Prof Laurent Pech

NameProf Laurent Pech
Job titleProfessor and Head of Department Law
Research institute
Primary appointmentLaw and Social Sciences
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

The rule of law as a well‑established and well‑defined principle of EU law

Pech, L. 2022. The rule of law as a well‑established and well‑defined principle of EU law. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 14 (2-3), pp. 107-138.

The Commission 2021 rule of law report and the EU monitoring and enforcement of Article 2 TEU values

Pech, L., Bard, P. and Directorate-General for Internal Policies of the Union (European Parliament) 2022. The Commission 2021 rule of law report and the EU monitoring and enforcement of Article 2 TEU values. Brussels European Union.

Right to an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law under Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Pech, L. 2021. Right to an independent and impartial tribunal previously established by law under Article 47 of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. in: Peers, S., Hervey, T., Kenner, J. and Ward, A. (ed.) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary United Kingdom Hart/Beck.

Respect for the rule of law in the case law of the European Court of Justice: a casebook overview of key judgments since the Portuguese Judges Case

Pech, L. and Kochenov, D. 2021. Respect for the rule of law in the case law of the European Court of Justice: a casebook overview of key judgments since the Portuguese Judges Case. Stockholm, Sweden Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies.

The rule of law

Pech, L. 2021. The rule of law. in: Craig, P. and de Búrca, G. (ed.) The Evolution of EU Law UK Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 307-338

Poland’s rule of law breakdown: a five-year assessment of EU’s (in)action

Pech, L., Wachowiec, P. and Mazur, D. 2021. Poland’s rule of law breakdown: a five-year assessment of EU’s (in)action. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law. 13 (1), pp. 1-43.

Dealing with ‘fake judges’ under EU Law: Poland as a case study in light of the Court of Justice’s ruling of 26 March 2020 in Simpson and HG

Pech, L. 2020. Dealing with ‘fake judges’ under EU Law: Poland as a case study in light of the Court of Justice’s ruling of 26 March 2020 in Simpson and HG. Leuven, Belgium RECONNECT.

EU external Human Rights policy

Pech, L. and Grogan, J. 2020. EU external Human Rights policy. in: Wessel, R. and Larik, J. (ed.) EU External Relations Law: text, cases and materials Oxford, UK Hart Publishing. pp. 327-364

Upholding the rule of law in the EU: what role for the FRA?

Pech, L. and Grogan, J. 2019. Upholding the rule of law in the EU: what role for the FRA? in: Byrne, R. and Entzinger, H. (ed.) Human Rights Law and Evidence-Based Policy: The Impact of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency London, UK Routledge. pp. 219-236

Why autocrats love constitutional identity and constitutional pluralism: Lessons from Hungary and Poland

Kelemen, R. and Pech, L. 2018. Why autocrats love constitutional identity and constitutional pluralism: Lessons from Hungary and Poland. Leuven European Commission.

The uses and abuses of constitutional pluralism: undermining the rule of law in the name of constitutional identity in Hungary and Poland

Kelemen, R. and Pech, L. 2019. The uses and abuses of constitutional pluralism: undermining the rule of law in the name of constitutional identity in Hungary and Poland. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies. 21, pp. 59-74.

How to build and consolidate a partly free pseudo democracy by constitutional means in three steps: the 'Hungarian model'

Bard, P. and Pech, L. 2019. How to build and consolidate a partly free pseudo democracy by constitutional means in three steps: the 'Hungarian model'. Leuven European Commission.

A. Court of Justice. Judicial independence under threat: the Court of Justice to the rescue

Pech, L. and Platon, S. 2018. A. Court of Justice. Judicial independence under threat: the Court of Justice to the rescue. Common Market Law Review. 55 (6), pp. 1827-1854.

The rule of law and the European Union

Magen, A. and Pech, L. 2018. The rule of law and the European Union. in: May, C. and Winchester, A. (ed.) Handbook on the rule of law United Kingdom Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 235-256

European Issues 451: systemic threats to the rule of law in Poland: between action and procrastination

Pech, L. and Platon, S. 2017. European Issues 451: systemic threats to the rule of law in Poland: between action and procrastination. Paris Fondation Robert Schumann.

Illiberalism within: rule of law backsliding in the EU

Pech, L. and Scheppele, K. 2017. Illiberalism within: rule of law backsliding in the EU. Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies. 19, pp. 3-47.

Respect for human rights as a general objective of the EU's external action

Egan, A. and Pech, L. 2017. Respect for human rights as a general objective of the EU's external action. in: Douglas-Scott, S. (ed.) Research handbook on EU law and Human Rights Edward Elgar Publishing . pp. 243-266

Thinking justice outside the docket: a critical assessment of the reform of the EU's court system

Alemanno, A. and Pech, L. 2017. Thinking justice outside the docket: a critical assessment of the reform of the EU's court system. Common Market Law Review. 54 (1), pp. 129-175.

Better late than never? On then European Commission's Rule of Law Framework and its first activation

Kochenov, D. and Pech, L. 2016. Better late than never? On then European Commission's Rule of Law Framework and its first activation. JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies. 54 (5), pp. 1062-1074.

