School of Film

TitleSchool of Film
AlternativeACI - Film
FacultyFaculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Latest research outputs

Sort by Date Title
An experiment design: investigating VR locomotion & virtual object interaction mechanics
Wiedemann, D., Passmore, P. and Moar, M. 2017. An experiment design: investigating VR locomotion & virtual object interaction mechanics. GAME-ON'2017: 18th International Conference on Intelligent Games and Simulation. Carlow, Ireland 06 - 08 Sep 2017 EUROSIS. pp. 80-86

Conference paper

Animation Industry 'Listening Tour' Report
McCaffrey, E. and Healey, P. 2018. Animation Industry 'Listening Tour' Report. Middlesex University.

Project report

Archaeological films as primary sources for Palestinian history
Lukic, V. and Kador, T. 2024. Archaeological films as primary sources for Palestinian history. Refugee History.


Art and technology for health
Boyd Davis, S., Moar, M., Jacobs, R., Watkins, M., Shackford, R., Oppermann, L. and Capra, M. 2009. Art and technology for health. in: Dwivedi, A. (ed.) Handbook of research on information technology management and clinical data administration in healthcare Hershey, PA, USA IGI Global. pp. 616-630

Book chapter

Art Strike panel at the Radical Philosophy conference, HKW, Berlin, Jan 2015
Martin, S. 2015. Art Strike panel at the Radical Philosophy conference, HKW, Berlin, Jan 2015.

Digital or visual media

Art strikes: an inventory
Martin, S. 2020. Art strikes: an inventory. UK Mute Publishing.


ART:FILM case studies: Elodie Pong & Richard Billingham
Billingham, R. 2014. ART:FILM case studies: Elodie Pong & Richard Billingham. Copenhagen International Documentary Film Festival. Copenhagen, Denmark 06 - 16 Nov 2014

Conference item

Artist and invited speaker at 'Revisiting History' exhibition and symposium
Billingham, R. 2015. Artist and invited speaker at 'Revisiting History' exhibition and symposium. Revisiting History. Hardwick Gallery, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham, UK 23 Oct - 03 Nov 2015

Conference item

Artistic communism – a sketch
Martin, S. 2009. Artistic communism – a sketch. Third Text. 23 (4), pp. 481-494.


Authorship, autobiography and the archive: Marilyn on Marilyn, television and documentary theory
Kerr, P. 2015. Authorship, autobiography and the archive: Marilyn on Marilyn, television and documentary theory. VIEW: Journal of European Television History and Culture. 4 (8), pp. 67-79.


Babel's network narrative: packaging a globalized art cinema
Kerr, P. 2010. Babel's network narrative: packaging a globalized art cinema. Transnational Cinemas. 1 (1), pp. 37-51.


Barbenheimer: mass appeal cinema and the evolution of the blockbuster
Mitchell, A., Backman Rogers, A., Harrington, E., Krämer, P., Radner, R., Sellier, G., Lake, K., Tyrer, B. and Bolton, L. 2024. Barbenheimer: mass appeal cinema and the evolution of the blockbuster. Australasian Journal of American Studies. 43 (1), pp. 119-150.


‘Becoming Hannibal’: Identification and transformation in queer horror television
Tyrer, B. 2020. ‘Becoming Hannibal’: Identification and transformation in queer horror television. in: Elliott-Smith, D. and Browning, J.E. (ed.) New Queer Horror Film and Television University of Wales Press.

Book chapter

Lakin, W. 2016. Bedrock.


Behind the screens: stories from the Covid vaccination programme in North Central London
Drakopoulou, S. and Allan, H. 2023. Behind the screens: stories from the Covid vaccination programme in North Central London. NHS.


Being there: detailing the city experience.
Bendon, H. and Thom, J. 2006. Being there: detailing the city experience. Hoopers Gallery, London and Urbis, Manchester

Show or exhibition

Beloved in London, ignored in New York: Starlight Express and We Will Rock You
Cottis, D. 2023. Beloved in London, ignored in New York: Starlight Express and We Will Rock You. in: The Oxford Handbook of the Global Stage Musical New York Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 429-448

Book chapter

Bettina von Zwehl: Made up Love Song
Brown, C. 2012. Bettina von Zwehl: Made up Love Song. Photomonitor.


Between subject and object: Classical Ballet, Foucault and the dancing body
Salgado Llopis, M. 2010. Between subject and object: Classical Ballet, Foucault and the dancing body. 1st Annual International Conference on Fine and Performing Arts. Athens, Greece 07 - 10 Jun 2010

Conference paper

Beyond the personal a new chapter in the work of Marjolaine Ryley
Brown, C. 2015. Beyond the personal a new chapter in the work of Marjolaine Ryley. in: The Thin Blue Line, The Deep Red Sea Explorations of Miscarriage and Pregnancy Loss UK NEPN (North East Photography Network) UK.

