2nd International Workshop on Digital Twin Engineering at Practice of Enterprise Modelling 2023

Title2nd International Workshop on Digital Twin Engineering at Practice of Enterprise Modelling 2023
Event date29 Nov 2023 to end of 01 Dec 2023
LocationVienna, Austria
Web address (URL)https://conferences.big.tuwien.ac.at/poem2023/

As of the growing interest in gestating digital twins for planning and operating long-living, complex cyber-physical assets, information systems research is now faced with new challenges to develop applicable and profitable methodologies and frameworks for engineering and maintaining these virtual replicas of cyber-physical assets for various industrial domains. A potential remedy lies in tight collaboration with industrial and economic stakeholders for devising tangible application scenarios to drive the actual gestation of digital twins by providing a basis for practical requirements elicitation. The goal of this workshop thence is to provide a seminal platform for discussing current progress and state-of-the-art in digital twin engineering and emerging application areas as well as challenges ahead of the ongoing digitalization of our society and industry.