Prof Dana Arnold

NameProf Dana Arnold
Job titleProfessor in Design
Research institute
Primary appointmentACI Faculty Leadership
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

A short book about art

Arnold, D. 2015. A short book about art. London Tate Publishing.

Introduction: Paris-Londres

Arnold, D. and Cohen, J. 2015. Introduction: Paris-Londres. in: Arnold, D. and Cohen, J. (ed.) Paris-Londres Gollion, Switzerland Infolio. pp. 7-15

Relative values: London and Paris as cross channel cousins

Arnold, D. 2015. Relative values: London and Paris as cross channel cousins. in: Arnold, D. and Cohen, J. (ed.) Paris-Londres Gollion, Switzerland Infolio. pp. 131-166

Bric a brac and Britishness: Trafalgar Square

Arnold, D. 2014. Bric a brac and Britishness: Trafalgar Square. Visual Culture in Britain Wet Paint: Visual Culture in a Changing Britain – A Round Table Debate.

Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin

Arnold, D. 2014. Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin. in: Arnold, D. (ed.) Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin London and New York I.B.Tauris. pp. 1-3

The soundtrack to history

Arnold, D. 2014. The soundtrack to history. in: Arnold, D. (ed.) Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin London and New York I.B.Tauris. pp. 55-72

Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin

Arnold, D. (ed.) 2014. Interdisciplinary encounters: hidden and visible explorations of the work of Adrian Rifkin. London and New York I.B.Tauris.

Construire la modernité urbaine: la concession britannique à Tianjin 1860-2014

Arnold, D. 2014. Construire la modernité urbaine: la concession britannique à Tianjin 1860-2014. Outre-mers: revue d’histoire (sfhom).

Ambivalent architectures

Arnold, D. 2014. Ambivalent architectures. New Perspectives on Turkey. 50, pp. 189-192.

Biographies and space

Arnold, D. and Sofaer, J. (ed.) 2014. Biographies and space. Routledge.

The spaces of the hospital: spatiality and urban change in London 1680-1820

Arnold, D. 2013. The spaces of the hospital: spatiality and urban change in London 1680-1820. Routledge.

The Georgian country house: architecture, landscape and society

Arnold, D. 2003. The Georgian country house: architecture, landscape and society. Sutton Publishing.

Art history: contemporary perspectives on method

Arnold, D. (ed.) 2010. Art history: contemporary perspectives on method. WileyBlackwell.

Cultural identities and the aesthetics of Britishness

Arnold, D. (ed.) 2004. Cultural identities and the aesthetics of Britishness. Manchester University Press.

Tracing architecture: the aesthetics of antiquarianism

Arnold, D. and Bending, S. (ed.) 2003. Tracing architecture: the aesthetics of antiquarianism. WileyBlackwell.

Art and thought

Arnold, D. and Iversen, M. (ed.) 2003. Art and thought. WileyBlackwell.

Re-presenting the Metropolis: architecture, urban experience and social life in London 1800–1840

Arnold, D. 2000. Re-presenting the Metropolis: architecture, urban experience and social life in London 1800–1840. Ashgate.

Reading architectural history

Arnold, D. 2002. Reading architectural history. Routledge.

Art History: a very short introduction

Arnold, D. 2004. Art History: a very short introduction. Oxford University Press (OUP).

Biographies and Space: placing the subject in art and architecture

Arnold, D. and Derevenski, J. (ed.) 2007. Biographies and Space: placing the subject in art and architecture. Routledge.

Rethinking architectural historiography

Arnold, D., Ergut, E. and Ozkaya, B. (ed.) 2006. Rethinking architectural historiography. Routledge.

Architecture as experience: radical change in spatial practice

Arnold, D. and Ballantyne, A. (ed.) 2004. Architecture as experience: radical change in spatial practice. Routledge.

Rural urbanism: London landscapes in the early nineteenth century

Arnold, D. 2005. Rural urbanism: London landscapes in the early nineteenth century. Manchester University Press.

