Description | BREXICUTED - A six minute animated film directed and written by Chris Shepherd Autour de Minuit presents In co-production with ARTE France With the participation of the CNC – Aide au programme de production. Film commissioned by French TV station Arte and will be transmitted in 2019. Festival Selections: 2018 Edinburgh International Film Festival, Scotland 2018 BFI London Film Festival, London, UK 2018 Vagabond Film Festival, Milton Keynes, UK 2018 Séances À Venir. Cinematheque Française, Paris, France 2018 Bucheon International Animation Festival, South Korea 2018 Encounters International Film Festival, Bristol, UK 2018 Banjaluka Interantional Animation Festival, Bosnia and Herzegovina 2018 Liverpool Film Festival, UK 2018 London International Animation Festival, UK Voices by Jean Boht, Steve Furst, Marie Lawrence, Tom Hillenbrand, Carolina Valdes Written and Directed by Chris Shepherd Music by Carl Davis Design by Simon Spilsbury Sound Design and Mix by Andy Humphreys Producer Nicolas Schmerkin Associate Producer Abigail Addison Production Manager Emilie Schmerkin Production Coordinator Jane Chignon Production Assistants Maëlise Bret, Pauline Ginot, Clémence Jacquot Animation by Kate Anderson, Barry Evans, Martha Halliday, Matt King, Hannah McNally, Dorota Makarzec, Charlie Nathan Neville, Lynne Pritchard, James Newport Chris Shepherd, Alan Warburton. Score Mixed by Trystan Francis Music Engineer Mat Bartram Protools Recordist Chris ParkerScore mixed at Chris Egan Music London Score recorded at Angel Studios London Music performed by The Chamber Orchestra of London Horn Corinne Bailey Trumpets Mike Lovatt & Pat White Tenor Trombone Gordon Campbell Tuba Nick Etheridge Percussion Rob Farrer & Julian Poole (c) Autour De Minuit/Arte 2018 |