Marketing, Enterprise & Tourism

TitleMarketing, Enterprise & Tourism
AlternativeBUS - Mkg Entrp & Tour
FacultyFaculty of Business and Law

Latest research outputs

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'Bootstrapping': the investment decision-making process in small firms
Ekanem, I. 2005. 'Bootstrapping': the investment decision-making process in small firms. The British Accounting Review. 37 (3), pp. 299-318.


'Insider accounts': a qualitative research method for small firms
Ekanem, I. 2007. 'Insider accounts': a qualitative research method for small firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 14 (1), pp. 105-117.


'Rio+25', the global compact in Brazil and opportunities presented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals
Moon, C. 2019. 'Rio+25', the global compact in Brazil and opportunities presented by the UN Sustainable Development Goals. in: Stehr, C., Dziatzko, N. and Struve, F. (ed.) Corporate Social Responsibility in Brazil: the future is now Cham, Switzerland Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. pp. 3-27

Book chapter

'Where do you want to go today?' An analysis of family group decisions to visit museums
Wu, K., Holmes, K. and Tribe, J. 2010. 'Where do you want to go today?' An analysis of family group decisions to visit museums. Journal of Marketing Management. 26 (7-8), pp. 706-726.


'You will like it!' Using open data to predict tourists' responses to a tourist attraction
Pantano, E., Priporas, C. and Stylos, N. 2017. 'You will like it!' Using open data to predict tourists' responses to a tourist attraction. Tourism Management. 60, pp. 430-438.


100 Global innovative sustainability projects: evaluation and implications for entrepreneurship education
Moon, C. 2017. 100 Global innovative sustainability projects: evaluation and implications for entrepreneurship education. 12th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE 2017). Novancia Business School Paris, France 21 - 22 Sep 2017 Academic Conferences International Limited (ACI). pp. 805-816

Conference paper

A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China
Tie, C., Holden, A. and Park, H. 2015. A 'reality of return': the case of the Sarawakian-Chinese visiting China. Tourism Management. 47, pp. 206-212.


A comparative study of visitors to urban, coastal and rural areas. Evidence from the Island of Crete
Andriotis, K. 2011. A comparative study of visitors to urban, coastal and rural areas. Evidence from the Island of Crete. European Journal of Tourism Research. 4 (2), pp. 93-108.


A comparison of marketing practices: perspectives first and second-generation UK South Asians.
McPherson, M. 2007. A comparison of marketing practices: perspectives first and second-generation UK South Asians. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 31 (2), pp. 174-186.


A comparison of marketing practices: perspectives from first and second generation UK South Asians
McPherson, M. 2007. A comparison of marketing practices: perspectives from first and second generation UK South Asians. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 31 (2), pp. 174-186.


A critical analysis of the symbolic significance of heritage tourism.
Park, H. and Stephenson, M. 2007. A critical analysis of the symbolic significance of heritage tourism. International Journal of Excellence in Tourism, Hospitality and Catering. 1 (2), pp. 39-67.


A cross-national study of evolutionary origins of gender shopping styles: she gatherer, he hunter?
Dennis, C., Brakus, J., Ferrer, G., McIntyre, C., Alamanos, E. and King, T. 2018. A cross-national study of evolutionary origins of gender shopping styles: she gatherer, he hunter? Journal of International Marketing. 26 (4), pp. 38-53.


A framework for the tourism planning process
Andriotis, K. 2007. A framework for the tourism planning process. in: Aparna, R. (ed.) Sustainability, profitability and successful tourism New Delhi Kanishka Publishers.

Book chapter

A fresh start and the learning experience of black and ethnic minority entrepreneurs
Ekanem, I. 2006. A fresh start and the learning experience of black and ethnic minority entrepreneurs. the 51st World Conference of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Melbourne, Australia 18 - 21 Jun 2006

Conference paper

A fresh start and the learning experience of ethnic minority enterpreneurs
Ekanem, I. and Wyer, P. 2007. A fresh start and the learning experience of ethnic minority enterpreneurs. International Journal of Consumer Studies. 31 (2), pp. 144-151.


A holistic framework of corporate website favourability
Ageeva, E., Foroudi, P., Melewar, T., Nguyen, B. and Dennis, C. 2020. A holistic framework of corporate website favourability. Corporate Reputation Review. 23 (3), pp. 201-214.


A land for all season: the effect of travelers' orientation on awareness, satisfaction, place image, and travelers' loyalty
Foroudi, P., Tajeddini, K. and Marvi, R. 2019. A land for all season: the effect of travelers' orientation on awareness, satisfaction, place image, and travelers' loyalty. in: Foroudi, P., Mauri, C., Dennis, C. and Melewar, T. (ed.) Place Branding: Connecting Tourist Experiences to Places Routledge. pp. 109-143

Book chapter

A mixed-methods investigation of work identity in waiting staff, and its impact on turnover intention
Jerez-Jerez, M., Foroudi, P. and Melewar, T. 2022. A mixed-methods investigation of work identity in waiting staff, and its impact on turnover intention. Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality and Tourism. 25 (3), pp. 570-595.


A model for evaluating the effectiveness of middle managers' training courses: evidence from a major banking organization in Greece
Galanou, E. and Priporas, C. 2009. A model for evaluating the effectiveness of middle managers' training courses: evidence from a major banking organization in Greece. International Journal of Training & Development. 13 (4), pp. 221-246.


A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles
McLeay, F., Olya, H., Liu, H., Jayawardhena, C. and Dennis, C. 2022. A multi-analytical approach to studying customers motivations to use innovative totally autonomous vehicles. Technological Forecasting and Social Change. 174.


