Prof Lucille Allain

Name | Prof Lucille Allain |
Job title | Professor of Social Work (Practice)/HoD-MH & SW |
Research institute | |
Primary appointment | Mental Health & Social Work |
Email address | |
Contact category | Academic staff |
Head of School: Mental Health and Social Work, Professor, Social Work (Practice)
Middlesex University
08 Sept 2013
Education and qualifications
Prizes and Awards
Research outputs
Navigating social work practice research challenges: collaboration, participant rights and ethics
Gleeson, H., Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2024. Navigating social work practice research challenges: collaboration, participant rights and ethics. European Social Work Research. 2 (2), pp. 109-122. people on the 'edge of care': perspectives regarding a residential family intervention programme using social pedagogic and systemic approaches- striving for 'humane practice'
Allain, L., Hingley-Jones, H., McQuarrie, T., Gleeson, H., Apeah-Kubi, D., Ogunnaike, B. and Lewis-Brooke, S. 2023. Young people on the 'edge of care': perspectives regarding a residential family intervention programme using social pedagogic and systemic approaches- striving for 'humane practice'. Journal of Social Work Practice. 37 (2), pp. 247-261."Roll back the years": A study of grandparent special guardians' experiences and implications for social work policy and practice in England
Hingley-Jones, H., Allain, L., Gleeson, H. and Twumasi, B. 2020. "Roll back the years": A study of grandparent special guardians' experiences and implications for social work policy and practice in England. Child & Family Social Work. 25 (3), pp. 526-535. thoughts: observation looking forward
Allain, L., Parkinson, C. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2017. Concluding thoughts: observation looking forward. in: Hingley-Jones, H., Parkinson, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Observation in Health and Social Care: Applications for Learning, Research and Practice with Children and Adults London Jessica Kingsley Publishers.Introduction
Parkinson, C., Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2017. Introduction. in: Hingley-Jones, H., Parkinson, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Observation in Health and Social Care: Applications for Learning, Research and Practice with Children and Adults London Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 1-14From observation, via reflection, to practice: psychoanalytic baby and young child observation and the helping professions
Hingley-Jones, H. 2017. From observation, via reflection, to practice: psychoanalytic baby and young child observation and the helping professions. in: Hingley-Jones, H., Parkinson, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Observation in Health and Social Care: Applications for Learning, Research and Practice with Children and Adults London Jessica Kingsley Publishers. pp. 1-25‘Back to our Roots?’ Re-visiting psychoanalytically-informed baby and young child observation in the education of student social workers
Hingley-Jones, H., Parkinson, C. and Allain, L. 2016. ‘Back to our Roots?’ Re-visiting psychoanalytically-informed baby and young child observation in the education of student social workers. Journal of Social Work Practice. 30 (3), pp. 249-265. Involvement of Young People Leaving Care in Social Work Education and Practice
Allain, L. 2016. The Involvement of Young People Leaving Care in Social Work Education and Practice. DProf thesis Middlesex University Institute for Work Based LearningFemale genital mutilation: the social work perspective
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2016. Female genital mutilation: the social work perspective. FGM Conference, Middlesex University. Middlesex University 20 Feb 2016Exploring the rise in connected person’s placements and the use of special guardianship orders across three local authorities
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2015. Exploring the rise in connected person’s placements and the use of special guardianship orders across three local authorities. JSWEC 2015 Joint Social Work Education Conference: Social work education and research across boundaries. The Open University, Milton Keynes, United KingdomExploring contemporary uses of baby and young child observation
Parkinson, C., Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2014. Exploring contemporary uses of baby and young child observation. JSWEC 2014 Joint Social Work Education Conference: Social Work Making Connections. Royal Holloway, University of London, London, UK 23 - 25 Jul 2014Social work with looked after children
Cocker, C. and Allain, L. 2013. Social work with looked after children. London Sage.The use of role-play and drama in interprofessional education: an evaluation of a workshop with social work, midwifery, early years and medical students
Villadsen, A., Allain, L., Bell, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2012. The use of role-play and drama in interprofessional education: an evaluation of a workshop with social work, midwifery, early years and medical students. Social Work Education. 31 (1), pp. 75-89. children: the complexities of contemporary practice and the importance of working with emotions
Hingley-Jones, H. and Allain, L. 2011. Safeguarding children: the complexities of contemporary practice and the importance of working with emotions. in: Cocker, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Advanced social work with children and families Learning Matters/Sage.Policy and legislative frameworks in contemporary child and family social work
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2011. Policy and legislative frameworks in contemporary child and family social work. in: Cocker, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Advanced social work with children and families Learning Matters/Sage.What’s important for looked after children? The views of young people leaving care
Allain, L., Cocker, C., Hinds, O., Naluwaga, E. and Babondock, A. 2011. What’s important for looked after children? The views of young people leaving care. in: Cocker, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Advanced social work with children and families Learning Matters/Sage.Advanced social work with children and families (post qualifying social work practice)
Cocker, C. and Allain, L. 2011. Advanced social work with children and families (post qualifying social work practice). Exeter Learning Matters/Sage.Consolidating practice with children and families.
