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2385 results found
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A proposed typology of online hate crime
Jacks, W. and Adler, J. 2015. A proposed typology of online hate crime. Open Access Journal of Forensic Psychology. 7, pp. 64-89.


“Pleasure stolen from the poor”: community discourse on the ‘theft’ of a Banksy
Hansen, S. 2016. “Pleasure stolen from the poor”: community discourse on the ‘theft’ of a Banksy. Crime Media Culture. 12 (3), pp. 289-307.


Sustainability and gender equality: exploring the post-2015 sustainable development agenda
Bradshaw, S. 2015. Sustainability and gender equality: exploring the post-2015 sustainable development agenda. in: Nightingale, A. and Böhler, T. (ed.) Environment and Sustainability in a Globalizing World London Routledge.

Book chapter

Gendered rights in the post-2015 development and disasters agendas
Bradshaw, S. 2015. Gendered rights in the post-2015 development and disasters agendas. IDS Bulletin. 46 (4), pp. 59-65.


On the Beat
Slonims, N. 2014. On the Beat. Bishop's Stortford Museum

Show or exhibition

On the beat
Slonims, N. Turner, S. (ed.) 2014. On the beat. London UK Bishop's Stortford Museum.


Gender mainstreaming in poverty reduction strategies
Bradshaw, S., Quirós Víquez, A., Linneker, B. and Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud - CISAS 2004. Gender mainstreaming in poverty reduction strategies. Managua, Nicaragua Centro de Información y Servicios de Asesoría en Salud - CISAS.

Project report

The changing nature of change: a Nicaraguan feminist experience
Bradshaw, S., Solorzano, I., Bank, A. and Proceedings of the World Congress on Communication for Development 2007. The changing nature of change: a Nicaraguan feminist experience. Rome Proceedings of the World Congress on Communication for Development.

Project report

Women and girls in disasters
Bradshaw, S., Fordham, M. and Department for International Development - DFID, UK 2013. Women and girls in disasters. London Department for International Development - DFID.

Project report

Bridging the humanitarain-development divide
Bradshaw, S. and Plan International, UK 2013. Bridging the humanitarain-development divide. in: In Double Jeopardy: Adolescent girls and disasters', Because I am a Girl report: The state of the world's girls 2013 Plan International, UK.

Book chapter

Gender and environmental change in the developing world
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and International Institute for Environment and Development - IIED 2014. Gender and environmental change in the developing world. London International Institute for Environment and Development - IIED.

Project report

Women in Chilean rural society
Bradshaw, S. 1990. Women in Chilean rural society. in: Hojman, D. (ed.) Neo-liberal agriculture in rural Chile London Macmillan. pp. 110-126

Book chapter

Las mujeres en Nicaragua, la pobreza y como se pretende reducirla
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B., Quirós Víquez, A. and GTZ 2003. Las mujeres en Nicaragua, la pobreza y como se pretende reducirla. in: Reducción de la Pobreza, Gobernabilidad Democrática y Equidad de Genero Managua, Nicaragua GTZ.

Book chapter

Feminisation or de-feminisation? Gendered experiences of poverty post-disaster
Bradshaw, S. 2010. Feminisation or de-feminisation? Gendered experiences of poverty post-disaster. in: Chant, S. (ed.) International Handbook on Gender and Poverty Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing . pp. 627-632

Book chapter

Double disaster: disaster risk through a gender lens
Bradshaw, S. and Fordham, M. 2014. Double disaster: disaster risk through a gender lens. in: Collins, A., Jones, S., Manyena, B. and Jayawickrama, J. (ed.) Hazards, Risks and Disasters in Society Elsevier. pp. 233-251

Book chapter

Female-headed households in Honduras: perspectives on rural-urban differences
Bradshaw, S. 1995. Female-headed households in Honduras: perspectives on rural-urban differences. Third World Planning Review. 17 (2), pp. 117-131.


Engendering development and disasters
Bradshaw, S. 2014. Engendering development and disasters. Disasters. 39 (1), pp. s54-s75.


Utopian youth justice?
Porteous, D. 2014. Utopian youth justice?


Delivering alcohol IBA: broadening the base from health to non-health contexts: review of the literature and scoping
Thom, B., Herring, R., Luger, L., Annand, F., Alcohol Research UK and Middlesex University 2014. Delivering alcohol IBA: broadening the base from health to non-health contexts: review of the literature and scoping. London Alcohol Research UK.

Project report

Questioning while walking: the ‘disobedient movement’, and the centro sociale revolta in Italy
Montagna, N. 2005. Questioning while walking: the ‘disobedient movement’, and the centro sociale revolta in Italy. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Health & Social Science

PhD thesis

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