School of Arts

TitleSchool of Arts
AlternativeACI - Arts
FacultyFaculty of Arts and Creative Industries

Latest research outputs

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JMRA Collections: Prelude to afternoons of ultramodern synaesthetes: reflecting on discourses of the Musical Association 1912–1922
Inglis, B. (ed.) 2025. JMRA Collections: Prelude to afternoons of ultramodern synaesthetes: reflecting on discourses of the Musical Association 1912–1922. Cambridge University Press (CUP).

Edited Journal

Two feminist performances at and against the statue of John Bright, Rochdale, England
Kokoli, A. 2025. Two feminist performances at and against the statue of John Bright, Rochdale, England. in: Schmahmann, B. (ed.) Monumental Developments: Contemporary Approaches to Commemorative Public Art Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Book chapter

Rigour and reality
Farmer, C. and Brain, A 2025. Rigour and reality. People Dancing.


The performative legacies of the women’s peace camp at Greenham Common: beyond monuments
Kokoli, A. 2025. The performative legacies of the women’s peace camp at Greenham Common: beyond monuments. in: Ashton, J.C. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Heritage and Gender Taylor & Francis (Routledge). pp. 253-265

Book chapter

Frequency of upper body muscular demands in contemporary and ballet dance performance: a cross sectional performance analysis
Farmer, C. and Brouner, J. 2025. Frequency of upper body muscular demands in contemporary and ballet dance performance: a cross sectional performance analysis. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science.


Who Cares: the aesthetic use of thermal imaging to explore the role of touch as a signifier of care, contamination, intimacy and trust
Woodhouse, A. and Broadhead, C. 2025. Who Cares: the aesthetic use of thermal imaging to explore the role of touch as a signifier of care, contamination, intimacy and trust. in: Hunter, V. and Chubb, S. (ed.) Encountering Environments: Perspectives from the Arts and Humanities London, UK Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Book chapter

Semiotics as a mode of popular music analysis and interpretation
Inglis, B. 2025. Semiotics as a mode of popular music analysis and interpretation. in: Dines, M., Rambarran, S. and Smith, G.D. (ed.) The Intellect Handbook of Popular Music Methodologies Bristol Intellect.

Book chapter

The Intellect handbook of popular music methodologies
Dines, M., Rambarran, S. and Smith, G.D. (ed.) 2025. The Intellect handbook of popular music methodologies. Bristol Intellect.

Edited Book

Myrninerest: The Outside/Inside Life of Madge Gill
Kenworth, J. 2024. Myrninerest: The Outside/Inside Life of Madge Gill. Art in the Docks, London 27 Aug - 01 Sep 2024

Stage presentations

The Fens
Fribbins, P. 2024. The Fens.


Coming Soon.. the Charmers
Robinson, A. 2024. Coming Soon.. the Charmers. Five Years, London, UK 22 - 26 May 2024

Show or exhibition

Music devised for the film Viva Voce by Keith Piper
Piper, K. and Spinks, T. 2024. Music devised for the film Viva Voce by Keith Piper. London, UK


Masters and slaves: black artists and the ownership of sound recording copyright
Osborne, R. 2024. Masters and slaves: black artists and the ownership of sound recording copyright. in: Arditi, D. and Nolan, R. (ed.) The Palgrave Handbook of Critical Music Industry Studies Cham, Switzerland Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 33-47

Book chapter

Community action, counter-professionals and radical planning in the UK
Slade, J., Inch, A., Brownill, S., Ellis, G., Howcroft, M., Humphrey, D., Leeson, L., O'Hara, G., Sartorio, F. and Robbins, G. 2024. Community action, counter-professionals and radical planning in the UK. City: Analysis of Urban Change, Theory, Action. 28 (5-6), pp. 681-704.


Spaceways and Byways
Dalton, A. 2024. Spaceways and Byways. Andromeda Spaceways Publishing.


