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2385 results found
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On avoiding framing effects in experienced decision makers
Garcia-Retamero, R. and Dhami, M. 2013. On avoiding framing effects in experienced decision makers. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology. 66 (4), pp. 829-842.


A manifesto for wildlife law reform: assessing the Law Commission’s proposals for wildlife law reform
Nurse, A. 2013. A manifesto for wildlife law reform: assessing the Law Commission’s proposals for wildlife law reform. Journal of Animal Welfare Law.


Gender, development and disasters
Bradshaw, S. 2013. Gender, development and disasters. Edward Elgar Publishing.


Developments in investigative approaches to rape: the investigative heritage
Horvath, M. and Yexley, M. 2012. Developments in investigative approaches to rape: the investigative heritage. in: Brown, J. and Walklate, S. (ed.) Handbook on Sexual Violence Oxon, UK Routledge. pp. 114-136

Book chapter

Partnerships: survey respondents' perceptions of inter-professional collaboration to address alcohol-related harms in England
Thom, B., Herring, R., Bayley, M., Waller, S. and Berridge, V. 2013. Partnerships: survey respondents' perceptions of inter-professional collaboration to address alcohol-related harms in England. Critical Public Health. 23 (1), pp. 62-76.


Protecting children online: towards a safer internet
Davidson, J. and Martellozzo, E. 2008. Protecting children online: towards a safer internet. in: Wetherby, G., Williams, K., Birch, P. and Cain, M. (ed.) Sex as crime? Willan. pp. 338-355

Book chapter

Partnerships: a mechanism for local alcohol policy implementation.
Thom, B., Herring, R., Bayley, M., Waller, S. and Berridge, V. 2012. Partnerships: a mechanism for local alcohol policy implementation. London Alcohol Research UK.

Project report

Environmental policies and firm value
Al-Najjar, B. and Anfimiadou, A. 2012. Environmental policies and firm value. Business Strategy and the Environment. 21 (1), pp. 49-59.


Report of an evaluation of the community engagement programme
Murphy, A., Adler, J. and Herring, J. 2010. Report of an evaluation of the community engagement programme. Forensic Psychological Services UK..

Project report

Design and development of a pole climbing surveillance robot
Erbil, M., Prior, S., Karamanoglu, M., Odedra, S., Barlow, C., Bell, J., Brazinskas, M. and New Zealand Rapid Product Development Conference 2011. Design and development of a pole climbing surveillance robot. Auckland, New Zealand AUT University.

Conference paper

Alcohol and drugs in rape and sexual assault
Lovett, J. and Horvath, M. 2009. Alcohol and drugs in rape and sexual assault. in: Horvath, M. and Brown, J. (ed.) Rape: challenging contemporary thinking Cullompton Willan Publishing. pp. 125-160

Book chapter

Sex offenders' use of the Internet.
Martellozzo, E. 2010. Sex offenders' use of the Internet. in: Davidson, J. and Gottschalk, P. (ed.) Internet child abuse: current research and policy. Routledge-Cavendish. pp. 104-125

Book chapter

Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUKnow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge.
Davidson, J., Martellozzo, E. and Lorenz, M. 2009. Evaluation of CEOP ThinkUKnow internet safety programme and exploration of young people's internet safety knowledge. Centre for Abuse & Trauma Studies and Kingston University.


The gender and disaster sourcebook [E-book]
Anderson, C., Ariyabandu, M., Bradshaw, S., Enarson, E., Fordham, M., Hay, R., Katwikirize, S., Karanci, N., Meyreles, L. and Schwoebel, M. 2008. The gender and disaster sourcebook [E-book]. Gender and Disasters Network.


Social roles and spatial relations of NGOs and civil society.
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Zuniga, R. 2002. Social roles and spatial relations of NGOs and civil society. in: Willis, K. and Mcllwaine, C. (ed.) Challenges and change in Middle America: perspectives on development in Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean. Harlow Pearson Education. pp. 243-269

Book chapter

Men, women and disasters: masculinities v femininisation
Bradshaw, S. 2009. Men, women and disasters: masculinities v femininisation. Second India Disaster Management Congress. Vigyan Bhavan, New Delhi 04 - 06 Nov 2009

Conference keynote

Gender perspectives on disaster reconstruction in Nicaragua: reconstructing roles and relations?
Bradshaw, S. and Linneker, B. 2009. Gender perspectives on disaster reconstruction in Nicaragua: reconstructing roles and relations? in: Enarson, E. and Chakrabarti, P. (ed.) Women, gender and disaster: global issues and initiatives Sage. pp. 75-88

Book chapter

Dangerous liaisons: women, men and Hurricane Mitch.
Bradshaw, S. 2001. Dangerous liaisons: women, men and Hurricane Mitch. Managua, Nicaragua Fundacion Puntos de Encuentro.


On the margins and the mainstream: engendering the disasters agenda.
Bradshaw, S. 2004. On the margins and the mainstream: engendering the disasters agenda. Gender Equality and Disaster Risk Reduction Workshop.. Honolulu, Hawai‘i 10 - 12 Aug 2004

Conference paper

Socio-economic impacts of natural disasters: a gender analysis.
Bradshaw, S. 2004. Socio-economic impacts of natural disasters: a gender analysis. CEPAL - Serie manuales.


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