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2388 results found
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The rights of the Ahwazi people in Iran: historical claims, contemporary reality and future prospects
Hetteh, A. 2022. The rights of the Ahwazi people in Iran: historical claims, contemporary reality and future prospects. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

The experiences of the young practicing British Iranian Athna-asheri Shia Muslims in London
Tajbakhsh, K. 2022. The experiences of the young practicing British Iranian Athna-asheri Shia Muslims in London. DProf thesis Middlesex University Law School

DProf thesis

The role of autophagy in canine osteosarcoma
Kulatheepan, Y. 2022. The role of autophagy in canine osteosarcoma. Masters thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

Masters thesis

‘Being-at-home’ and homelessness: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the experiences of Syrian involuntary immigrants living in Istanbul, Turkey
Soy, G. 2022. ‘Being-at-home’ and homelessness: an interpretive phenomenological analysis of the experiences of Syrian involuntary immigrants living in Istanbul, Turkey. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Analysis of the microbiota of human milk and baby faeces in Nigeria, using molecular and culture-based approaches
Hassan, A. 2022. Analysis of the microbiota of human milk and baby faeces in Nigeria, using molecular and culture-based approaches. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

PhD thesis

Navigating the challenges of professionalising sales careers: a case for degree apprenticeships in sales
Sutton, L. 2022. Navigating the challenges of professionalising sales careers: a case for degree apprenticeships in sales. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

Millennials’ lived experience of navigating having a voice in a collective country: a hermeneutic phenomenological approach
Cheng, M. 2022. Millennials’ lived experience of navigating having a voice in a collective country: a hermeneutic phenomenological approach. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Bedeutung und Rolle des Einkaufs bei mittelgrossen Schweizer Unternehmen. Qualitative Untersuchung der Herausforderungen und Aufgaben
Kyburz, A. 2022. Bedeutung und Rolle des Einkaufs bei mittelgrossen Schweizer Unternehmen. Qualitative Untersuchung der Herausforderungen und Aufgaben. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Die Europäische Finanztransaktionssteuer und die Vereinbarkeit mit der Kapitalmarktunion
Liedtke, B. 2022. Die Europäische Finanztransaktionssteuer und die Vereinbarkeit mit der Kapitalmarktunion. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Exploring the journey of parenting to understand parents’ perceptions of their families’ relationships
Warde, A. 2022. Exploring the journey of parenting to understand parents’ perceptions of their families’ relationships. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

The high wasteland, scar, form, and monstrosity in the English landscape: what is the function of the monster in representations of the English landscape?
Eden, M. 2022. The high wasteland, scar, form, and monstrosity in the English landscape: what is the function of the monster in representations of the English landscape? PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

Die persönliche Eignung von Kontrollmitgliedern für die Überwachung der Geschäftsführung von gemeinnützigen Vereinen und Unternehmen in der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaft. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit
Lorenz, S. 2022. Die persönliche Eignung von Kontrollmitgliedern für die Überwachung der Geschäftsführung von gemeinnützigen Vereinen und Unternehmen in der Sozial- und Gesundheitswirtschaft. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Untersuchungen der Fähigkeitsadaption innerhalb des agilen Mindsets der Belegschaft unter Berücksichtigung der digitalen Transformation und der multifaktoriellen Brancheneinflüsse bei Personaldienstleistern: Ein Paradigma der Fähigkeiten und Maßnahmen
Grzeschik, S. 2022. Untersuchungen der Fähigkeitsadaption innerhalb des agilen Mindsets der Belegschaft unter Berücksichtigung der digitalen Transformation und der multifaktoriellen Brancheneinflüsse bei Personaldienstleistern: Ein Paradigma der Fähigkeiten und Maßnahmen. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

Wie können deutsche familienkontrollierte Hidden Champions des B2B-Sektors ihre digitale Transformationsstrategie so gestalten, dass ein unternehmerischer Erfolg resultiert? Entwurf eines review-basierten und empirisch konkretisierten Modells
Niehage, G. 2022. Wie können deutsche familienkontrollierte Hidden Champions des B2B-Sektors ihre digitale Transformationsstrategie so gestalten, dass ein unternehmerischer Erfolg resultiert? Entwurf eines review-basierten und empirisch konkretisierten Modells. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business School

DBA thesis

A phenomenological enquiry into gay male domestic abuse victims’ experience of engaging with psychotherapy
Bruwer, S. 2022. A phenomenological enquiry into gay male domestic abuse victims’ experience of engaging with psychotherapy. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Exploring a resource allocation security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments
Karthick, G. 2022. Exploring a resource allocation security protocol for secure service migration in commercial cloud environments. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Regulation as an opportunity for learning and small business development: The case of Environmental Health inspections and good learning behaviours
Borley, L. 2022. Regulation as an opportunity for learning and small business development: The case of Environmental Health inspections and good learning behaviours. PhD thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

PhD thesis

Both sides of the coin: counsellors’ stories of the influence of a fundamentalist religious upbringing on mental health and wellbeing in adulthood
Harvey, G. 2022. Both sides of the coin: counsellors’ stories of the influence of a fundamentalist religious upbringing on mental health and wellbeing in adulthood. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DPsych thesis

Aesthetic experience, novelty and consciousness in the comprehension of metaphors
Pistol, R. 2022. Aesthetic experience, novelty and consciousness in the comprehension of metaphors. PhD thesis Middlesex University Arts and Creative Industries

PhD thesis

A mixed-method investigation of the challenges and opportunities for commissioning culturally competent mental health (dementia) services
Kolapo, T. 2022. A mixed-method investigation of the challenges and opportunities for commissioning culturally competent mental health (dementia) services. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

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