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2388 results found
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Exploration of safety climate in Nigeria: a study of organizations in Onne oil and gas free zone
Ukpong-Udo, E. 2022. Exploration of safety climate in Nigeria: a study of organizations in Onne oil and gas free zone. Masters thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

Masters thesis

British and Iranian parents’ and children’s awareness of the child’s weight status, physical activity, sedentary behaviours and fundamental movement skills: A mixed methods approach
Fazeli, F. 2022. British and Iranian parents’ and children’s awareness of the child’s weight status, physical activity, sedentary behaviours and fundamental movement skills: A mixed methods approach. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

PhD thesis

Dancing the in-between-ness: (re)articulating Bartenieff Fundamentals through improvised dance performance-making
Kindred, H. 2022. Dancing the in-between-ness: (re)articulating Bartenieff Fundamentals through improvised dance performance-making. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Bank regulation, supervision and financial stability: An empirical study
Arias, J. 2022. Bank regulation, supervision and financial stability: An empirical study. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

The evolving loci of new music
Limbrick, P. 2022. The evolving loci of new music. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Public spaces, public words: contextualising pro-localist, site-local, new writing and its roots in a community’s history, culture and people
Kenworth, J. 2022. Public spaces, public words: contextualising pro-localist, site-local, new writing and its roots in a community’s history, culture and people. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Security for network services delivery of 5G enabled device-to-device communications mobile network
Edris, E. 2022. Security for network services delivery of 5G enabled device-to-device communications mobile network. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Analysis of DNA methylation in canine osteosarcoma using next generation sequencing technology
New, H. 2022. Analysis of DNA methylation in canine osteosarcoma using next generation sequencing technology. Masters thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

Masters thesis

Detection of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) marker tau using a four gold microband electrode impedance sensor
Acha, D. 2022. Detection of dementia (Alzheimer’s disease) marker tau using a four gold microband electrode impedance sensor. PhD thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

PhD thesis

The defiled self: towards a theological response to the experiential phenomenon of defilement amongst adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse
Madden, A. 2022. The defiled self: towards a theological response to the experiential phenomenon of defilement amongst adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

PhD thesis

A mother without a mother: women’s experiences of maternal estrangement in motherhood
Barcham, S. 2022. A mother without a mother: women’s experiences of maternal estrangement in motherhood. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

A phenomenological enquiry into how chemsex impacts on gay men’s experience of intimacy
Lynch, G. 2022. A phenomenological enquiry into how chemsex impacts on gay men’s experience of intimacy. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DPsych thesis

Discussions in existential-phenomenological dreamwork using a constructivist grounded theory methodology
Francica, C. 2022. Discussions in existential-phenomenological dreamwork using a constructivist grounded theory methodology. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of forced marriage for diasporic south Asian women who have left
Azim, T. 2022. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of forced marriage for diasporic south Asian women who have left. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Development and evaluation of a haptic framework supporting telerehabilitation robotics and group interaction
Le, H. 2022. Development and evaluation of a haptic framework supporting telerehabilitation robotics and group interaction. PhD thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

PhD thesis

David’s political mourning in the Hebrew Bible: an analysis of how David mourns in instances of political significance
Whyte, M. 2022. David’s political mourning in the Hebrew Bible: an analysis of how David mourns in instances of political significance. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

Masters thesis

Exploring connections between pre-service teachers' expectations of their career pathways and the lived experience of novice teachers of that career path as it transpires
Ostrizki, L. 2022. Exploring connections between pre-service teachers' expectations of their career pathways and the lived experience of novice teachers of that career path as it transpires. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

PhD thesis

A duty or a joy? An interpretive phenomenological analysis of EMDR therapists’ experience of Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and what they think they need to know
Mackinney, L. 2022. A duty or a joy? An interpretive phenomenological analysis of EMDR therapists’ experience of Continuing Professional Development (CPD); and what they think they need to know. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Below the parapet: a phenomenological exploration of adult inter-personal relationships for individuals who grew up with a sibling with a severe mental illness
Bancroft, H. 2022. Below the parapet: a phenomenological exploration of adult inter-personal relationships for individuals who grew up with a sibling with a severe mental illness. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

The promise: searching for the creative moment in theatre, business and life
Heimann, C. 2022. The promise: searching for the creative moment in theatre, business and life. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

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