Dr Lucy Irving

Dr Lucy Irving
NameDr Lucy Irving
Job titleSenior Lecturer in Psychology
Research institute
Primary appointmentPsychology
Email addressl.irving@mdx.ac.uk
Contact categoryAcademic staff



Senior Lecturer in Psychology


Foundation in Psychology

Psychology Research Project

Psychological Statistics

Creativity and Imagination

Education and qualifications


Prizes and Awards

Research outputs

Affective visuomotor interaction: a functional model for socially competent robot grasping

Chinellato, E., Ferretti, G. and Irving, L. 2019. Affective visuomotor interaction: a functional model for socially competent robot grasping. Martinez-Hernandez, U., Vouloutsi, V., Mura, A., Mangan, M., Minoru, A., Prescott, T. and Verschure, P. (ed.) 8th International Conference, Living Machines 2019. Nara, Japan 09 - 12 Jul 2019 Springer, Cham. pp. 51-62 https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-24741-6_5

Creativity, imagery and schizotypy: an exploration of similarities in cognitive processing

Irving, L. 2015. Creativity, imagery and schizotypy: an exploration of similarities in cognitive processing. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Science and Technology: Psychology

Teaching statistics using dance and movement

Irving, L. 2015. Teaching statistics using dance and movement. Frontiers in Psychology. 6, pp. 1-3. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00050

The image control and recognition task: a performance-based measure of imagery control

Irving, L., Barry, R., Le Boutillier, N. and Westley, D. 2011. The image control and recognition task: a performance-based measure of imagery control. Journal of Mental Imagery. 35 (3 & 4), pp. 67-80.
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