Withdrawal from Afghanistan Fifth Report of Session 2022–23

Impact typePolitical
TitleWithdrawal from Afghanistan Fifth Report of Session 2022–23
ParticipantsDr Neelam Raina

Evidence submitted by Raina, N and Blitz, B, as co-founders of the Afghan Solidarity Coalition to the Defence Select Committee in Nov 2021 - released as a final report in Feb 2023.

Defence Committees in previous Parliaments have conducted several inquiries into the UK’s involvement in Afghanistan since 2001.2 Their reports have focussed on UK support for Afghan interpreters and other locally employed civilians, alongside more general reports on the UK deployment to Afghanistan and international efforts to secure the future of the country.
Our inquiry into the withdrawal from Afghanistan was launched on 9 September 2021, 12 days after the last British military personnel left the country.3 During the intervening period the withdrawal and evacuation received media and parliamentary attention on a scale not seen in recent years. This brought the conflict to public attention and led to widespread questioning of how British, and wider NATO, involvement in the country ended in the manner it did.

KeywordsAfghanistan UK withdrawal
Sustainable Development Goals16 Peace, justice and strong institutions
Impact stageComplete
DatesNov 2021 to end of Feb 2023
Underpinning researchGCRF Gender, Justice and Security Hub
Web address (URL)https://committees.parliament.uk/publications/33946/documents/186082/default/