A multi-level study of entrepreneurial characteristics, IPR, and the degree of internationalization
Jin, Z., Richard, L. and Li, T. 2020. A multi-level study of entrepreneurial characteristics, IPR, and the degree of internationalization. 80th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Vancouver 07 - 11 Aug 2020 Academy of Management (AOM).

Conference paper

A new approach to retailing for successful competition in the new smart scenario
Pantano, E., Priporas, C. and Dennis, C. 2018. A new approach to retailing for successful competition in the new smart scenario. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 46 (3), pp. 264-282.


A relationship marketing perspective in electronic banking: evidence from Greece
Argyriou, E., Melewar, T. and Meadows, M. 2005. A relationship marketing perspective in electronic banking: evidence from Greece. Journal of Euromarketing. 15 (1), pp. 47-73.


A review of the metaverse in higher education: opportunities, challenges and future research agenda
Ueno, A., Curtis, L., Wood, R., Al-Emran, M. and Yu, C. 2024. A review of the metaverse in higher education: opportunities, challenges and future research agenda. in: Al-Sharafi, M., Al-Emran, M., Tan, G. and Ooi, K. (ed.) Current and Future Trends on Intelligent Technology Adoption: Volume 2 Cham Springer. pp. 1-16

Book chapter

A social practice perspective of Ireland’s lobster cultural food heritage
Pauley, M. 2024. A social practice perspective of Ireland’s lobster cultural food heritage. Economia Agro-Alimentare Food Economy. 26 (2), pp. 1-34.


A technology-people-integrated toolkit for retail care management during a crisis
Priporas, C., Nagarajan Vellore, D. and Kamenidou, I. 2023. A technology-people-integrated toolkit for retail care management during a crisis. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 73.


Access to credit as a tool for overcoming SME failures: a case of Sub Saharan Africa
Hambayi, T. and Vedanthachari, L. 2017. Access to credit as a tool for overcoming SME failures: a case of Sub Saharan Africa. in: Ekanem, I. (ed.) Understanding Bankruptcy: Global Issues Perspectives and Challenges Nova Science Publishers. pp. 195-220

Book chapter

Advantage of low quality in short life cycle products
Sun, Y., Cai, H., Su, R. and Shen, Q. 2020. Advantage of low quality in short life cycle products. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics. 32 (5), pp. 1038-1054.


African entrepreneurs, financial literacy, debt and bankruptcy
Ekanem, I. 2014. African entrepreneurs, financial literacy, debt and bankruptcy. in: Nwankwo, S. and Ibeh, K. (ed.) The Routledge companion to business in Africa London Routledge. pp. 218-233

Book chapter

Age and gender effects on consumers’ awareness and source of awareness for food related private label brands
Tzimitra-Kalogianni, I., Kamenidou, I., Priporas, C. and Tziakas, V. 2002. Age and gender effects on consumers’ awareness and source of awareness for food related private label brands. Agricultural Economics Review. 3 (1), pp. 23-36.


Agentic misfit: an empirical demonstration of non-matching human agency amid complexity
Poulis, K., Poulis, E. and Jackson, P. 2021. Agentic misfit: an empirical demonstration of non-matching human agency amid complexity. Organization Studies. 42 (10), pp. 1603-1627.


Altruism in tourism: social exchange theory vs altruistic surplus phenomenon in host volunteering
Paraskevaidis, P. and Andriotis, K. 2017. Altruism in tourism: social exchange theory vs altruistic surplus phenomenon in host volunteering. Annals of Tourism Research. 62, pp. 26-37.


An analysis of visitor behaviour using time blocks: a study of ski destinations in Greece
Vassiliadis, C., Priporas, C. and Andronikidis, A. 2013. An analysis of visitor behaviour using time blocks: a study of ski destinations in Greece. Tourism Management. 34, pp. 61-70.


An assessment of brand experience knowledge literature: using bibliometric data to identify future research direction
Zha, D., Melewar, T., Foroudi, P. and Jin, Z. 2020. An assessment of brand experience knowledge literature: using bibliometric data to identify future research direction. International Journal of Management Reviews. 22 (3), pp. 287-317.


An assessment of customer experience concept: looking back to move forward
Zha, D., Marvi, R., Foroudi, P., Dennis, C., Ueno, A., Jin, Z. and Melewar, T. 2021. An assessment of customer experience concept: looking back to move forward. in: Melewar, T., Dennis, C. and Foroudi, P. (ed.) Building Corporate Identity, Image and Reputation in the Digital Era London Routledge. pp. 289-306

Book chapter

An ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace: heritage tourism and symbolic representations of national identity
Park, H. 2010. An ethnographic study of Changdeok Palace: heritage tourism and symbolic representations of national identity. Seoul Jimoondang.


An examination of strategy development and strategic management processes within growth-seeking small businesses
Donohoe, S. 2015. An examination of strategy development and strategic management processes within growth-seeking small businesses. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

An exploratory study of residents' perception of place image: the case of Kavala
Stylidis, D., Sit, J. and Biran, A. 2016. An exploratory study of residents' perception of place image: the case of Kavala. Journal of Travel Research. 55 (5), pp. 659-674.


An exploratory study of the upper middle-class consumer attitudes towards counterfeiting in China
Priporas, C., Chen, Y., Zhao, S. and Tan, H. 2020. An exploratory study of the upper middle-class consumer attitudes towards counterfeiting in China. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 53.


An integrated model of firms' brand likeability: antecedents and consequences
Nguyen, B., Choudhury, M. and Melewar, T. 2015. An integrated model of firms' brand likeability: antecedents and consequences. Journal of Strategic Marketing. 23 (2), pp. 122-140.
