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2388 results found
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Experiencing exclusion, rehearsing for inclusion: creating an in-the-moment culture shift
Ndlovu, S. 2023. Experiencing exclusion, rehearsing for inclusion: creating an in-the-moment culture shift. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

Italians doing local theology: a multisite empirical inquiry in Piedmont towns with special reference to Antonio Gramsci
Baccarella, M. 2023. Italians doing local theology: a multisite empirical inquiry in Piedmont towns with special reference to Antonio Gramsci. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

Where is the love? A psychoanalytic history of the Cotswold community
Brown, K. 2023. Where is the love? A psychoanalytic history of the Cotswold community. PhD thesis Middlesex University Psychology

PhD thesis

Strength and power assessment in rehabilitation: profiling the athlete’s return to sport journey following ACL reconstruction
Maestroni, L. 2023. Strength and power assessment in rehabilitation: profiling the athlete’s return to sport journey following ACL reconstruction. PhD thesis Middlesex University London Sport Institute

PhD thesis

Navigating cultural contexts: exploring the experience of cultural difference for South Asian women in psychological therapy
Jheeta, C. 2023. Navigating cultural contexts: exploring the experience of cultural difference for South Asian women in psychological therapy. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Exploring betweenness: an autoethnographic journey into the experience of twinship and its therapeutic implications
Scaife, R. 2023. Exploring betweenness: an autoethnographic journey into the experience of twinship and its therapeutic implications. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Gendered forces at work: tentacular encounters from the nursery
Mohandas, S. 2023. Gendered forces at work: tentacular encounters from the nursery. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Education

PhD thesis

Saving face: an arts-based hermeneutic phenomenological study of women’s personal agency explored through the lens of adverse childhood experiences
Adcock, J. 2023. Saving face: an arts-based hermeneutic phenomenological study of women’s personal agency explored through the lens of adverse childhood experiences. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

How autistic adults experience bereavement: an interpretative phenomenological study
Pang, J. 2023. How autistic adults experience bereavement: an interpretative phenomenological study. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Exploring the influence of Bollywood films on the identity of British second-generation South-Asian men
Choudhury, H. 2023. Exploring the influence of Bollywood films on the identity of British second-generation South-Asian men. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

The future of corporate learning and development in technology accelerating organisations
Gonsalves-Fersch, S. 2023. The future of corporate learning and development in technology accelerating organisations. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

Foreign direct investment and its relationship with financial factors: linking macro with micro perspectives
Kishore, P. 2023. Foreign direct investment and its relationship with financial factors: linking macro with micro perspectives. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

Modelling grey-level intensities for smart phones to view medical images
Soni, M. 2023. Modelling grey-level intensities for smart phones to view medical images. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Leading and managing change- Improving the progression and retention of nursing students
McGrath, A. 2023. Leading and managing change- Improving the progression and retention of nursing students . DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

Testing a seven-approach strategic management model for business success in practice
Hafed, M. 2023. Testing a seven-approach strategic management model for business success in practice. DBA thesis Middlesex University Business School

DBA thesis

Community, word and wonder: discerning key elements in the faith inquiry of Chinese international students
Teagle, L. 2023. Community, word and wonder: discerning key elements in the faith inquiry of Chinese international students. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

Counselling Psychologists’ experience of working with religious clients, what has helped and/or hindered their work, and what might benefit it: an exploration in the context of the historical relationship between religious faith and psychotherapy
Tayler, L. 2023. Counselling Psychologists’ experience of working with religious clients, what has helped and/or hindered their work, and what might benefit it: an exploration in the context of the historical relationship between religious faith and psychotherapy. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Return to Synagogal values? The Didache’s religious purpose
Sorrell, J. 2023. Return to Synagogal values? The Didache’s religious purpose. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

PhD thesis

Giving alone: towards an understanding of the practices and motivations of American Evangelical Millennial philanthropy
Steddom, S. 2023. Giving alone: towards an understanding of the practices and motivations of American Evangelical Millennial philanthropy. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

Coaching in the grey space, exploring boundaries, ethics and complexity
Cundy, L. 2023. Coaching in the grey space, exploring boundaries, ethics and complexity. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

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