An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. Annex I - An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental right

Pech, L., Wennerström, E., Leigh, V., Markowska, A., De Keyser, L., Gómez Rojo, A., Spanikova, H. and Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (European Parliament) 2016. An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental rights. Annex I - An EU mechanism on democracy, the rule of law and fundamental right. Brussels European Union.

L'experience anglaise dans le domaine de l'education juridique transnationale

Pech, L. 2016. L'experience anglaise dans le domaine de l'education juridique transnationale. in: Ponthroeau, M. (ed.) La denationalisation de l'enseignement du droit: comparison des experiences Paris Institut Universitaire Varenne - LGDJ. pp. 103-120

Ni panacée, ni gadget: Le nouveau cadre de l’Union européenne pour renforcer l’Etat de droit

Kochenov, D., Pech, L. and Platon, S. 2015. Ni panacée, ni gadget: Le nouveau cadre de l’Union européenne pour renforcer l’Etat de droit. Revue Trimestrielle de Droit Européen. 4, pp. 689-714.

Monitoring and enforcement of the rule of law in the EU: rhetoric and reality

Kochenov, D. and Pech, L. 2015. Monitoring and enforcement of the rule of law in the EU: rhetoric and reality. European Constitutional Law Review. 11 (3), pp. 512-540.

The EU as a global rule of law promoter: the consistency and effectiveness challenges

Pech, L. 2016. The EU as a global rule of law promoter: the consistency and effectiveness challenges. Asia Europe Journal. 14 (1), pp. 7-24.

La liberte d'expression des agents publics (Freedom of expression of civil servants in French, EU and EHCR law)

Pech, L. 2012. La liberte d'expression des agents publics (Freedom of expression of civil servants in French, EU and EHCR law). Juris-Classeur Fonctions Publiques.

Renforcer le respect de l’Etat de droit dans l’UE: Regards critiques sur les nouveaux mécanismes proposes par la Commission et le Conseil = Upholding the rule of law in the EU: on the Commission's 'pre-article 7 procedure' as a timid step in the right direction

Kochenov, D. and Pech, L. 2015. Renforcer le respect de l’Etat de droit dans l’UE: Regards critiques sur les nouveaux mécanismes proposes par la Commission et le Conseil = Upholding the rule of law in the EU: on the Commission's 'pre-article 7 procedure' as a timid step in the right direction. European Issues.

Upholding the rule of law in the EU : on the Commission's 'pre-article 7 procedure' as a timid step in the right direction

Kochenov, D. and Pech, L. 2015. Upholding the rule of law in the EU : on the Commission's 'pre-article 7 procedure' as a timid step in the right direction. EUI RSCAS. 2015 (24), pp. 1-16.

Libertad de expresión, viñetas y blasfemia en Francia

Keane, D. and Pech, L. 2015. Libertad de expresión, viñetas y blasfemia en Francia. Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica. 15 (2).

France’s burning issue: understanding the urban riots of November 2005

Canet, R., Pech, L. and Stewart, M. 2015. France’s burning issue: understanding the urban riots of November 2005. in: Davis, M. (ed.) Crowd Actions in Britain and France from the Middle Ages to the Modern World London Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 270-292

Article 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial

Aalto, P., Hofmann, H., Holopainen, L., Paunio, E., Pech, L., Sayers, D., Shelton, D. and Ward, A. 2014. Article 47 - Right to an effective remedy and to a fair trial. in: Peers, S., Hervey, T., Kenner, J. and Ward, A. (ed.) The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: A Commentary Oxford Hart. pp. 1196-1275

The EU as a rule of law exporter: the consistency and effectiveness challenges

Pech, L. and Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies 2014. The EU as a rule of law exporter: the consistency and effectiveness challenges. The Rule of Law as a Strategic Priority in the EU’s External Action – ROLA Workshop. Leuven Irish College, Belgium 27 - 28 Feb 2014

Secret de la défense nationale [access to and publication of state secrets in French and European Law]

Pech, L. 2014. Secret de la défense nationale [access to and publication of state secrets in French and European Law]. Juris-Classeur Communication.

Migration of constitutional principles: the rule of law as a case study

Pech, L. 2013. Migration of constitutional principles: the rule of law as a case study. European and National Constitutional Law (EuNaCon). Maastricht University, Netherlands 22 Feb 2013

The ECJ at 60: still fit for purpose?

Pech, L. 2013. The ECJ at 60: still fit for purpose? Current challenges for EU law - New views, new inspirations. Noordwijk, Netherlands 26 - 27 Apr 2013

The reach of EU fundamental rights on member state action after Lisbon

Pech, L., Groussot, X. and Pertursson, G. 2013. The reach of EU fundamental rights on member state action after Lisbon. in: De Vires, S., Bernitz, U. and Weatherhill, S. (ed.) The protection of fundamental rights in the EU after Lisbon Hart. pp. 97-118

The European Union treaties and the North American Free Trade Agreement as supranational constitutions

Pech, L. and Donoghue, A. 2013. The European Union treaties and the North American Free Trade Agreement as supranational constitutions. in: Hemon, J. (ed.) Les intégrations régionales: Une approche comparative Paris Octares. pp. 85-101

