Centre for Policing

TitleCentre for Policing
AlternativeBAL - Ctr Policing
FacultyFaculty of Business and Law

Latest research outputs

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"I wasn’t sure it was normal to watch it…”A quantitative and qualitative examination of the impact of online pornography on the values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of children and young people
Martellozzo, E., Monaghan, A., Adler, J., Davidson, J., Leyva, R. and Horvath, M. 2016. "I wasn’t sure it was normal to watch it…”A quantitative and qualitative examination of the impact of online pornography on the values, attitudes, beliefs and behaviours of children and young people. Middlesex University, NSPCC, OCC. https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.3382393

Project report

An unholy Trinity: the Church, the State, the Banks and the challenges for women mobilising for change in Nicaragua
Bradshaw, S. 2008. An unholy Trinity: the Church, the State, the Banks and the challenges for women mobilising for change in Nicaragua. IDS Bulletin. 39 (6), pp. 67-74. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1759-5436.2008.tb00513.x


Bridging the humanitarain-development divide
Bradshaw, S. and Plan International, UK 2013. Bridging the humanitarain-development divide. in: In Double Jeopardy: Adolescent girls and disasters', Because I am a Girl report: The state of the world's girls 2013 Plan International, UK.

Book chapter

Challenges and changes in gendered poverty: the feminization, de-feminization, and re-feminization of poverty in Latin America
Bradshaw, S., Chant, S. and Linneker, B. 2019. Challenges and changes in gendered poverty: the feminization, de-feminization, and re-feminization of poverty in Latin America. Feminist Economics. 25 (1), pp. 119-144. https://doi.org/10.1080/13545701.2018.1529417


Challenging poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion in Nicaragua: some considerations for poverty reduction strategies
Bradshaw, S. and Linneker, B. 2001. Challenging poverty, vulnerability and social exclusion in Nicaragua: some considerations for poverty reduction strategies. The Nicaraguan Academic Journal. 2 (2), pp. 186-224.


Challenging women's poverty: perspectives on gender and poverty reduction strategies from Nicaragua and Honduras.
Bradshaw, S. and Linneker, B. 2003. Challenging women's poverty: perspectives on gender and poverty reduction strategies from Nicaragua and Honduras. CIIR-ICD Briefing London.

Project report

Civil society responses to poverty reduction strategies in Nicaragua
Bradshaw, S. and Linneker, B. 2003. Civil society responses to poverty reduction strategies in Nicaragua. Progress in Development Studies. 3 (2), pp. 146-157. https://doi.org/10.1191/1464993403ps058ra


Content moderator coping strategies: associations with psychological distress, secondary trauma and wellbeing
Spence, R., Martellozzo, E. and DeMarco, J. 2024. Content moderator coping strategies: associations with psychological distress, secondary trauma and wellbeing. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications. https://doi.org/10.1027/1864-1105/a000454


Content moderator mental health, secondary trauma, and well-being: a cross-sectional study
Spence, R., Bifulco, A., Bradbury, P., Martellozzo, E. and DeMarco, J. 2024. Content moderator mental health, secondary trauma, and well-being: a cross-sectional study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 27 (2), pp. 149-155. https://doi.org/10.1089/cyber.2023.0298


Content moderators’ strategies for coping with the stress of moderating content online
Spence, R., Harrison, A., Bradbury, P., Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E. and DeMarco, J. 2023. Content moderators’ strategies for coping with the stress of moderating content online. Journal of Online Trust and Safety. 1 (5), pp. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.54501/jots.v1i5.91


Creating disaster risk and constructing gendered vulnerability
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Overton, L. 2022. Creating disaster risk and constructing gendered vulnerability. in: Bankoff, G. and Hilhorst, D. (ed.) Why Vulnerability Still Matters: The politics of disaster risk creation Taylor & Francis (Routledge). pp. 51-67

Book chapter

Cuidado y protección de menores contra el abuso sexual on line
Martellozzo, E. 2009. Cuidado y protección de menores contra el abuso sexual on line. Cuadernos de Seguridad. 11, pp. 151-181.


Cybercrime and its victims
Martellozzo, E. and Jane, E. (ed.) 2017. Cybercrime and its victims. Routledge.


Cycle of abuse
Martellozzo, E. and Taylor, H. 2009. Cycle of abuse. Index on Censorship. 38 (1), pp. 117-122. https://doi.org/10.1080/03064220902761106


Dangerous liaisons: women, men and Hurricane Mitch.
Bradshaw, S. 2001. Dangerous liaisons: women, men and Hurricane Mitch. Managua, Nicaragua Fundacion Puntos de Encuentro.


Decisiones económicas e intimas de las mujeres (Women's economic and intimate decisions)
Bradshaw, S. and Puntos de Encuentro, Managua, Nicaragua 2011. Decisiones económicas e intimas de las mujeres (Women's economic and intimate decisions). Puntos de Encuentro, Managua, Nicaragua.

Project report

Desafiando la pobreza: perspectivas de genero y estrategias para la reduccion de la pobreza en Nicaragua y Honduras
Bradshaw, S. and Linneker, B. 2003. Desafiando la pobreza: perspectivas de genero y estrategias para la reduccion de la pobreza en Nicaragua y Honduras. London CIIR-ICD.


Double disaster: disaster risk through a gender lens
Bradshaw, S. and Fordham, M. 2014. Double disaster: disaster risk through a gender lens. in: Collins, A., Jones, S., Manyena, B. and Jayawickrama, J. (ed.) Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society Elsevier. pp. 233-251

Book chapter

Engendering development and disasters
Bradshaw, S. 2014. Engendering development and disasters. Disasters. 39 (1), pp. s54-s75. https://doi.org/10.1111/disa.12111


Engendering disasters: feminization of response or a feminization of responsibility?
Bradshaw, S. 2009. Engendering disasters: feminization of response or a feminization of responsibility? Regional Development Dialogue. 30 (1), pp. 123-131.


