Alexis-Garsee, C. and van den Akker, O. 2016. An exploration of health seeking behaviours among Nigerian Christians in the UK: towards enhanced health services utilisation. Mental Health, Religion and Culture. 19 (3), pp. 255-267.
Improving management and effectiveness of home blood pressure monitoring: a qualitative UK primary care study
Grant, S., Greenfield, S., Nouwen, A. and McManus, R. 2015. Improving management and effectiveness of home blood pressure monitoring: a qualitative UK primary care study. British Journal of General Practice. 65, pp. e776-e783.
The impact of hand hygiene messages in public toilets
Sigger, J. 2015. The impact of hand hygiene messages in public toilets. British Psychological Society Division of Health Psychology Annual Conference 2015. London, United Kingdom 16 - 18 Sep 2015Conference poster
Need for closure and competition in intergroup conflicts: experimental evidence for the mitigating effect of accessible conflict-schemas
Golec de Zavala, A., Federico, C., Cisłak, A. and Sigger, J. 2008. Need for closure and competition in intergroup conflicts: experimental evidence for the mitigating effect of accessible conflict-schemas. European Journal of Social Psychology. 38 (1), pp. 84-105.
Depression and diabetes distress
Nouwen, A. 2015. Depression and diabetes distress. Diabetic Medicine. 32 (10), pp. 1261-1263.
Does neurocognitive training have the potential to improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes? Study protocol of a double blind randomised controlled trial
Whitelock, V., Nouwen, A., Houben, K., van den Akker, O. and Higgs, S. 2015. Does neurocognitive training have the potential to improve dietary self-care in type 2 diabetes? Study protocol of a double blind randomised controlled trial. BMC Nutrition. 1, pp. 1-8.
Examining evidence for behavioural mimicry of parental eating by adolescent females. An observational study
Sharps, M., Higgs, S., Blissett, J., Nouwen, A., Chechlacz, M., Allen, H. and Robinson, E. 2015. Examining evidence for behavioural mimicry of parental eating by adolescent females. An observational study. Appetite. 89, pp. 55-61.
When good HR gets bad results: exploring the challenge of HR implementation in the case of workplace bullying
Woodrow, C. and Guest, D. 2014. When good HR gets bad results: exploring the challenge of HR implementation in the case of workplace bullying. Human Resource Management Journal. 24 (1), pp. 38-56.
Sense of entitlement to workplace support for infertility treatment
Payne, N., Lewis, S., Constantinou, C. and van den Akker, O. 2014. Sense of entitlement to workplace support for infertility treatment. Work and Family Researchers Network Conference (WFRN): Changing Work and Family Relationships in a Global Economy. New York, USA 19 - 21 Jun 2014Conference paper
Work-life balance and medically assisted reproduction (MAR): MAR uses experiences of workplace support
Payne, N., van den Akker, O., Constantinou, C. and Lewis, S. 2014. Work-life balance and medically assisted reproduction (MAR): MAR uses experiences of workplace support. 11th Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology. London, United Kingdom 14 - 16 Apr 2014Conference paper
Experiences of combining work and infertility treatment
Payne, N., van den Akker, O., Lewis, S. and Constantinou, C. 2015. Experiences of combining work and infertility treatment. BICA Journal/Journal of Fertility Counselling. 22 (1), pp. 13-16.Article
Emotional and psychosocial risk associated with fertility treatment
van den Akker, O. and Springer-Verlag 2015. Emotional and psychosocial risk associated with fertility treatment. in: Mathur, R. (ed.) Reducing Risk in Fertility Treatment London Springer Verlag. pp. 79-96Book chapter
A systematic review of changes in women’s physical activity before and during pregnancy and the postnatal period
Abbasi, M. and van den Akker, O. 2015. A systematic review of changes in women’s physical activity before and during pregnancy and the postnatal period. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. 33 (4), pp. 325-358.
Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic stress disorder after termination of pregnancy and reproductive loss: a systematic review
Daugirdaitė, V., van den Akker, O. and Purewal, S. 2015. Posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic stress disorder after termination of pregnancy and reproductive loss: a systematic review. Journal of Pregnancy. 2015, pp. 1-14.
The effectiveness of persuasive health communication techniques
van den Akker, O. and Purewal, S. 2014. The effectiveness of persuasive health communication techniques. Advances in Life Sciences and Health. 1 (2), pp. 47-57.Article
Evaluation of long-term counselling at a community health service for women who are on a low income
Payne, N., Ciclitira, K., Starr, F., Marzano, L. and Brunswick, N. 2015. Evaluation of long-term counselling at a community health service for women who are on a low income. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research. 15 (2), pp. 79-87.
Assessing the quality of life of children with sickle cell anaemia using self-, parent-proxy and healthcare professional-proxy reports
Constantinou, C., Payne, N. and Inusa, B. 2015. Assessing the quality of life of children with sickle cell anaemia using self-, parent-proxy and healthcare professional-proxy reports. British Journal of Health Psychology. 20 (2), pp. 290-304.
Expectations and experiences of gamete donors and donor-conceived adults searching for genetics relatives using DNA linking through a voluntary register
van den Akker, O., Crawshaw, M., Blyth, E. and Frith, L. 2015. Expectations and experiences of gamete donors and donor-conceived adults searching for genetics relatives using DNA linking through a voluntary register. Human Reproduction. 30 (1), pp. 111-121.
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