Dr Mehmetali Dikerdem

NameDr Mehmetali Dikerdem
Job titleAssociate Professor
Research institute
Primary appointmentLaw and Social Sciences
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)



Mehmet Ali Dikerdem is one of the few remaining veterans of the Polytechnic years of Middlesex University. He was one of the three founders of the Race & Culture Programme  which ran from 1995-2001 and had the distinction of being one of the first Black Studies courses set up in British HE to `decolonise’ the curriculum. He joined the Institute for Work Based Learning between 2002-2017 and was Programme Leader for the Transdisciplinary Doctorate for Professional Studies (2009-2016).  Although, to adapt Lady Bracknell from Oscar Wilde, to lose one Programme may be regarded as a misfortune but to lose both may look like carelessness, he nevertheless had the opportunity to deliver modules in undergraduate Global Politics which, in turn,  was closed down in 2022, making three strikes and almost out. He is currently 0.3 f/t delivering  postgraduate modules in Research Methods and 60 credit Placement. Between 2017 and 2024 I have seen through nearly 20 DProf and PhD candidates.


I teach on SSC 4602 Research Practice and Skills core module, SSC 4060 Work Integrated Learning  60 credit module, SSC 4031 Work Placement - Short Placement 20 credit module.

Education and qualifications


Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

New paths to research based doctorates

Dikerdem, M. 2013. New paths to research based doctorates. 4th World Conference on Learning, Teaching and Educational Leadership. University of Barcelona 27 - 29 Oct 2013

Researching the recognition of prior learning: international perspectives [Book review]

Dikerdem, M. 2013. Researching the recognition of prior learning: international perspectives [Book review]. Studies in Continuing Education. 35 (1), pp. 124-126. https://doi.org/10.1080/0158037X.2012.721949

Work based learning pedagogies and academic development

Costley, C. and Dikerdem, M. 2011. Work based learning pedagogies and academic development. London, UK Middlesex University.

Introduction to a special issue on worker researchers

Gibbs, P., Dikerdem, M., Elliott, G. and Garnett, J. 2007. Introduction to a special issue on worker researchers. Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 12 (3), pp. 277-278. https://doi.org/10.1080/13596740701559704

Introduction [Adult education and lifelong learning]

Gibbs, P., Dikerdem, M., Elliott, G. and Garnett, J. 2007. Introduction [Adult education and lifelong learning]. Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 12 (3), pp. 277-278. https://doi.org/10.1080/13596740701559704
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