Evaluación del avance y la implementación de la ERCERP en Nicaragua a dos años de su aprobación
Quirós Víquez, A., Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua 2003. Evaluación del avance y la implementación de la ERCERP en Nicaragua a dos años de su aprobación. Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua.

Project report

Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUKnow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge.
Davidson, J., Martellozzo, E. and Lorenz, M. 2009. Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUKnow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge. Centre for Abuse & Trauma Studies and Kingston University.


Evaluation of the development and implementation of the poverty reduction strategy in Nicaragua
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B., Quirós Víquez, A. and Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua 2004. Evaluation of the development and implementation of the poverty reduction strategy in Nicaragua. Managua, Nicaragua.

Project report

Exploring the gender dimensions of reconstruction processes post-hurricane Mitch.
Bradshaw, S. 2002. Exploring the gender dimensions of reconstruction processes post-hurricane Mitch. Journal of International Development. 14 (6), pp. 871-879. https://doi.org/10.1002/jid.932


Exploring the removal of online child sexual abuse material in the United Kingdom: processes and practice
Martellozzo, E. and DeMarco, J. 2020. Exploring the removal of online child sexual abuse material in the United Kingdom: processes and practice. Crime Prevention & Community Safety. 22 (4), pp. 331-350. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41300-020-00099-2


Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain
Davidson, J. and Martellozzo, E. 2013. Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain. Information, Communication and Society. 16 (9), pp. 1456-1476. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2012.701655


Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the Internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain
Davidson, J. and Martellozzo, E. 2013. Exploring young people's use of social networking sites and digital media in the Internet safety context: a comparison of the UK and Bahrain. Information, Communication and Society. 16 (9), pp. 1456-1476. https://doi.org/10.1080/1369118X.2012.701655


Extractive industries as sites of supernormal profits and supernormal patriarchy?
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Overton, L. 2017. Extractive industries as sites of supernormal profits and supernormal patriarchy? Gender & Development. 25 (3), pp. 439-454. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552074.2017.1379780


Extractivism and the engendering of disasters: disaster risk creation in the era of the Anthropocene
Bradshaw, S. 2024. Extractivism and the engendering of disasters: disaster risk creation in the era of the Anthropocene. Disaster Prevention and Management. 33 (3), pp. 194-205. https://doi.org/10.1108/DPM-06-2023-0146


Female-headed households in Honduras: perspectives on rural-urban differences
Bradshaw, S. 1995. Female-headed households in Honduras: perspectives on rural-urban differences. Third World Planning Review. 17 (2), pp. 117-131.


Feminisation or de-feminisation? Gendered experiences of poverty post-disaster
Bradshaw, S. 2010. Feminisation or de-feminisation? Gendered experiences of poverty post-disaster. in: Chant, S. (ed.) International Handbook on Gender and Poverty Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing . pp. 627-632

Book chapter

From structural adjustment to social adjustment: a gendered analysis of conditional cash transfer programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua
Bradshaw, S. 2008. From structural adjustment to social adjustment: a gendered analysis of conditional cash transfer programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua. Global Social Policy. 8 (2), pp. 188-207. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468018108090638


‘From Structural Adjustment to Social Adjustment: A Gendered Analysis of Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua’, Global Social Policy, 2008, 8, 2, 188–207.
Bradshaw, S. 2014. ‘From Structural Adjustment to Social Adjustment: A Gendered Analysis of Conditional Cash Transfer Programmes in Mexico and Nicaragua’, Global Social Policy, 2008, 8, 2, 188–207. in: Chant, S. and Beetham, G. (ed.) Gender, Poverty, and Development Abingdon, Oxon Routledge.

Book chapter

From the First to the Second Italian Republic in Catania (Sicily): politics, economy and society between cosmetic changes and deep continuities
Serrantino, G. 2021. From the First to the Second Italian Republic in Catania (Sicily): politics, economy and society between cosmetic changes and deep continuities. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Frontline response: exploring the impact of COVID‐19 on stalking behaviours
Short, E., Bradbury, P., Martellozzo, E., Frost, S. and Bleakley, P. 2022. Frontline response: exploring the impact of COVID‐19 on stalking behaviours. Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology. 37 (3), pp. 540-548. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11896-022-09514-w


Gender analysis in assessing the economic impacts of natural disasters.
Bradshaw, S. and Arenas, A. 2004. Gender analysis in assessing the economic impacts of natural disasters. CEPAL - Serie manuales.


Gender and environmental change in the developing world
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and International Institute for Environment and Development - IIED 2014. Gender and environmental change in the developing world. London International Institute for Environment and Development - IIED.

Project report

Gender and poverty: what we know, don’t know, and need to know for Agenda 2030
Bradshaw, S., Chant, S. and Linneker, B. 2017. Gender and poverty: what we know, don’t know, and need to know for Agenda 2030. Gender, Place and Culture. 24 (12), pp. 1667-1688. https://doi.org/10.1080/0966369X.2017.1395821


Gender and social accountability: ensuring women’s inclusion in citizen-led accountability programming relating to extractive industries. Oxfam America Research Backgrounder series (2016)
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Overton, L. 2016. Gender and social accountability: ensuring women’s inclusion in citizen-led accountability programming relating to extractive industries. Oxfam America Research Backgrounder series (2016). Oxfam America.

Working paper

Gender mainstreaming in poverty reduction strategies
Bradshaw, S., Quirós Víquez, A., Linneker, B. and Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud - CISAS 2004. Gender mainstreaming in poverty reduction strategies. Managua, Nicaragua Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud - CISAS.

Project report