Mr Michael Bradley

NameMr Michael Bradley
Job titleAssociate Professor of Photography
Research institute
Primary appointmentSchool of Arts
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

Irish Road Bowling

Bradley, M. 2021. Irish Road Bowling.

A contribution of twenty photographs in the book ‘Recordatio’

2019. A contribution of twenty photographs in the book ‘Recordatio’. London, UK

Member of the panel on stage at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in the conference 'Exposure 3' discussing the work of Richard Billingham and Melanie Manchot

Bradley, M. 2015. Member of the panel on stage at the Institute of Contemporary Arts (ICA) in the conference 'Exposure 3' discussing the work of Richard Billingham and Melanie Manchot. Exposure 3: Human Drama and Documentary. Institute of Contemporary Art, London, UK 25 Nov 2015

[Lecture on artist's own photographic professional practice]

Bradley, M. 2014. [Lecture on artist's own photographic professional practice]. Exposure 1. An event and symposium at the Photographers’ Gallery. Photographers' Gallery, London, UK 26 Nov 2014

Photograph on page 46-47 of the book 'Berthold Wolpe, The Total Man' by Phil Cleaver

Bradley, M. 2018. Photograph on page 46-47 of the book 'Berthold Wolpe, The Total Man' by Phil Cleaver.

RAF Museum Project Sweetheart Brooches Project

Tanner, A., Bradley, M. and Lovell-Davis, S. 2017. RAF Museum Project Sweetheart Brooches Project.

A contribution of photographs in the book 'In Memoria' by Jessica d'Este

Bradley, M. 2017. A contribution of photographs in the book 'In Memoria' by Jessica d'Este.

Fourteen photographs in the book 'In Situ' by Jessica d’Este

Bradley, M. 2017. Fourteen photographs in the book 'In Situ' by Jessica d’Este. London, UK

Printing in a Bind

Ball, C., Bradley, M., Cervenova, T., Churchill, J., Gaon, R., Garner, O., Hague, T., Kelly, P., Lee, B., Lovold, E. and Wojcik, A. 2017. Printing in a Bind. Impress Publishing.

Contribution of forty photographs in the book 'Rowley's Type'

Bradley, M. 2017. Contribution of forty photographs in the book 'Rowley's Type'.

Exposure 3: human drama and documentary: moving and still contemporary photography

Billingham, R., Manchot, M., Brown, C., Healey, P., Bradley, M., Davies, S., Becker, A.E. and Mohammad, A.A. 2015. Exposure 3: human drama and documentary: moving and still contemporary photography. Exposure 3: Human Drama and Documentary. Institute of Contemporary Art, London, UK 25 Nov 2015

Photograph in the book 'Delete A & Insert R' by Jon Bird & Phil Cleaver

Bradley, M. 2016. Photograph in the book 'Delete A & Insert R' by Jon Bird & Phil Cleaver.

Using task analysis to explore older novice participants’ experiences with a handheld touchscreen device

Murad, S., Bradley, M., Kodagoda, N., Barnard, Y. and Lloyd, A. 2012. Using task analysis to explore older novice participants’ experiences with a handheld touchscreen device. Anderson, M. (ed.) International conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012. Blackpool, England, UK 16 - 19 Apr 2012 CRC Press. pp. 57-64

Designing a first prototype touchscreen interface for older novice users

Bradley, M., Zitkus, E., Kodagoda, N., Murad, S., Westaway, A., Gaggero, C., Fitzsimons, D., Barnard, Y. and Lloyd, A. 2012. Designing a first prototype touchscreen interface for older novice users. Anderson, M. (ed.) International conference on Ergonomics and Human Factors 2012. Blackpool, England, UK 16 - 19 Apr 2012 CRC Press. pp. 425-426

A touchscreen mobile for seniors: in the dock

Hosking, I. and Bradley, M. 2011. A touchscreen mobile for seniors: in the dock. Senior Market Mobile. London, UK 20 Sep 2011

Workshop D: meet the driver: designing for “invisible users” and the elderly

Bradley, M. and Barnard, Y. 2011. Workshop D: meet the driver: designing for “invisible users” and the elderly. 2nd International Conference Automotive Cockpit HMI. Darmstadt, Germany 28 - 30 Sep 2011

A population perspective on mobile phone related tasks

Bradley, M., Waller, S., Goodman-Deane, J., Hosking, I., Tenneti, R., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, J. 2012. A population perspective on mobile phone related tasks. Langdon, P., Clarkson, J., Robinson, P., Lazar, J. and Heylighen, A. (ed.) Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT). Cambridge, England 27 - 29 Mar 2012 Springer. pp. 55-64

Older user errors in handheld touchscreen devices: to what extent is prediction possible?