Book chapter

Beyond the surface: articulating the power of the performer
Salgado Llopis, M. 2010. Beyond the surface: articulating the power of the performer. Embodying Power: Work over time. Seattle, United States 18 2010 - 21 Nov 2012

Conference paper

Black Country
Billingham, R. 2004. Black Country. West Bromwich, UK The Public.

Authored Book

Body of songs: appendix
Wheele, B., Nunn, T. and Rundell, R. 2015. Body of songs: appendix.

Digital or visual media

Bond at the Olympics: On Her Majesty's (Public) Service [Blog post]
Cottis, D. 2020. Bond at the Olympics: On Her Majesty's (Public) Service [Blog post]. A MediaCommons project In Media Res.


Book Review: David McGowan, Animated Personalities: Cartoon Characters and Stardom in American Theatrical Shorts (University of Texas Press, 2019)
Summers, S. 2021. Book Review: David McGowan, Animated Personalities: Cartoon Characters and Stardom in American Theatrical Shorts (University of Texas Press, 2019). Open Screens. 4 (1), p. 13.


British landscape: four solo exhibitions
Billingham, R. 2015. British landscape: four solo exhibitions. Towner Art Gallery, Eastbourne, UK 25 Apr - 28 Jun 2015

Show or exhibition

Building a text for actors and AR (Backpages 32.1)
Charlton, J., Cottis, D. and Moar, M. 2022. Building a text for actors and AR (Backpages 32.1). Contemporary Theatre Review. 32 (1), pp. 112-115.


Camilla Brown: In the public domain - a curators perspective
Brown, C. 2017. Camilla Brown: In the public domain - a curators perspective. in: Read, S. and Simmons, M. (ed.) Photographers and Research: The role of research in contemporary photographic practice New York Routledge. pp. 246-256

Book chapter

Can multiple “spatial” virtual timelines convey the relatedness of chronological knowledge across parallel domains?
Korallo, L., Foreman, N., Boyd Davis, S., Moar, M. and Coulson, M. 2012. Can multiple “spatial” virtual timelines convey the relatedness of chronological knowledge across parallel domains? Computers and Education. 58 (2), pp. 856-862.


Can virtual environments enhance the learning of historical chronology?
Foreman, N., Boyd Davis, S., Moar, M., Korallo, L. and Chappell, E. 2008. Can virtual environments enhance the learning of historical chronology? Instructional Science. 36 (2), pp. 155-173.


Capitalist life in Lukács
Martin, S. 2011. Capitalist life in Lukács. in: Bewes, T. and Hall, T. (ed.) Georg Lukacs: the fundamental dissonance of existence aesthetics, politics, literature London Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd.

Book chapter

Capturing Middle England
Billingham, R. 2012. Capturing Middle England. Capturing Middle England. Ikon Gallery, Birmingham, UK 27 Jan 2012

Conference item

Carry On Kitchen Sink: the early Carry Ons as realist drama
Cottis, D. 2024. Carry On Kitchen Sink: the early Carry Ons as realist drama. Carry On Conferencing: Carry On and/as history. University of Warwick, UK 30 - 30 May 2024

Conference item

Case study: The apprentice’s sorcerer: television in/and the academy
Kerr, P. 2016. Case study: The apprentice’s sorcerer: television in/and the academy. in: Freeman, M. (ed.) Industrial Approaches to Media: A methodological gateway to industry studies Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 29-38

Book chapter

Character as medium; Don Quixote, Hamlet, Superman, Citizen Kane and the Doctor
Cottis, D. 2013. Character as medium; Don Quixote, Hamlet, Superman, Citizen Kane and the Doctor. Walking in Eternity: the first academic conference on Doctor Who. University of Hertfordshire

Conference paper

Children's creation of shared 3D worlds
Moar, M. and Bailey, F. 2001. Children's creation of shared 3D worlds. in: Vince, J. and Earnshaw, R. (ed.) Digital Content Creation London Springer. pp. 304-315

Book chapter

Clemence Dane's Broome Stages - novel and play
Cottis, D. 2022. Clemence Dane's Broome Stages - novel and play. From treading boards to the Book Society: Clemence Dane and her circle in the 1920s-1950s. Senate House, University of London 06 - 07 Oct 2022

Conference item

Martin, S. 2020. Commodity. in: Abse Gogarty, L. and Hemingway, A. (ed.) Keywords for Marxist Art History Today Göttingen V&R unipress GmbH.

Book chapter

Connected Campus for Creative Industries
McCaffrey, E. 2020. Connected Campus for Creative Industries. Connected Campus for Creative Industries. Zoom 08 Dec 2020

Conference item

Contextualizing flow in games
Salisbury, J. and Tomlinson, P. 2014. Contextualizing flow in games. DiGRA 2014 conference: “the of game”. Utah, USA 03 - 06 Aug 2014 Digital Games Research Association. pp. 1-14

Conference paper