Researching the impact of South Asian dance on autistic children
Farmer, C. 2024. Researching the impact of South Asian dance on autistic children. IADMS 34th Annual Conference. Rimini, Italy 16 - 20 Oct 2024

Conference item

Developing an evaluation strategy in Kashmir: assessing the impact of an arts intervention with school children in an area of conflict
Holt, N., Mytton, J., Brännlund, E., Buser, M., Sinha, V. and Leeson, L. 2024. Developing an evaluation strategy in Kashmir: assessing the impact of an arts intervention with school children in an area of conflict. Perspectives in Public Health. 144 (5), pp. 273-275.


The Newham Plays – towards the making of a pro-localist theatre in Newham, East London
Kenworth, J. 2024. The Newham Plays – towards the making of a pro-localist theatre in Newham, East London. NSCD Conference 2024: Arts and Citizenship: Moving and Belonging. Northern School of Contemporary Dance, Leeds, UK 11 - 12 Jan 2024

Conference item

The use of public environment as alternative auditoria and ‘mixed economy’ participation to create new writing which originates from, and is rooted in, a community’s history, culture and people
Kenworth, J. 2024. The use of public environment as alternative auditoria and ‘mixed economy’ participation to create new writing which originates from, and is rooted in, a community’s history, culture and people. 10th Annual Conference – Subject/Object/Practice/Place: Connecting Creatively through the Performing Arts. Malta 20 - 22 Mar 2024

Conference item

Dalton, A. 2024. Demonspace. Science Fiction Poetry Association.


A crisis without a context? The framing of economic inequality through the pandemic
Knowles, S., Strauss, N. and Cinceoglu, V. 2024. A crisis without a context? The framing of economic inequality through the pandemic. Journal of Applied Journalism & Media Studies. 13 (2), pp. 177-197.


We Will Become Mars
Dalton, A. 2024. We Will Become Mars.


'Andy' to Its Friends
Dalton, A. 2024. 'Andy' to Its Friends. Edinburgh Napier University.


Four speculative poems: 'Colony', 'Space Bouncer', 'A Grave Case of Zero Gravity', 'Rehumanising'
Dalton, A. 2024. Four speculative poems: 'Colony', 'Space Bouncer', 'A Grave Case of Zero Gravity', 'Rehumanising'. Starship Sloane Publishing.


McCarthy Knew
Dalton, A. J. 2024. McCarthy Knew. in: Francis, A. and Olmsted, L. (ed.) The Neurodiversiverse: Alien Encounters San Francisco, CA Thinking Ink Press.

Book chapter

Dalton, A. 2024. Ecogothic. Gothic Nature Journal.


Dalton, A. 2024. Technorati. Science Fiction Poetry Association.


Walking (to) Greenham, again: activating feminist heritage
Kokoli, A. 2024. Walking (to) Greenham, again: activating feminist heritage. Performance Research. 28 (8), pp. 34-42.


Making connections: Pia Arke and feminists using photography
Maude-Roxby, A. 2024. Making connections: Pia Arke and feminists using photography. in: Pia Arke Southampton, UK John Hansard Gallery. pp. 15-24

Book chapter

Corrections, interrogations and politics of local/global exchanges in feminist art criticism
Deepwell, K. 2024. Corrections, interrogations and politics of local/global exchanges in feminist art criticism. Revista do Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros. 87.


The telling is political: collectively speaking our collective story
Robinson, A. 2024. The telling is political: collectively speaking our collective story. Materiaux pour l'Histoire de Notre Temps.


Martial arts in/as science fiction
White, L. 2024. Martial arts in/as science fiction. 9th Annual International Conference of the Martial Arts Studies Association and Martial Arts Studies Research Network. Cardiff University, Cardiff 04 - 06 Jun 2024

Conference item

Please Share
Dalton, A. 2024. Please Share. David C. Kopaska-Merkel.


