Social Policy Research Centre (SPRC)

TitleSocial Policy Research Centre (SPRC)

Latest research outputs

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Affordances and borderscapes: language ideologies, nationalisms, generations and geographies of resistance in Cyprus
Karayianni, C. and Christou, A. 2024. Affordances and borderscapes: language ideologies, nationalisms, generations and geographies of resistance in Cyprus. Languages. 9 (9).


Ecofeminism and the cultural affinity to genocidal capitalism: theorising necropolitical femicide in contemporary Greece
Christou, A. 2024. Ecofeminism and the cultural affinity to genocidal capitalism: theorising necropolitical femicide in contemporary Greece. Social Sciences. 13 (5).


Minority ethnic politicians are pushing harsh immigration policies – why representation doesn’t always mean racial justice
Saini, R., Begum, N. and Bankole, M. 2023. Minority ethnic politicians are pushing harsh immigration policies – why representation doesn’t always mean racial justice. The Conversation Trust (UK).


The 2022 Conservative leadership campaign and post-racial gatekeeping
Saini, R., Bankole, M. and Begum, N. 2023. The 2022 Conservative leadership campaign and post-racial gatekeeping. Race & Class. 65 (2), pp. 55-74.


Integration discourses, the purification of gender and interventions in family migrations
Kofman, E. 2023. Integration discourses, the purification of gender and interventions in family migrations. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 46 (14), pp. 3037-3057.


Migrant narratives: storytelling as agency, belonging and community
Bönisch-Brednich, B., Christou, A., Meyer, S., Karner, M. and Escher, A. (ed.) 2023. Migrant narratives: storytelling as agency, belonging and community. London, UK Routledge.

Edited Book

British politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century: Volume II - Regulating nature and conquering nature
Hough, P. (ed.) 2023. British politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century: Volume II - Regulating nature and conquering nature. Routledge.

Edited Book

British politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century: Volume 1 - Discovering nature and romanticizing nature
Hough, P. (ed.) 2023. British politics and the environment in the long nineteenth century: Volume 1 - Discovering nature and romanticizing nature. Routledge.

Edited Book

The two emergencies of migrant-related policies in Italy during the first wave of COVID-19: The spread of the virus and the workforce shortages
Montagna, N. 2023. The two emergencies of migrant-related policies in Italy during the first wave of COVID-19: The spread of the virus and the workforce shortages. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 24, p. 1817–1833.


Scale and spaces of global labor markets
Kofman, E. 2022. Scale and spaces of global labor markets. in: Mense-Petermann, U., Welskopp, T. and Zaharieva, A. (ed.) In Search of the Global Labor Market Leiden Brill.

Book chapter

Gender and migration: IMISCOE short reader
Christou, A. and Kofman, E. 2022. Gender and migration: IMISCOE short reader. Cham, Switzerland Springer.


China and the internationalisation of the sociology of contemporary work and employment
Kofman, E., Lee, M. and Tse, T. 2021. China and the internationalisation of the sociology of contemporary work and employment. Work, Employment and Society.


Gender, migration and policymaking in light of the 60th anniversary of international migration
Kofman, E. 2021. Gender, migration and policymaking in light of the 60th anniversary of international migration. International Migration. 59 (5), pp. 273-276.


Onward migration: An introduction
Montagna, N., Della Puppa, F. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration: An introduction. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 8-15.


Subversive citizens: using free movement law to bypass the UK’s rules on marriage migration
Wray, H., Kofman, E. and Simic, A. 2021. Subversive citizens: using free movement law to bypass the UK’s rules on marriage migration. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 47 (2), pp. 447-463.


Negotiating differences in mixed marriages - Christians and Muslims in Greece
Papadopoulou, D. 2016. Negotiating differences in mixed marriages - Christians and Muslims in Greece. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Unequal internationalisation and the emergence of a new epistemic community: gender and migration
Kofman, E. 2020. Unequal internationalisation and the emergence of a new epistemic community: gender and migration. Comparative Migration Studies. 8 (1).


Tracing the integration trajectories of diverse Spanish citizens in the UK
McCarthy, H. 2019. Tracing the integration trajectories of diverse Spanish citizens in the UK. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

The aspiration generation. The aspirations and implementation strategies of young Londoners at risk of educational underachievement
Lorinc, M. 2019. The aspiration generation. The aspirations and implementation strategies of young Londoners at risk of educational underachievement. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Gendered dynamics of transnational social protection
Bilecen, B., Barglowski, K., Faist, T. and Kofman, E. 2019. Gendered dynamics of transnational social protection. Comparative Migration Studies. 7 (1), pp. 1-14.


Globalization and labour migrations
Kofman, E. 2015. Globalization and labour migrations. in: Edgell, S., Gottfried, H. and Granter, E. (ed.) The Sage Handbook of the Sociology of Work and Employment, London SAGE Publications. pp. 597-615

Book chapter

Fish in a barrel: police targeting of Brisbane’s ephemeral gay spaces in the pre-decriminalization era
Bleakley, P. 2019. Fish in a barrel: police targeting of Brisbane’s ephemeral gay spaces in the pre-decriminalization era. Journal of Homosexuality.


