Criminology & Sociology

TitleCriminology & Sociology
AlternativeBAL - Crim & Soc
FacultyFaculty of Business and Law

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L'idraulico polacco torna a cassa? Migrazione e recessione nel Regno Unito
Montagna, N. 2010. L'idraulico polacco torna a cassa? Migrazione e recessione nel Regno Unito. in: Quindicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2009 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 285-298

Book chapter

L'immigrazione irregolare nel Regno Unito
Montagna, N. 2011. L'immigrazione irregolare nel Regno Unito. in: Sedicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2010 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 263-276

Book chapter

Multiculturalismo, politiche d’integrazione e big society nel Regno Unito
Montagna, N. 2012. Multiculturalismo, politiche d’integrazione e big society nel Regno Unito. in: Diciasettesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2011 FrancoAngeli. pp. 255-266

Book chapter

Conflitti, movimenti e cambiamento sociale nelle teorie sui movimenti
Montagna, N. 2012. Conflitti, movimenti e cambiamento sociale nelle teorie sui movimenti. in: Koensler, A. and Rossi, A. (ed.) Comprendere il dissenso. Etnografia e antropologia dei movimenti sociali Morlacchi Editore.

Book chapter

La riunificazione familiare nel Regno Unito
Montagna, N. 2013. La riunificazione familiare nel Regno Unito. in: Diciottesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2012 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 203-216

Book chapter

Social movements and global mobilisations
Montagna, N. 2008. Social movements and global mobilisations. in: Ruggiero, V. and Montagna, N. (ed.) Social movements: a reader London, UK Routledge.

Book chapter

London's Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging
Sales, R., Hatziprokopiou, P., Flemming, C., D'Angelo, A., Liang, X., Lin, X. and Montagna, N. 2011. London's Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging. International Journal of Business & Globalisation. 7 (2), pp. 195-231.


Milan Chinatown: economic incorporation and the contentious uses of urban space
Montagna, N. 2013. Milan Chinatown: economic incorporation and the contentious uses of urban space. in: Gospodini, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing Cities”: Spatial, Morphological, Formal & Socio-Economic Dimensions Grafima.

Book chapter

The de‐commodification of urban space and the occupied social centres in Italy
Montagna, N. 2006. The de‐commodification of urban space and the occupied social centres in Italy. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. 10 (3), pp. 295-304.


Labor, citizenship, and subjectivity: migrants’ struggles within the Italian crisis
Montagna, N. 2012. Labor, citizenship, and subjectivity: migrants’ struggles within the Italian crisis. Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict & World Order. 39 (1), pp. 37-53.


Sitt al-Mulk: juggling troops, traps and throne at the Fāṭimid Court
Cortese, D. 2012. Sitt al-Mulk: juggling troops, traps and throne at the Fāṭimid Court. Guerre et Paix dans le Proche-Orient Médiéval. Cairo, Egypt 15 - 18 Dec 2011

Conference paper

Medieval sapiential knowledge and modern science in Islam: some considerations on a ‘missed link’ based on the thought of Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī
Cortese, D. 2000. Medieval sapiential knowledge and modern science in Islam: some considerations on a ‘missed link’ based on the thought of Jamāl al-Dīn al-Afghānī. Religion versus Science in Islam: A Medieval and Modern Debate, Oriente Moderno. 19 (3), pp. 503-517.


Arabic Ismaili manuscripts: the Zahid Ali Collection in the Institute of Ismaili Studies
Cortese, D. 2003. Arabic Ismaili manuscripts: the Zahid Ali Collection in the Institute of Ismaili Studies. London, New York I.B.Tauris, Institute for Ismaili Studies.


A woman's work is never done: women and Da'wa in early Ismailism
Cortese, D. 2007. A woman's work is never done: women and Da'wa in early Ismailism. in: D'Hulster, K. and Vermeulen, U. (ed.) Egypt and Syria in the Fatimid, Ayyubid and Mamluk Eras: Proceedings of the 11th, 12th and 13th International Colloquium Organized at the Katholieke: 5 (Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta) Peeters.

Book chapter

The Ismaili resurrection of Alamut: a bid for spiritual awakening or a statement of political authority?
Cortese, D. 1999. The Ismaili resurrection of Alamut: a bid for spiritual awakening or a statement of political authority? in: Porter, S., Hayes, M. and Tombs, D. (ed.) Resurrection (Journal for the Study of the New Testament Supplement) Sheffield, UK Sheffield Academic Press.

Book chapter

Ismaili and other Arabic manuscripts: a descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies
Cortese, D. 2000. Ismaili and other Arabic manuscripts: a descriptive catalogue of manuscripts in the library of the Institute of Ismaili Studies. London I.B.Tauris.


Women and the Fatimids in the world of Islam
Cortese, D. and Calderini, S. 2006. Women and the Fatimids in the world of Islam. Edinburgh Edinburgh University Press.


Voices of the silent majority: the transmission of Sunnī learning in Fāṭimī Egypt
Cortese, D. 2012. Voices of the silent majority: the transmission of Sunnī learning in Fāṭimī Egypt. Jerusalem Studies in Arabic and Islam. 39, pp. 345-366.


Lost and found: the Sarguẕasht-i Sayyid-nā. Facts and fiction of Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ’s travel to Egypt vis-à-vis the political and intellectual life of 5th/11th century Fāṭimid Cairo
Cortese, D. 2012. Lost and found: the Sarguẕasht-i Sayyid-nā. Facts and fiction of Ḥasan-i Ṣabbāḥ’s travel to Egypt vis-à-vis the political and intellectual life of 5th/11th century Fāṭimid Cairo. Science in Context: The Dustūr al-Munjjimīn and its World. An Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Traditions of Science and Learning in the Ismaili Domain. Bonn, Germany 22 - 23 Jul 2011

Conference paper

Narrating lives in (e)motion: embodiment, belongingness and displacement in diasporic spaces of home and return
Christou, A. 2011. Narrating lives in (e)motion: embodiment, belongingness and displacement in diasporic spaces of home and return. Emotion, Space and Society. 4 (4), pp. 249-257.


