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Two feminist performances at and against the statue of John Bright, Rochdale, England
Kokoli, A. 2025. Two feminist performances at and against the statue of John Bright, Rochdale, England. in: Schmahmann, B. (ed.) Monumental Developments: Contemporary Approaches to Commemorative Public Art Taylor & Francis (Routledge).
Rigour and reality
Farmer, C. and Brain, A 2025. Rigour and reality. People Dancing.
Sensing, weathering, making, mushrooming: ecopedagogies with student teachers
de Rijke, V., Bailey, F. and Harding, C. 2025. Sensing, weathering, making, mushrooming: ecopedagogies with student teachers. Global Studies of Childhood. https://doi.org/10.1177/20436106241305384
A comparison of maximal isometric force in the first pull, transition and second pull of the clean and their contribution to predict performance in national and international level weightlifters
Joffe, S.A., Chavda, S., Gilham, J., Sandercock, G.R.H. and Tallent, J. 2025. A comparison of maximal isometric force in the first pull, transition and second pull of the clean and their contribution to predict performance in national and international level weightlifters. Sports Biomechanics. https://doi.org/10.1080/14763141.2025.2458478
Overcoming obstacles in global requirements elicitation: a multicultural perspective
Siakas, K., Georgiadou, E., Rahanu, H., Siakas, E., Meggoudis, N. and Siakas, D. 2024. Overcoming obstacles in global requirements elicitation: a multicultural perspective. Journal of Software Engineering Research and Development. 12 (1), pp. 6:1-6:27. https://doi.org/10.5753/jserd.2024.2552