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2388 results found
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Martyrological fulfilment: the process of reform in the publication of late sixteenth-century printed Italian martyrologies, c. 1568 - 1583
Cathrow, E. 2023. Martyrological fulfilment: the process of reform in the publication of late sixteenth-century printed Italian martyrologies, c. 1568 - 1583. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

Masters thesis

A holistic intelligent environment quality traceability approach for user-centric context-aware systems
Sakanga, N. 2023. A holistic intelligent environment quality traceability approach for user-centric context-aware systems. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

From ballet studio to business school: dancing in the social enterprise in-betweens
Helwig, N. 2023. From ballet studio to business school: dancing in the social enterprise in-betweens. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young Jewish adults’ experience of having a digital detox during Shabbat
Scheiner, N. 2023. An interpretative phenomenological analysis of young Jewish adults’ experience of having a digital detox during Shabbat. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Investigating the sustainability potential of multi-angled façade systems as a renovation strategy for office buildings
Hannoudi, L. 2023. Investigating the sustainability potential of multi-angled façade systems as a renovation strategy for office buildings. PhD thesis Middlesex University Design Engineering and Mathematics

PhD thesis

Curriculum for ministerial education: a critical appraisal of the curriculum of Amharic bible schools of the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC)
Kediso, W. 2023. Curriculum for ministerial education: a critical appraisal of the curriculum of Amharic bible schools of the Ethiopian Kale Heywet Church (EKHC). PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

Conflict and crisis in American Methodism: slavery and homosexuality, 1784-2022
Campbell, S. 2023. Conflict and crisis in American Methodism: slavery and homosexuality, 1784-2022. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

PhD thesis

Mobilization of lay persons for Christian mission: a case study of selected Pentecostal churches in southwest Nigeria
Ogunkolati, K. 2023. Mobilization of lay persons for Christian mission: a case study of selected Pentecostal churches in southwest Nigeria. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

‘D’un usage de la donation en théologie’: the question of revelation through the prism of givenness in the phenomenological work of Jean-Luc Marion
Vogt, C. 2023. ‘D’un usage de la donation en théologie’: the question of revelation through the prism of givenness in the phenomenological work of Jean-Luc Marion. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

Masters thesis

Towards an evaluation of Tom Smail’s doctrine of God the Father
Parsons, T. 2023. Towards an evaluation of Tom Smail’s doctrine of God the Father. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

Masters thesis

Blood, death and desert: engaging with radical theology through art practice, history, and theory
Johnson, C. 2023. Blood, death and desert: engaging with radical theology through art practice, history, and theory. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Studying the impact of social media integration into online augmented reality-enabled services on consumer purchase intentions
Cheremisina, K. 2023. Studying the impact of social media integration into online augmented reality-enabled services on consumer purchase intentions. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

Latent diffusion for generative visual attribution in medical image diagnostics
Siddiqui, A. 2023. Latent diffusion for generative visual attribution in medical image diagnostics. Masters thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

Masters thesis

Development of the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) xenograft model to study metastasis and angiogenesis in autophagy deficient osteosarcoma cells
Tha Shrestha, B. 2023. Development of the chick chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) xenograft model to study metastasis and angiogenesis in autophagy deficient osteosarcoma cells. Masters thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

Masters thesis

Eavesdropping on speech in wild carrion crows
Schalz, S. 2023. Eavesdropping on speech in wild carrion crows. PhD thesis Middlesex University Psychology

PhD thesis

How professional, popular musicians understand their musicking in relation to mental health: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Ficek, A. 2023. How professional, popular musicians understand their musicking in relation to mental health: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Kiasu: being afraid to lose, the evolution of personal and professional agency
Chapman, J. 2023. Kiasu: being afraid to lose, the evolution of personal and professional agency. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

Service changes’ impact on outpatient nurses and health care assistants
Oparah-Evoeme, M. 2023. Service changes’ impact on outpatient nurses and health care assistants. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

The intersection of international and EU law for social rights protection of vulnerable groups: a focus on racial and ethnic groups
Beyatli, B. 2023. The intersection of international and EU law for social rights protection of vulnerable groups: a focus on racial and ethnic groups. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Anxiety after birth: an existential phenomenological enquiry into mothers’ lived experiences
Oakeley, C. 2023. Anxiety after birth: an existential phenomenological enquiry into mothers’ lived experiences. DProf thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DProf thesis

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