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2385 results found
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I, Medusa
Dalton, A.J. 2023. I, Medusa. Illustrated Worlds Magazine.


An exploration into what works in effectively engaging young adult offenders in probation supervision: practitioners and probationers perspectives
Beckford, E. 2021. An exploration into what works in effectively engaging young adult offenders in probation supervision: practitioners and probationers perspectives. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Creating disaster risk and constructing gendered vulnerability
Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Overton, L. 2022. Creating disaster risk and constructing gendered vulnerability. in: Bankoff, G. and Hilhorst, D. (ed.) Why Vulnerability Still Matters: The politics of disaster risk creation Taylor & Francis (Routledge). pp. 51-67

Book chapter

Move on up? Measuring the social mobility impact of apprenticeships
Lillis, F. and Bravenboer, D. 2022. Move on up? Measuring the social mobility impact of apprenticeships. London, UK Middlesex University.

Project report

Critical criminology today: counter-hegemonic essays
Ruggiero, V. 2021. Critical criminology today: counter-hegemonic essays. London / New York Routledge.


Independent sexual violence advisers (ISVAs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: a study of impacts, effects, coping mechanisms and effective support systems for people working as ISVAs and ISVA Managers
Horvath, M., Rose, H., Dalton, T., Massey, K., Crivatu, I. and Matthews, K. 2021. Independent sexual violence advisers (ISVAs) in England, Wales and Northern Ireland: a study of impacts, effects, coping mechanisms and effective support systems for people working as ISVAs and ISVA Managers. London Middlesex University & Canterbury Christ Church University.

Project report

Peace research in non-violence contexts: a case study among the Southwest Nigerian Yorùbá
Olayinka, A. 2020. Peace research in non-violence contexts: a case study among the Southwest Nigerian Yorùbá. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

Right restriction or restricting rights? The UK acts to address COVID-19
Grogan, J. 2020. Right restriction or restricting rights? The UK acts to address COVID-19. Berlin, Germany Verfassungsblog.


Feminisms, gender and social media: public and political performativities regarding sexual harassment in Cyprus
Karayianni, C. and Christou, A. 2020. Feminisms, gender and social media: public and political performativities regarding sexual harassment in Cyprus. Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics. 4 (2), pp. 1-12.


A study of sexual violence in the digital age: Working with technology-facilitated sexual violence against women within sexual violence support services
Hamid, F. 2019. A study of sexual violence in the digital age: Working with technology-facilitated sexual violence against women within sexual violence support services. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Sense-making strategies in explorative intelligence analysis of network evolutions
Doppler Haider, J., Gastecker, B., Pohl, M., Seidler, P., Kodagoda, N. and Wong, B. 2019. Sense-making strategies in explorative intelligence analysis of network evolutions. Behaviour and Information Technology. 38 (2), pp. 198-215.


Affirmative action in the UK and South Africa
Howard, E. 2018. Affirmative action in the UK and South Africa. in: Baéz, N. and Dominguez-Redondo, E. (ed.) The Existence and Efficacy of Affirmative Action Measures in UK, South Africa, India, China, Latin America and Brazil Jaocaba, Brazil Editora Unoesc. pp. 185-215

Book chapter

Supporting offenders who are also victims [Blog post]
Porteous, D. 2015. Supporting offenders who are also victims [Blog post]. MDX Minds Middlesex University.


Dominant or subordinate? The relational dynamics in a protest cycle for undocumented migrant rights
Montagna, N. 2018. Dominant or subordinate? The relational dynamics in a protest cycle for undocumented migrant rights. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 41 (5), pp. 785-803.


Rereading gender and patriarchy through a "lens of masculinity": the "known" story and new narratives from post-Mitch Nicaragua
Bradshaw, S. 2016. Rereading gender and patriarchy through a "lens of masculinity": the "known" story and new narratives from post-Mitch Nicaragua. in: Enarson, E. and Pease, B. (ed.) Men, Masculinities and Disaster London Routledge. pp. 56-65

Book chapter

Indo- and Afro-Trinidadian women’s experience of domestic violence, somatization disorder and help-seeking: a mixed methodological analysis
Kassiram, A. 2015. Indo- and Afro-Trinidadian women’s experience of domestic violence, somatization disorder and help-seeking: a mixed methodological analysis. PhD thesis Middlesex University Psychology

PhD thesis

Sustainable development and social inclusion: why a changed approach is central to combating vulnerability
Castellino, J. and Bradshaw, S. 2015. Sustainable development and social inclusion: why a changed approach is central to combating vulnerability. Washington International Law Journal. 24 (3), pp. 459-494.


Sustainable development and social inclusion: why a changed approach is central to combating vulnerability [conference item]
Castellino, J. and Bradshaw, S. 2015. Sustainable development and social inclusion: why a changed approach is central to combating vulnerability [conference item]. Symposium on The Post-2015 Development Agenda: From the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). University of Washington, Seattle, USA 01 May 2015

Conference paper

Evaluación del avance y la implementación de la ERCERP en Nicaragua a dos años de su aprobación
Quirós Víquez, A., Bradshaw, S., Linneker, B. and Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua 2003. Evaluación del avance y la implementación de la ERCERP en Nicaragua a dos años de su aprobación. Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua Coordinadora Civil, Managua, Nicaragua.

Project report

Poverty alleviation in a changing policy and political context: the case of PRSPs in Latin America
Bradshaw, S. and Linneker, B. 2010. Poverty alleviation in a changing policy and political context: the case of PRSPs in Latin America. in: Chant, S. (ed.) The international handbook on gender and poverty Cheltenham Edward Elgar Publishing . pp. 516-521

Book chapter

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