If the term baroque did not exist would it be necessary to invent it? (with apologies to Voltaire)

Arnold, D. 2010. If the term baroque did not exist would it be necessary to invent it? (with apologies to Voltaire). Ars Aeterna. 2 (1), pp. 52-61.

Panoptic visions of London: possessing the metropolis

Arnold, D. 2009. Panoptic visions of London: possessing the metropolis. Art History. 32 (2), pp. 332-350.

Facts or fragments? Visual histories in the age of mechanical reproduction

Arnold, D. 2002. Facts or fragments? Visual histories in the age of mechanical reproduction. Art History. 25 (4), pp. 450-468.

London Bridge and its symbolic identity in the Regency Metropolis: the dialectic of civic and national pride

Arnold, D. 1999. London Bridge and its symbolic identity in the Regency Metropolis: the dialectic of civic and national pride. Art History. 22 (4), pp. 545-566.

A companion to British Art: 1600 to the present

Arnold, D. and Corbett, D. (ed.) 2013. A companion to British Art: 1600 to the present. WileyBlackwell.

Ambivalent geographies: the British concession in Tianjin, China 1860-1946

Arnold, D. 2012. Ambivalent geographies: the British concession in Tianjin, China 1860-1946. in: Codell, J. (ed.) Transculturation in British Art, 1770–1930 Ashgate. pp. 143-155

En foüllant à l’aveugle: discovering the Villa of the Papyri in the 18th century

Arnold, D. 2010. En foüllant à l’aveugle: discovering the Villa of the Papyri in the 18th century. in: Zarmakoupi, M. (ed.) The Villa of the Papyri at Herculaneum: archaeology, reception, and digital reconstruction Walter de Gruyter. pp. 139-154

Making London’s modernity: capital, memory and nature

Arnold, D. 2010. Making London’s modernity: capital, memory and nature. in: Cordua, C. (ed.) Manifestoes and transformations in the early modernist city Ashgate. pp. 165-178

Modernity in London and Paris

Arnold, D. 2010. Modernity in London and Paris. Synergies.

Rural urbanism: London’s West End

Arnold, D. 2009. Rural urbanism: London’s West End. in: Ballantyne, A. (ed.) Rural and urban: architecture between two cultures Routledge. pp. 42-55

Unlearning the images of archaeology

Arnold, D. 2005. Unlearning the images of archaeology. in: Smiles, S. and Moser, S. (ed.) Envisioning the past: archaeology and the image Blackwell Publishing. pp. 92-114

Distorting mirrors: the Phoenix Park, Dublin (1832-49) and the ambiguities of empire

Arnold, D. 2003. Distorting mirrors: the Phoenix Park, Dublin (1832-49) and the ambiguities of empire. in: Dorrian, M. and Rose, G. (ed.) Deterritorialisations ... revisioning: landscapes and politics Artifice Books on Architecture.

The metropolis and its image: constructing identities for London, c. 1750-1950

Arnold, D. (ed.) 1999. The metropolis and its image: constructing identities for London, c. 1750-1950. WileyBlackwell.

The Georgian villa

Arnold, D. (ed.) 1996. The Georgian villa. Alan Sutton Publishing.

Squanderous and lavish profusion: George IV, his image and patronage of the arts

Arnold, D. (ed.) 1995. Squanderous and lavish profusion: George IV, his image and patronage of the arts. The Georgian Group.

The picturesque in late Georgian England

Arnold, D. (ed.) 1994. The picturesque in late Georgian England. The Georgian Group.

Belov'd by ev'ry muse: Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork (1694-1753); essays to celebrate the tercentenary of the birth of Lord Burlington

Arnold, D. (ed.) 1994. Belov'd by ev'ry muse: Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of Burlington and 4th Earl of Cork (1694-1753); essays to celebrate the tercentenary of the birth of Lord Burlington. The Georgian Group.
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