Promoting the rule of law abroad: on the EU’s limited contribution to the shaping of an international understanding of the rule of law

Pech, L. 2013. Promoting the rule of law abroad: on the EU’s limited contribution to the shaping of an international understanding of the rule of law. in: Amtenbrink, F. and Kochenov, D. (ed.) The EU’s shaping of the international legal order Cambridge University Press (CUP). pp. 108-129

The ule of law and the European Union

Pech, L. 2012. The ule of law and the European Union. The EU after the Lisbon Treaty: A quasi- constitutional framework to be revised?. Faculty of Law Bologna 15 Nov 2012

The CJEU as the guardian of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights

Pech, L. 2012. The CJEU as the guardian of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Annual conference on EU asylum law 2012. Malta 29 Oct 2012

Internet et les conflits de juridictions

Pech, L. 2012. Internet et les conflits de juridictions. L'affaire: Journal de l'Institut de Droit des Affaires (AJIDA). 2012 (2), pp. 36-38.

Lois mémorielles et liberté d’expression: de la controverse à l’ambiguïté Note sous la décision du Conseil constitutionnel n° 2012-647 DC du 28 Février 2012

Pech, L. 2012. Lois mémorielles et liberté d’expression: de la controverse à l’ambiguïté Note sous la décision du Conseil constitutionnel n° 2012-647 DC du 28 Février 2012. Revue Française de Droit Constitutionnel.

Infringements of personality rights by means of the internet

Pech, L. 2012. Infringements of personality rights by means of the internet. Revue Lamy Droit de l'Immateriel. 78 (2600), pp. 38-43.

The rule of law as a guiding principle of the EU's external action

Pech, L. 2012. The rule of law as a guiding principle of the EU's external action. Centre for the Law of EU External Relations.

The institutional development of the EU: a case of plus ca change…?

Pech, L. 2012. The institutional development of the EU: a case of plus ca change…? in: Countouris, N., Ashiagbor, D. and Lianos, I. (ed.) The EU after the Treaty of Lisbon Cambridge Cambridge University Press (CUP). pp. 1-46

Between judicial minimalism and avoidance: the Court of Justice’s sidestepping of fundamental constitutional issues in Römer and Dominguez

Pech, L. 2012. Between judicial minimalism and avoidance: the Court of Justice’s sidestepping of fundamental constitutional issues in Römer and Dominguez. Common Market Law Review. 49 (6), pp. 1841-1880.

EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: a legal assessment of the draft accession agreement of 14 October 2011

Pech, L., Groussot, X. and Lock, T. 2011. EU accession to the European Convention on Human Rights: a legal assessment of the draft accession agreement of 14 October 2011. Fondation Robert Schuman.

The law of Holocaust denial in Europe: toward a (qualified) EU-wide criminal prohibition

Pech, L. 2011. The law of Holocaust denial in Europe: toward a (qualified) EU-wide criminal prohibition. in: Hochmann, T. and Hennebel, L. (ed.) Genocide denials and the law Oxford Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 185-234

The scope of application of EU fundamental rights on member states’ action: in search of certainty in EU adjudication

Groussot, X., Pech, L. and Petursson, G. 2011. The scope of application of EU fundamental rights on member states’ action: in search of certainty in EU adjudication. Czech Society for European and Comparative Law.

A union founded on the rule of law: meaning and reality of the rule of law as a constitutional principle of EU law

Pech, L. 2010. A union founded on the rule of law: meaning and reality of the rule of law as a constitutional principle of EU law. European Constitutional Law Review. 6 (03), pp. 359-396.

La liberte d'expression: apercus de droit compare

Pech, L. 2010. La liberte d'expression: apercus de droit compare. Juris-Classeur Communication.

Fundamental rights protection in the EU post Lisbon Treaty

Pech, L. and Groussot, X. 2010. Fundamental rights protection in the EU post Lisbon Treaty. Fondation Robert Schuman Policy Paper 173.

“Trying to have it both ways” — on the first judgments of the Court of First Instance concerning EC acts adopted in the fight against international terrorism

Pech, L. 2010. “Trying to have it both ways” — on the first judgments of the Court of First Instance concerning EC acts adopted in the fight against international terrorism. in: O’Connell, D. and Cummiskey, S. (ed.) Irish Human Rights Law Review 2010 Clarus Press. pp. 287-297

Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland: a legal analysis

Pech, L. 2009. Ratification of the Lisbon Treaty in Ireland: a legal analysis. in: Zangi, C. and Panella, L. (ed.) Il trattato di Lisbona tra conferme e novità Torino Giappichelli. pp. 13-47

The European Union and its constitution: from Rome to Lisbon

Pech, L. 2008. The European Union and its constitution: from Rome to Lisbon. Dublin, Ireland Clarus Press.

La Liberté d’expression et sa limitation. Les enseignements de l’expérience américaine au regard d’expériences européeenes

Pech, L. 2003. La Liberté d’expression et sa limitation. Les enseignements de l’expérience américaine au regard d’expériences européeenes. Paris Librairie Générale de Droit et de Jurisprudence.
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