Gendered mobilities and vulnerabilities: refugee journeys to and in Europe
Kofman, E. 2019. Gendered mobilities and vulnerabilities: refugee journeys to and in Europe. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 45 (12), pp. 2185-2199.


Banging the other side of the saucepan: changing political activism and performance of citizenship among Argentina’s middle class, 2001-2013
Ozarow, D. 2019. Banging the other side of the saucepan: changing political activism and performance of citizenship among Argentina’s middle class, 2001-2013. in: Montero-Diaz, F. and Winter, F. (ed.) Citizenship in the Latin American Upper and Middle Classes: Ethnographic Perspectives on Culture, Politics, and Consumption Routledge. pp. 117-133

Book chapter

The mobilization and demobilization of middle-class revolt: Comparative insights from Argentina
Ozarow, D. 2019. The mobilization and demobilization of middle-class revolt: Comparative insights from Argentina. Routledge.

Authored Book

Recognising prior learning: a window onto what is wrong with higher education
Blackman, T. 2017. Recognising prior learning: a window onto what is wrong with higher education. Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning. 19 (3), pp. 6-17.


The Comprehensive University: an alternative to social stratification by academic selection
Blackman, T. 2017. The Comprehensive University: an alternative to social stratification by academic selection. Higher Education Policy Institute.

Discussion paper

The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’
Baldwin-Edwards, M., Blitz, B. and Crawley, H. 2019. The politics of evidence-based policy in Europe’s ‘migration crisis’. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 45 (12), pp. 2139-2155.


Disengaged students: insights from the international survey
D'Angelo, A. and Kaye, N. 2018. Disengaged students: insights from the international survey. in: Van Praag, L., Nouwen, W., Van Caudenberg, R., Clycq, N. and Timmerman, C. (ed.) Comparative perspectives on early school leaving in the European Union Routledge. pp. 17-32

Book chapter

Understandings of integration amongst highly educated Indian women migrants living in the UK
Simic, A. 2018. Understandings of integration amongst highly educated Indian women migrants living in the UK. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Gender, migration and social reproduction
Kofman, E. and Raghuram, P. 2018. Gender, migration and social reproduction. in: Elias, J. and Roberts, A. (ed.) Handbook on the International Political Economy of Gender Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar. pp. 427-439

Book chapter

Family migration as a class matter
Kofman, E. 2018. Family migration as a class matter. International Migration. 56 (4), pp. 33-46.


From mobile workers to fellow citizens and back again? The future status of EU citizens in the UK
D'Angelo, A. and Kofman, E. 2018. From mobile workers to fellow citizens and back again? The future status of EU citizens in the UK. Social Policy and Society. 17 (2), pp. 331-343.


Defining enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity
Schabas, W. 2017. Defining enforced disappearance as a crime against humanity. in: Bidault, M., Boumghar, M. and de Frouville, O. (ed.) Mélanges en l’honneur du professeur Emmanuel Decaux, Réciprocité et universalité, Sources et régimes du droit international des droits de l’homme Editions Pedone. pp. 449-466

Book chapter

Something to celebrate (or not): the differing impact of promotion to manager on the job satisfaction of women and men
Lup, D. 2018. Something to celebrate (or not): the differing impact of promotion to manager on the job satisfaction of women and men. Work, Employment and Society. 32 (2), pp. 407-425.


Negotiating the Care Maze: the process of decision-making when a family member or friend needs full-time social care
Letherby, G., Corrigan, O., Davies, A., Fletcher, H., Guest, C., Luff-Smith, R., Paul, M. and Taylor, L. 2016. Negotiating the Care Maze: the process of decision-making when a family member or friend needs full-time social care. Healthwatch Essex Healthwatch Essex.

Project report

Changing times: migrants’ social network analysis and the challenges of longitudinal research
Ryan, L. and D'Angelo, A. 2018. Changing times: migrants’ social network analysis and the challenges of longitudinal research. Social Networks. 53, pp. 148-158.


UK: large-scale European migration and the challenge to EU free movement
D'Angelo, A. and Kofman, E. 2016. UK: large-scale European migration and the challenge to EU free movement. in: Lafleur, J. and Stanek, M. (ed.) South-North Migration of EU Citizens in Times of Crisis Springer.

Book chapter

The professional doctorate and the 21st century university
Blackman, T. 2016. The professional doctorate and the 21st century university. Work Based Learning e-Journal International. 6 (1), pp. 1-7.


The visual sociogram in qualitative and mixed-methods research
Tubaro, P., Ryan, L. and D'Angelo, A. 2016. The visual sociogram in qualitative and mixed-methods research. Sociological research online. 21 (2), pp. 180-197.


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