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2388 results found
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Terrorism and contagion theory: examining the influence of ISIS on Boko Haram (2012-2016)
Ejime, R. 2022. Terrorism and contagion theory: examining the influence of ISIS on Boko Haram (2012-2016). PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Smart technologies and beyond: exploring how a smart band can assist in monitoring children’s independent mobility & well-being
Mistry, K. 2022. Smart technologies and beyond: exploring how a smart band can assist in monitoring children’s independent mobility & well-being. Masters thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

Masters thesis

The impact of competition and internal corporate governance mechanism on bank performance: the case of North American and European countries
Ajao, T. 2022. The impact of competition and internal corporate governance mechanism on bank performance: the case of North American and European countries. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Czech mission: identity of Czech protestant missionaries in their interaction with Slavs in former Yugoslavia countries
Symon, D. 2022. Czech mission: identity of Czech protestant missionaries in their interaction with Slavs in former Yugoslavia countries. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

A blessing or a curse? An anatomy of the Republic of Cyprus energy program
Papasavvas, S. 2022. A blessing or a curse? An anatomy of the Republic of Cyprus energy program. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Introducing a framework for improving competitive programming education for the Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics
Eracleous, P. 2022. Introducing a framework for improving competitive programming education for the Cyprus Olympiad in Informatics. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

Exploring the use of coaching for the development of Saudi Arabian healthcare managers through the perspectives of coaches, coachees and coaching sponsors
Sienko, K. 2022. Exploring the use of coaching for the development of Saudi Arabian healthcare managers through the perspectives of coaches, coachees and coaching sponsors. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

The rise of the stylist – London 1980-1985: etymology, social history and status
Clarke, P. 2022. The rise of the stylist – London 1980-1985: etymology, social history and status. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Revisiting restorative justice: exploring restorative justice and its practices in the further education sector
Zaman, A. 2022. Revisiting restorative justice: exploring restorative justice and its practices in the further education sector. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

For better or worse: a phenomenological study of the meaning of marriage amongst Nigerian women in monogamous marriages
Abdul, Z.O. 2021. For better or worse: a phenomenological study of the meaning of marriage amongst Nigerian women in monogamous marriages. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Somatic murmurs: a narrative inquiry into how women with low libido in long-term relationships experience sensate focus
McCulley, M.C. 2021. Somatic murmurs: a narrative inquiry into how women with low libido in long-term relationships experience sensate focus. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Best practices for the global commodity market within the functional disciplines of trading and risk management
James, T.G. 2021. Best practices for the global commodity market within the functional disciplines of trading and risk management. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

PhD thesis

An analysis of families of African origin, who feel at risk of accusations of abuse, whether investigated or not, and stakeholders’ perspectives
Mwanaka, S. 2021. An analysis of families of African origin, who feel at risk of accusations of abuse, whether investigated or not, and stakeholders’ perspectives. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Exploring the impact of sexual addiction and compulsive sexual behaviour on couples’ relationships
Hudson, R. 2021. Exploring the impact of sexual addiction and compulsive sexual behaviour on couples’ relationships. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Weapons trade, human rights and international law
Wood, B. 2021. Weapons trade, human rights and international law. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Unveiling a blind spot... a moment of truth. Psychotherapists’ lived experience of psychological blind spots and moments of self-awareness: findings from a hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry
McGovern, M. 2021. Unveiling a blind spot... a moment of truth. Psychotherapists’ lived experience of psychological blind spots and moments of self-awareness: findings from a hermeneutic phenomenological enquiry. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

‘You have to re-orientate to this new terrain’: emotional wellbeing in parents of children with a learning and/or developmental disability
Griffin, J. 2021. ‘You have to re-orientate to this new terrain’: emotional wellbeing in parents of children with a learning and/or developmental disability. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Impact of automation: evaluation of the implementation of diagnostic automation into the bacteriology laboratory as part of pathology modernisation
Mohammad, G. 2021. Impact of automation: evaluation of the implementation of diagnostic automation into the bacteriology laboratory as part of pathology modernisation. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

Lèse-majesté: the implications of the example of Turkey in a European context
Aytekin Kaan, K. 2021. Lèse-majesté: the implications of the example of Turkey in a European context. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Guts, brains, complexity and creativity: immersive living and learning through the critical lens of first-person inquiry
Toribio-Mateas, M. 2021. Guts, brains, complexity and creativity: immersive living and learning through the critical lens of first-person inquiry. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

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