Putting power back in the hands of people: Community-Owned Renewable Energy

TitlePutting power back in the hands of people: Community-Owned Renewable Energy
Event date07 to end of 07 May 2024
LocationWellspace Hackney, London, UK

Reimagine London Spring Panel - Putting power back in the hands of people: Community-Owned Renewable Energy

In a time when fossil fuel companies are still making massive profits, fuel poverty is still rising and the climate is collapsing, what can we do to disrupt this? What can we do to put power back in the hands of the people?

An answer is community-owned renewable energy.
Join Reimagine London for an evening panel event to find out what community-owned renewable energy is, how it works and how it provides a tangible, positive solution to many of the issues we are facing right now.

Our panel is made up from community energy groups, artists and policy experts to help us reimagine a vision for London, where all people and the natural world thrive in the city.