Active energy: creating change through citizen engagement
Leeson, L. 2024. Active energy: creating change through citizen engagement. Putting power back in the hands of people: Community-Owned Renewable Energy. Wellspace Hackney, London, UK 07 - 07 May 2024

Conference item

Way of the intercepting pun: language and the body in Stephen Chow's carnival of kung fu
White, L. 2024. Way of the intercepting pun: language and the body in Stephen Chow's carnival of kung fu. in: Bettinson, G. and Lee, V. (ed.) The Cinema of Stephen Chow London, UK Bloomsbury. pp. 163–179

Book chapter

The 'female' dancer: a soma-scientific approach
Farmer, C. and Kindred, H. (ed.) 2024. The 'female' dancer: a soma-scientific approach. London, UK Taylor & Francis (Routledge).

Edited Book

Collective resistance roundtable discussion
Benson, J., Sachsenmaier, S., Jain, I., Syssoyeva, K. and Listengarten, J. 2024. Collective resistance roundtable discussion. Studies in Theatre and Performance. 44 (1), pp. 113-120.


Performance | Process | Politics
Sachsenmaier, S. 2024. Performance | Process | Politics. Studies in Theatre and Performance.


Brides and Madonnas against the Bomb: feminist activist art practices towards nuclear disarmament and more
Kokoli, A. 2024. Brides and Madonnas against the Bomb: feminist activist art practices towards nuclear disarmament and more. Women in Revolt!: Radical acts, contemporary resonances. Tate Britain, London, UK 22 - 23 Mar 2024

Conference item

The Nekra
Dalton, A. 2024. The Nekra. Science Fiction Poetry Association.


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Achiricioaei, Ionut

Adams, Bruce

Akinleye, Adesola

Alibhai-Brown, Yasmin

Anastasiades, Mario

Bacon, T. J.

Bannerman, Chris

Barritt, Steven

Batchelor, Christopher

Beale, Sam

Beaven, Zuleika

Bernkopf, Astrid

Bird, Jon

Bradley, Michael

Brogan, Joel

Brown, April

Burke, Anne

Butcher, Rosemary

Cavusoglu, Ergin

Charnley, David

Clements, David

Cobley, Paul

Cooper, Bryony

Cowan, Judith

Cunningham, Meg

Dalton, Adam

de Kersaint Giraudeau, Matthew

de Senna, Pedro

Deepwell, Katy

Dias Dos Santos, Leroy

Diedrich, Antje

Dines, Mike

Dogantan Dack, Mine

Donnelly, Anne

Doyle, Jenna

Dromey, Chris

Duman, Alberto

Dwyer, Benjamin

Evans, Francois

Farinati, Lucia

Farmer, Claire

Fortnum, Rebecca

Foster-Paul, Yassmin

Fribbins, Peter

Gossett, Andrew

Graziano, Valeria

Haferkorn, Julia

Hopkins, Sian

Husbands, Lilly

Hussein, Nesreen

Iles, Nikki

Impett, Jonathan

Inglis, Brian

Kahn, Ariel

Keegan-Bole, Arthur

Kenworth, James

Kindred, Helen

Knowles, Sophie

Kokoli, Alexandra

Kolb, Alexandra

Leak, Sam

Leeson, Loraine

Lively, Adam

Lovell-Davis, Stephen

Mac an Bhreithiun, Bharain

Machon, Josephine

Main, Lesley

Maude-Roxby, Alice

McAlister, Rory

Merrell, Thomas

Midgelow, Vida

Moore, Alexandra

Moran Mylett, Toby

Mullaniff, Kathleen

Mumberson, Stephen

Murray, Sam

Neukirch, Veronika

Osborne, Richard

Palermo, Fiorenzo

Parker, Osbert

Pina, Pedro

Piper, Keith

Read, Simon

Rebernjak, Rujana

Robey, Andrew

Robinson, Anne

Robinson, Hilary

Rogan, Kate

Sachsenmaier, Stefanie

Sandiland, Nic

Shepherd, Chris

Sherwin, Guy

Simunjak, Maja

Skamletz, Teresa

Spinks, Tansy

Stammers, Nicola

Sulemanji, Sarah

Thompson, Charlotte

Timberlake, John

Titlow, Harriet

Townsend, Rob

Tudor, Chris

Varma, Ashna

Vesty, Robert

Woodhouse, Angela

Wookey, Sara