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2388 results found
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Improving the dependability of safety critical wireless sensor network scheduling using artificial intelligence
Al-Nader, I. 2024. Improving the dependability of safety critical wireless sensor network scheduling using artificial intelligence. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Assessing the effect of psychological priming techniques on salivary hormones and physical performance markers
Collins, J.M. 2024. Assessing the effect of psychological priming techniques on salivary hormones and physical performance markers. PhD thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

PhD thesis

Governing the International Criminal Court: the history and practice of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute
Jimenez Martinez, E. 2024. Governing the International Criminal Court: the history and practice of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Development of user orientation toward digital culture within a national government strategy; a case study of UAE e-government
Al Shehhi, A.S.H. 2024. Development of user orientation toward digital culture within a national government strategy; a case study of UAE e-government. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

Gender differences in returns to academic collaboration
Doan, T.P.A. 2024. Gender differences in returns to academic collaboration. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

Integrale Konzeption zur Lösung der «Flächenfalle» im Schweizer Möbelhandel
von Ballmoos, Y. 2024. Integrale Konzeption zur Lösung der «Flächenfalle» im Schweizer Möbelhandel. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Selektion der B2B-Absatzkanäle für erklärungsbedürftige technische Produkte in der deutschen Metall- und Elektroindustrie: Eine empirische Untersuchung
Schillinger, T. 2024. Selektion der B2B-Absatzkanäle für erklärungsbedürftige technische Produkte in der deutschen Metall- und Elektroindustrie: Eine empirische Untersuchung. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Fostering virtue among autorickshaw drivers in Sri Lanka: a case study of an urban sharing institution
Jensen, C. 2024. Fostering virtue among autorickshaw drivers in Sri Lanka: a case study of an urban sharing institution. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

The impact of environmental accountability on firm corporate lobbying behaviour: an empirical investigation of US listed firms
Khan, M. 2024. The impact of environmental accountability on firm corporate lobbying behaviour: an empirical investigation of US listed firms. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

The portrayal of Jesus in Islam amongst contemporary Muslims writing to the American public: in what ways do their writings represent continuity and change in relation to formative-classical Muslim understandings?
Phillips, J. 2024. The portrayal of Jesus in Islam amongst contemporary Muslims writing to the American public: in what ways do their writings represent continuity and change in relation to formative-classical Muslim understandings? PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

The impact of Artificial Intelligence focus on firm performance: the role of R&D and top manager education level
Yuan, Q. 2024. The impact of Artificial Intelligence focus on firm performance: the role of R&D and top manager education level. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

An exploration of women’s lived experiences of event centrality resulting from childhood trauma – an existential perspective
Mangion, A. 2024. An exploration of women’s lived experiences of event centrality resulting from childhood trauma – an existential perspective. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Exploring the role of source, content, and audience factors in shaping sharing behaviour among social media influencers’ followers in Saudi Arabia
Aldlimi, T. 2024. Exploring the role of source, content, and audience factors in shaping sharing behaviour among social media influencers’ followers in Saudi Arabia. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

The influence of playing styles and team proficiencies on play call predictability in the NFL
Carter, B. 2024. The influence of playing styles and team proficiencies on play call predictability in the NFL. PhD thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

PhD thesis

Power in practice: clergy workplace experiences within the Pentecostal assemblies of Canada
Morgan, R. 2024. Power in practice: clergy workplace experiences within the Pentecostal assemblies of Canada. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

Masters thesis

ZHAO Zi-chen’s doctrine of salvation within the praxis model of contextual theology (1920-1950)
Lee, C.C.Y. 2024. ZHAO Zi-chen’s doctrine of salvation within the praxis model of contextual theology (1920-1950). PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

PhD thesis

Die wettbewerblichen Auswirkungen des exklusiven Zugangs zu Mobilitatsdaten von Fahrzeugherstellern auf mobilitatsdatenbasierte loT-Markte - Eine okonomisch-rechtliche Analyse unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von datenschutz- und kartellrechtlichen Vorschriften
Schenkel, B. 2024. Die wettbewerblichen Auswirkungen des exklusiven Zugangs zu Mobilitatsdaten von Fahrzeugherstellern auf mobilitatsdatenbasierte loT-Markte - Eine okonomisch-rechtliche Analyse unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von datenschutz- und kartellrechtlichen Vorschriften. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Ermittlung und Priorisierung relevanter Einflussfaktoren im Produktideenbewertungsprozess für die Fertigteilproduktion von Stahlbeton-Großbauteilen
Ganz, C. 2024. Ermittlung und Priorisierung relevanter Einflussfaktoren im Produktideenbewertungsprozess für die Fertigteilproduktion von Stahlbeton-Großbauteilen. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Die Entwicklung eines sozial-kognitiven Lernmodells zur Verbesserung der Schlüsselkompetenzen von Auszubildenden in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik in Wien
Krebich, W. 2024. Die Entwicklung eines sozial-kognitiven Lernmodells zur Verbesserung der Schlüsselkompetenzen von Auszubildenden in der Kraftfahrzeugtechnik in Wien. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Seeing the unseen: a pragmatic response to a public health emergency
Varshney, M. 2024. Seeing the unseen: a pragmatic response to a public health emergency. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

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