Imagining home: diasporic landscapes of the Greek-German second generation
Christou, A. and King, R. 2010. Imagining home: diasporic landscapes of the Greek-German second generation. Geoforum. 41 (4), pp. 638-646.


May's tensions today: France, then and now
McDonald, K. 2010. May's tensions today: France, then and now. in: O'Donnell, M. and Jones, B. (ed.) Sixties radicalism and social movement activism: retreat or resurgence? London, UK Anthem Press. pp. 23-38

Book chapter

Globalization, civil imagination and Islamic movements
McDonald, K. 2008. Globalization, civil imagination and Islamic movements. in: Sajoo, A. (ed.) Muslim modernities: expressions of civil imagination I.B. Tauris. pp. 183-206

Book chapter

Our violent world: terrorism in society
McDonald, K. 2013. Our violent world: terrorism in society. Palgrave Macmillan.


Grammars of violence, modes of embodiment and frontiers of the subject
McDonald, K. 2013. Grammars of violence, modes of embodiment and frontiers of the subject. in: McSorley, K. (ed.) War and the body : militarisation, practice and experience Routledge. pp. 138-151

Book chapter

Gendering counter-diasporic migration: second generation Greek-Americans and Greek-Germans narrate their homecoming
Christou, A. and King, R. 2011. Gendering counter-diasporic migration: second generation Greek-Americans and Greek-Germans narrate their homecoming. Journal of Mediterranean Studies. 20 (2).


We took a bath with the chickens: memories of childhood visits to the homeland by second-generation Greek and Greek Cypriot returnees
King, R., Christou, A. and Teerling, J. 2011. We took a bath with the chickens: memories of childhood visits to the homeland by second-generation Greek and Greek Cypriot returnees. Global Networks. 11 (1), pp. 1-23.


Aufenthalt im Unerhoerten : Bloch's reading of Hebel (1926-1965)
Siebers, J. 2011. Aufenthalt im Unerhoerten : Bloch's reading of Hebel (1926-1965). Oxford German Studies. 40 (1), pp. 62-71.


The method of speculative philosophy: an essay on the foundations of Whitehead's metaphysics.
Siebers, J. 1998. The method of speculative philosophy: an essay on the foundations of Whitehead's metaphysics. PhD thesis University of Leiden Philosophy

PhD thesis

Ernst Bloch's dialectical anthropology
Siebers, J. 2013. Ernst Bloch's dialectical anthropology. in: Thompson, P. and Zizek, S. (ed.) The privatisation of hope: Ernst Bloch and the future of utopia Duke University Press.

Book chapter

The utopian horizon of communication: Ernst Bloch’s Traces and Johann-Peter Hebel’s Treasure Chest
Siebers, J. 2013. The utopian horizon of communication: Ernst Bloch’s Traces and Johann-Peter Hebel’s Treasure Chest. in: Sell, R., Borch, A. and Lindgren, I. (ed.) The ethics of literary communication: genuineness, directness, indirectness John Benjamins. pp. 189-212

Book chapter

Organised and transnational crime in Europe
Ruggiero, V. 2013. Organised and transnational crime in Europe. in: Body-Gendrot, S., Hough, M., Kerezsi, K., Levy, R. and Snacken, S. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of European Criminology London Routledge. pp. 154-167

Book chapter

Crime and punishment in classical and libertarian utopias
Ruggiero, V. 2013. Crime and punishment in classical and libertarian utopias. The Howard Journal of Criminal Justice. 52 (4), pp. 414-432.


Green criminology and crimes of the economy: theory, research and praxis
Ruggiero, V. and South, N. 2013. Green criminology and crimes of the economy: theory, research and praxis. Critical Criminology. 21 (3), pp. 359-373.


Toxic state - corporate crimes, neo-liberalism and green criminology: the hazards and legacies of the Oil, Chemical and Mineral Industries
Ruggiero, V. and South, N. 2013. Toxic state - corporate crimes, neo-liberalism and green criminology: the hazards and legacies of the Oil, Chemical and Mineral Industries. International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 2 (2), pp. 12-26.


Punishment in Europe: a critical anatomy of penal systems
Ruggiero, V. and Ryan, M. (ed.) 2013. Punishment in Europe: a critical anatomy of penal systems. London Palgrave Macmillan.


The crimes of the economy: a criminological analysis of economic thought
Ruggiero, V. 2013. The crimes of the economy: a criminological analysis of economic thought. London Routledge.


Substitution treatment in the era of recovery: an analysis of stakeholder roles and policy windows in Britain
Duke, K., Herring, R., Thickett, A. and Thom, B. 2013. Substitution treatment in the era of recovery: an analysis of stakeholder roles and policy windows in Britain. Substance Use and Misuse. 48 (11), pp. 966-976.


Stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment policy: similarities and differences in six European countries
Thom, B., Duke, K., Frank, V. and Bjerge, B. 2013. Stakeholders in opioid substitution treatment policy: similarities and differences in six European countries. Substance Use and Misuse. 48 (11), pp. 933-942.


Containing contradictions: the development of prison drugs policy in England since 1980
Duke, K. 1999. Containing contradictions: the development of prison drugs policy in England since 1980. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Social Science

PhD thesis

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