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2388 results found
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Mothers who listen with more than ears: The phenomenological experience of the non-verbal communication between mothers and their child with complex cerebral palsy
Tasgal, M. 2023. Mothers who listen with more than ears: The phenomenological experience of the non-verbal communication between mothers and their child with complex cerebral palsy. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Sustainable procurement in a pandemic: A case study in pragmatic research
Scarlett, R. 2023. Sustainable procurement in a pandemic: A case study in pragmatic research. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

Judicial independence versus judicial impartiality: A comparative approach
Kotby, M. 2023. Judicial independence versus judicial impartiality: A comparative approach. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

A practitioner inquiry into the creation & application of a contextualised therapeutic model to raise the competencies of youth facilitators in Singapore
Nair, P. 2023. A practitioner inquiry into the creation & application of a contextualised therapeutic model to raise the competencies of youth facilitators in Singapore. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

International criminal law and refugee protection: The interplay between international criminal law and Article 1F(A) of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees
Iga, P. 2023. International criminal law and refugee protection: The interplay between international criminal law and Article 1F(A) of the 1951 Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

International students’ work experience in London: Case of South Asian students
Acar, E. 2023. International students’ work experience in London: Case of South Asian students. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

The development of a therapeutic parenting practice for a digital age; clinical roots to community settings
Fortune, J. 2023. The development of a therapeutic parenting practice for a digital age; clinical roots to community settings. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Repurposing Alzheimer’s disease medications in a drug combination for the study of the crosstalk between cell apoptosis and autophagy in the modulation of cell death in chronic myeloid leukaemia
Ofili, R. 2023. Repurposing Alzheimer’s disease medications in a drug combination for the study of the crosstalk between cell apoptosis and autophagy in the modulation of cell death in chronic myeloid leukaemia. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

PhD thesis

Enactive Agnosis: The playful use of form as a bodily activity of (not) knowing
Dieppe, C. 2023. Enactive Agnosis: The playful use of form as a bodily activity of (not) knowing. DProf thesis Middlesex University / Ashridge Business School Business School

DProf thesis

Being my true self: An existential phenomenological inquiry into how transition influences identity in trans men
Jones, A. 2023. Being my true self: An existential phenomenological inquiry into how transition influences identity in trans men. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Privacy preserving context-aware framework for cardiac health monitoring
Ogbuabor, G. 2023. Privacy preserving context-aware framework for cardiac health monitoring. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Challenges of succession planning among family businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Alrossais, L. 2023. Challenges of succession planning among family businesses in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Accenting agency: duets within interactive video installation
Sandiland, N. 2023. Accenting agency: duets within interactive video installation. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Validation of a building simulation tool for predictive control in energy management systems
Seeam, A. 2015. Validation of a building simulation tool for predictive control in energy management systems. PhD thesis University of Edinburgh School of Engineering

PhD thesis

An investigation into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene of the 1980s
Dines, M. 2004. An investigation into the emergence of the anarcho-punk scene of the 1980s. PhD thesis University of Salford, Salford, UK School of Media, Music & Performance

PhD thesis

Governance, leadership and a personal reflection: a journey towards a safer, stronger and more resilient community
Ruth, S. 2022. Governance, leadership and a personal reflection: a journey towards a safer, stronger and more resilient community. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

Gamekeeper turned poacher: discursive shifts in apprenticeship reform in England, 2011-2021
Crawford-Lee, M.S. 2022. Gamekeeper turned poacher: discursive shifts in apprenticeship reform in England, 2011-2021. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

User experience of 360° video: the development of a conceptual framework
Philpot, A. 2022. User experience of 360° video: the development of a conceptual framework. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Art-based knowing: first-person inquiry into epistemology, voice and agency from a gendered perspective
Pitts, I.A. 2022. Art-based knowing: first-person inquiry into epistemology, voice and agency from a gendered perspective. DProf thesis Middlesex University / Ashridge Business School Business School

DProf thesis

Enhancing creative design competencies through integrated learning experiences: vocational and professional education and training in Hong Kong
Lam, E. 2022. Enhancing creative design competencies through integrated learning experiences: vocational and professional education and training in Hong Kong. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

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