Cartney, P. 2011. Consolidating practice with children and families. in: Cocker, C. and Allain, L. (ed.) Advanced social work with children and families. Learning Matters.A view from abroad: messages about safeguarding and child protection from overseas qualified social workers
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2010. A view from abroad: messages about safeguarding and child protection from overseas qualified social workers. 12th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference. University of Hertfordshire Jul 2010Exploring professional stereotypes and learning for inter-professional practice: an example from UK qualifying level social work education.
Bell, L. and Allain, L. 2010. Exploring professional stereotypes and learning for inter-professional practice: an example from UK qualifying level social work education. Social Work Education. 30 (3), pp. 266-280. evaluation of a service user/carer Symposium: what do I want from my social worker?
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2008. An evaluation of a service user/carer Symposium: what do I want from my social worker? 10th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 2nd UK Social Work Research Conference. "Social Work: people, place and politics". Cambridge, UK 09 - 11 Jul 2008Interprofessional learning using role play: engaging early years students and medical students, midwifery & social work students.
Allain, L., Villadsen, A., Bell, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2009. Interprofessional learning using role play: engaging early years students and medical students, midwifery & social work students. European Interprofessional Education Network (EIPEN) 2nd international conference. Oulu, Finland 17 - 18 Sep 2009Developing interprofessional learning opportunities for social work, midwifery and early years.
Hingley-Jones, H., Bell, L. and Allain, L. 2009. Developing interprofessional learning opportunities for social work, midwifery and early years. The Dynamics of Difference: Making it Work. London, UK 01 Jul 2009The dynamics of difference: making it work’ interprofessional learning
Allain, L., Bell, L., Ahmet, L., Allen, S. and Villadsen, A. 2009. The dynamics of difference: making it work’ interprofessional learning. Middlesex University Annual Learning and Teaching Conference 2009: The Dynamics of Difference: Making it Work. London, UK 01 Jul 2009Interprofessional learning using role play: engaging early years, and medical students, midwifery & social work students
Allain, L., Villadsen, A., Bell, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2009. Interprofessional learning using role play: engaging early years, and medical students, midwifery & social work students. International European Interprofessional Education Network (EIPEN) Conference. Oulu, Finland May 2009Integrating services for disabled children and their families in two English local authorities
Hingley-Jones, H. and Allain, L. 2008. Integrating services for disabled children and their families in two English local authorities. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 22 (5), pp. 534-544. evaluation of a service user/carer symposium: what do I want from my social worker?
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2008. An evaluation of a service user/carer symposium: what do I want from my social worker? 10th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference. Cambridge University Jul 2008Looked after children and mental health: issues for practice - a social work perspective
Cocker, C. and Allain, L. 2007. Looked after children and mental health: issues for practice - a social work perspective. Promoting the Health of Looked After Children. Middlesex University Jun 2007An investigation of how two local authorities are integrating services for disabled children and their families: heading for ‘communities of practice’ or lost in the network?
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2007. An investigation of how two local authorities are integrating services for disabled children and their families: heading for ‘communities of practice’ or lost in the network? CETL Conference, ‘Embedding Interprofessional Learning in Higher Education and the Workplace. Middlesex University Jun 2007From pedagogy to practice- inter-professional learning in the children’s workforce: lessons from a London borough
Allain, L. and Dugmore, P. 2007. From pedagogy to practice- inter-professional learning in the children’s workforce: lessons from a London borough. International European Interprofessional Education Network Conference (EIPEN). Krakow Sep 2007An investigation of how a group of social workers respond to the cultural needs of black, minority ethnic looked after children
Allain, L. 2007. An investigation of how a group of social workers respond to the cultural needs of black, minority ethnic looked after children. Practice: Social Work in Action. 19 (2), pp. 127-141. work with looked after children
Cocker, C. and Allain, L. 2007. Social work with looked after children. Learning Matters.Different or the same? How two London boroughs are integrating services for disabled children
Allain, L. and Hingley-Jones, H. 2006. Different or the same? How two London boroughs are integrating services for disabled children. 8th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference. Cambridge University 25 Jul 2006User and carer involvement in social work education: a university case study: manipulation or citizen control?
Allain, L., Brown, H., Danso, C., Dillon, J., Finnegan, P., Gadhoke, S., Shamash, M. and Whittaker, F. 2006. User and carer involvement in social work education: a university case study: manipulation or citizen control? Social Work Education. 25 (4), pp. 403-413.Social work joint appointments: partnerships between universities and local authorities
Cocker, C., Allain, L. and Dugmore, P. 2005. Social work joint appointments: partnerships between universities and local authorities. 7th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference. Loughborough University 25 Jul 20053270
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