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Peer mentors as a transitional and emerging position in alcohol and drug services
Soondar, A. 2023. Peer mentors as a transitional and emerging position in alcohol and drug services. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationPhD thesis
Self-determination of peoples in the context of supranational governance
Benziger, F. 2023. Self-determination of peoples in the context of supranational governance. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of LawPhD thesis
Inhibition of the autophagy pathway modulates osteosarcoma chemoresistance
Pereira, J. 2023. Inhibition of the autophagy pathway modulates osteosarcoma chemoresistance. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural SciencesPhD thesis
An exploration into positive emotions following bereavement – relief and guilt
Langdon, J. 2023. An exploration into positive emotions following bereavement – relief and guilt. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Arab Protestant women in theological education: a contribution to ecclesial understanding of Christianity in the Middle East
Al-Zoughbi, G. 2023. Arab Protestant women in theological education: a contribution to ecclesial understanding of Christianity in the Middle East. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawPhD thesis
Adoption: exploring a neglected doctrine of salvation
Shek, J. 2023. Adoption: exploring a neglected doctrine of salvation. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawMasters thesis
The transition towards becoming an analytics-driven bank: an action research investigation into the users’ perspective to the end of enhancing the adoption of interactive analysis applications
Özel, M. 2023. The transition towards becoming an analytics-driven bank: an action research investigation into the users’ perspective to the end of enhancing the adoption of interactive analysis applications. DBA thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolDBA thesis
The development of the right to education in international law
Al-Awawdeh, I. 2023. The development of the right to education in international law. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of LawPhD thesis
The bridge between technique and presence: an inquiry into the lived experience of group leader presence
McLean, A. 2023. The bridge between technique and presence: an inquiry into the lived experience of group leader presence. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationDProf thesis
An invitation to thought: ambiguity in the apologetic of C. S. Lewis
Cokenour, T. 2023. An invitation to thought: ambiguity in the apologetic of C. S. Lewis. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawPhD thesis
An exploration of how integrative therapists working with clients presenting with complex trauma use EMDR as part of their practice: a grounded theory study
Heath-Tilford, K. 2023. An exploration of how integrative therapists working with clients presenting with complex trauma use EMDR as part of their practice: a grounded theory study. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Psychological factors in acquiring expertise in tennis: evidence from expert and non-expert tennis players and coaches
Williams, F. 2023. Psychological factors in acquiring expertise in tennis: evidence from expert and non-expert tennis players and coaches. PhD thesis Middlesex University PsychologyPhD thesis
The ‘hybrid image practitioner’ in Hong Kong; a critical review of technological developments and their impact on simultaneous creation of still and moving images
Curran, J. 2023. The ‘hybrid image practitioner’ in Hong Kong; a critical review of technological developments and their impact on simultaneous creation of still and moving images. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolDProf thesis
Investigating UK academics’ professional social media use: a qualitative analysis using the lenses of digital literacy, UTAUT and the concept of boundary work
Sathish, C. 2023. Investigating UK academics’ professional social media use: a qualitative analysis using the lenses of digital literacy, UTAUT and the concept of boundary work. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative IndustriesPhD thesis
Spatio-temporal modelling of breast cancer incidence between 2000 and 2021 at sub-national levels in Iran: Bayesian disease mapping
Rahimzadeh, S. 2023. Spatio-temporal modelling of breast cancer incidence between 2000 and 2021 at sub-national levels in Iran: Bayesian disease mapping. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural SciencesPhD thesis
Therapists’ experiences of helplessness; an interpretative phenomenological exploration of the experiences of Egyptian cognitive behavioral practitioners
Eid, F. 2023. Therapists’ experiences of helplessness; an interpretative phenomenological exploration of the experiences of Egyptian cognitive behavioral practitioners. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
A phenomenological inquiry into how transcendent experiences among existential therapists influence their practice
Aug, J. 2023. A phenomenological inquiry into how transcendent experiences among existential therapists influence their practice. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Change management for adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction industry
Low, H. 2023. Change management for adoption of Building Information Modelling (BIM) in the construction industry. DProf thesis Middlesex University Institute for Work Based LearningDProf thesis
A study of an emerging missions movement in urban China: from the perspective of four Beijing pastors
Ro, D. 2023. A study of an emerging missions movement in urban China: from the perspective of four Beijing pastors. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
A life in social entrepreneurship: exploring my learning, beliefs and my future through autoethnographical, institutional, motivational and critical lenses
Dearden-Phillips, C. 2023. A life in social entrepreneurship: exploring my learning, beliefs and my future through autoethnographical, institutional, motivational and critical lenses. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolDProf thesis