Migrant women and exclusion in Europe
Interview with Catherine de Zegher: curator of 'Inside the Visible'
Feminist aesthetics in an international frame
Interview with Gisela Breitling, founder of Das Verborgene Museum in Berlin
Negotiating models of feminist research
Nueva crítica de arte feminista: Estrategias críticas
The treatment of metals in urban runoff by constructed wetlands
Opportunities for research: Changing Youth Transitions—new risks and vulnerabilities
Substance use among young people 'looked after' by social services
Monitoring the intragastric processing of viscous meals by echo planar imaging
Thiopentone and propofol: a compatible mixture?
Managing values : ethical change in organisations
Generating arbitrary rhythmic patterns with purely inhibitory neural networks
Canadian ratification of the American Convention on Human Rights.
General principles of criminal law in the International Criminal Court Statute (Part III)
The International Criminal Court: an historic step to combat impunity
Canada and the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Human resource and industrial relations practices of UK and US multinationals in Germany
Service support for families caring for a child with sickle cell disorders or thalassaemia
Genetic screening and haemoglobinopathies: ethics, politics and practice
Ethnicity and statistics: better than nothing or worse than nothing?
Surrogate motherhood: demystifying the controversies
Functions and responsibilities of organizations dealing with surrogate motherhood in the UK
Measures of urine concentration in maternal urine screening for Down syndrome.
Politics of Irish identity and the interconnections between feminism, nationhood, and colonialism
Negotiating modernity and tradition: newspaper debates on the ‘modern girl’ in the Irish Free State
Constructing ‘Irishwoman’: modern girls and comely maidens
The Progress of an essay: Edward Cone’s writings on Stravinsky
The role of home carers: findings from a study of alcohol and older people.
O que é UNIMARC e como é usado
Problemas de implementaçao do UNIMARC em CDS/ISIS
The immunological analysis of epitopes on hCG
Remember the future? The Communist Manifesto as historical and cultural form.
Risk aversion, wealth and international capital flows.
Some observations on waterslide injuries.
Political risk in Hong Kong and Taiwan: pricing the China factor.
Project 2000: exploring student nurses experiences in the community.
Growth and the role of public and private capital in the Brazilian economy – an empirical analysis.
An exploration of teleworker-manager relationships.
Risks and benefits of sports and exercise: part 1 - assessing the risks.
Risks and benefits of sports and exercise: part 2 - gauging the benefits.
Risks and benefits of sports and exercise Part 3 of a 3 part series - looking ahead.
Barriers to evidence-based practice.
Transcultural care: a guide for health care professionals.
Enclosure resistance in Middlesex, 1656 - 1889: a study of common right assertion
The performance of gender with particular reference to the plays of Shakespeare.
Health impact from pesticide residues in a desert environment.
Marketing and performance: a thematic study of firms in the UK and Ghana.
A multimedia information exchange of the industrial heritage of the Lower Lee Valley.
Liberty in England: its past, present and future prospects.
Expressed concerns of Yemeni adolescents
A telephone survey of the provision of palliative day care services
A review of current theories of death and dying
Control, conflict, and motivation in socio-cultural context.
Flexible working practices and the trade unions
A thin monocrystalline diaphragm pressure sensor using silicon-on-insulator technology.
Exploring inferences prompted by reading a very short story.
Meaning trouble-spots: critical discourse analysis and social engagement.
The new European criminology: crime and social order in Europe
Wage policy and transition in Eastern Germany
Labour markets, unemployment and training for quality: Germany and Japan
Ensuring quality in higher education through student fees
The Quay brothers: choreographed chiaroscuro, enigmatic and sublime
Unemployment in Theory and Practice
The Economics of German Unification: an Introduction
Understanding the school-to-work transition: an international perspective
The political economy of German unification
Rethinking higher education: on the future of higher education in Britain
An investigation of brand image and its role in brand development
Rethinking the normative content of critical theory: Marx, Habermas and beyond
Factors influencing the probability of birth in urban and rural Bangladesh
The determinants of first and subsequent births in urban and rural areas of Bangladesh
The method of speculative philosophy: an essay on the foundations of Whitehead's metaphysics.
Global corporate visual identity system: standardisation, control and benefits
Nigeria: the edge of the abyss
Particulate pollution and stone deterioration
Towards a science of liberty: reclaiming a tradition in classical liberal thought
An investigation into the use of CD-Rom technology by pupils in mainstream primary schools
Curriculum co-ordination and the small primary school
Automatic semantic priming: the contribution of lexical and semantic level processes
Detour Exhibition - Moleskine sketchbook
Warrington Youth and Dance Theatre
Beyond 'self-help': developing a social movement to defeat a medical orthodoxy and dismantle 'AIDS'
The captive market in nurse education and the displacement of nursing knowledge
Colonising 'souls': a subtle mission
The influence of pH on carotene transfer from carrot juice to olive oil
Echo-planar imaging relaxometry to measure the viscosity of a model meal
Headteachers' main concerns - Annual survey of trends in education. Digest No. 5
What do women want (in theatre)?
Relief prints Zenith Art Gallery Balham London 1998
Stephen Mumberson - Don't lose heart
[Drawing in Tulipa-1998 - Holland - Postal project on the theme of the Tulip]
Quei da le ole, Comune di ponte nelle Alpi, Biblioteca Comunale, Italy
The Museum - Gallery of Modern Ecological Graphic Arts and poster, 4th Block, Kharkiv, Ukraine 1998
The enduring alliance: trade unions and the making of new labour 1994-97
On the limiting distribution of extremes
On the Erdös-Rènyi maximum of partial sums
On the joint limiting distribution of the first and the second maxima
On blocks and runs estimators of extremal index
The global politics of pesticides: forging consensus from conflicting interests