Bradley, M., Langdon, P. and Clarkson, P. 2011. Older user errors in handheld touchscreen devices: to what extent is prediction possible? Stephanidis, C. (ed.) UAHCI 2011: 6th International Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Orlando, FL, USA 09 - 14 Jul 2011 Berlin, Germany Springer. pp. 131-139

Q&A: how today's tech alienates the elderly

Bradley, M. and Mitchell, S. 2011. Q&A: how today's tech alienates the elderly. PC Pro Magazine (online).

Building relationships with the invisible in the digital (global) economy (BRIDGE).

Lloyd, A., Barnard, Y. and Bradley, M. 2010. Building relationships with the invisible in the digital (global) economy (BRIDGE). 5th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technologies (CWUAAT 2010). Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge

Building the BRIDGE: closing the gap on digital exclusion

Lloyd, A., Hosking, I., Bradley, M. and Google 2010. Building the BRIDGE: closing the gap on digital exclusion. Mapping the Impact of Online Information on the Political, Economic and Social Sphere, Google, London. Royal Holloway College, University of London 01 Mar 2010

Building relationships with the invisible in the digital economy

Lloyd, A., Barnard, Y. and Bradley, M. 2010. Building relationships with the invisible in the digital economy. Clarkson, J., Langdon, P. and Robinson, P. (ed.) 5th Cambridge Workshop on Universal Access and Assistive Technology (CWUAAT 2010). Cambridge, UK 22 - 25 Mar 2010 University of Cambridge.

Blending arts and sciences: gimmick or necessity?

Prior, S., Karamanoglu, M. and Bradley, M. 2008. Blending arts and sciences: gimmick or necessity? in: Proceedings of the higher education academy international conference on innovation, good practice and research in engineering education conference. Loughborough The higher education academy, engineering subject centre. pp. 1-12

Framework and model of usability factors of mobile phones

Ham, D., Heo, J., Fossick, P., Wong, B., Park, S., Song, C. and Bradley, M. 2008. Framework and model of usability factors of mobile phones. in: Lumsden, J. (ed.) Handbook of research on user interface design and evaluation for mobile technology. Hershey, PA. Information Science Reference. pp. 877-896

The development of a participatory research methodology with older drivers.

Bradley, M., Keith, S., Whitney, G. and Wilson, J. 2007. The development of a participatory research methodology with older drivers. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons. Montréal, Québec.

Identifying and characterising diversity of the older car driver.

Bradley, M., Keith, S., Kolar, I. and Whitney, G. 2007. Identifying and characterising diversity of the older car driver. Bust, P. (ed.) Taylor and Francis.

Exploring speed limit compliance from the older driver perspective.

Bradley, M., Goodwin, R., Keith, S. and Kolar, I. 2007. Exploring speed limit compliance from the older driver perspective. in: Myerson, J., Bilsland, C. and Bichard, J. (ed.) Fudude 2007: Designing with People: Strategies, Stories and Systems for User Participation in Design London Royal College of Arts.

Selecting and forming design teams

Prior, S., Bradley, M., Shen, S. and Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers 2006. Selecting and forming design teams. in: International design research '06 : proceedings of international design research symposium, November 10-11, 2006, Seoul. Seoul Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers.. pp. 109-114

Mixed methods requirement capture in older drivers' use of complex driving information systems

Whitney, G., Keith, S., Bradley, M., Goodwin, R., Kolar, I., Wicks, C. and Wilson, J. 2003. Mixed methods requirement capture in older drivers' use of complex driving information systems. in: The 3rd IEE conference on automotive electronics. Institution of Engineering Technology..
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