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The embodied heritage of Armenian people: An interpretative phenomenological analysis – A sample of Armenians living in London
Sarksan, S. 2022. The embodied heritage of Armenian people: An interpretative phenomenological analysis – A sample of Armenians living in London. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
“More than a mask”: A multidimensional model of autistic women’s experience of camouflaging
Millman, R. 2022. “More than a mask”: A multidimensional model of autistic women’s experience of camouflaging. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Exploring folate conjugated liposomal delivery of thymoquinone as a novel targeted treatment for human papillomavirus associated cancers
Matin, P. 2022. Exploring folate conjugated liposomal delivery of thymoquinone as a novel targeted treatment for human papillomavirus associated cancers. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural SciencesPhD thesis
Scrolling, safety and self-presentation: A grounded theory of social anxiety for Instagram millennials
El-Miligui, F. 2022. Scrolling, safety and self-presentation: A grounded theory of social anxiety for Instagram millennials. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Bridging the gap and continuing to develop professionally: A pluralist mixed methods study exploring the impact of continuing professional development (CPD) activity on the practice of therapists working in higher education (HE) settings
Turner, A. 2022. Bridging the gap and continuing to develop professionally: A pluralist mixed methods study exploring the impact of continuing professional development (CPD) activity on the practice of therapists working in higher education (HE) settings. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDPsych thesis
Digitalisierung der Unternehmensberatung – Analyse von Beratungsschulen und Digitalisierungspotenzialen
Hähnel, H. 2022. Digitalisierung der Unternehmensberatung – Analyse von Beratungsschulen und Digitalisierungspotenzialen. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business SchoolDBA thesis
A user-guided personalization methodology for new smart homes
Ali, S. 2022. A user-guided personalization methodology for new smart homes. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer SciencePhD thesis
From motivator to ‘psychoeducator’: A critical exploration of emotional distress and recovery
Cohen, J. 2022. From motivator to ‘psychoeducator’: A critical exploration of emotional distress and recovery. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and LawDProf thesis
Translation techniques in the Solomonic narrative of OG 2 Chronicles as evinced by OG 2 Chr 4-6
Jones, A.W. 2022. Translation techniques in the Solomonic narrative of OG 2 Chronicles as evinced by OG 2 Chr 4-6. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawPhD thesis
Biographical dimensions of meaning making in coaching psychology: A critical evaluation of the use of biographical inquiry in the exploration of meaning making in coaching psychology
Hasanie, S. 2022. Biographical dimensions of meaning making in coaching psychology: A critical evaluation of the use of biographical inquiry in the exploration of meaning making in coaching psychology. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationDProf thesis
Combining phytoremediation with bioenergy production; exploring options for sustainable remediation
Amabogha, O. 2022. Combining phytoremediation with bioenergy production; exploring options for sustainable remediation. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural SciencesPhD thesis
A critical analysis of the use of visual communication in existential practice
Macfarlane, H. 2022. A critical analysis of the use of visual communication in existential practice. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Developing a competency model for Hong Kong energy engineers in transition: A mixed methods study
Chan, W. 2022. Developing a competency model for Hong Kong energy engineers in transition: A mixed methods study. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and LawDProf thesis
Integration of internationally educated nurses to the UK: the lived experience of nurses with Nigerian heritage in the London region
Ugiagbe, M. 2022. Integration of internationally educated nurses to the UK: the lived experience of nurses with Nigerian heritage in the London region. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationPhD thesis
This is the Word of the Lord: Nicholas Wolterstorff’s account of scripture, appropriated discourse, and divine authorship
Schofield, C.D. 2022. This is the Word of the Lord: Nicholas Wolterstorff’s account of scripture, appropriated discourse, and divine authorship. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawMasters thesis
Sind Veröffentlichungen von publikationspflichtigen Unternehmensmeldungen faktorbasierte Marktrisiken? Eine Untersuchung von Noise-Trader-Risiken und Noise-Trader-Heuristiken
Mebus, K. 2022. Sind Veröffentlichungen von publikationspflichtigen Unternehmensmeldungen faktorbasierte Marktrisiken? Eine Untersuchung von Noise-Trader-Risiken und Noise-Trader-Heuristiken. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business SchoolDBA thesis
Anwendungsorientierte Konzeption zur internen Qualitätssteuerung der Klassifikationen KTL und ICF in der medizinischen Rehabilitation
Funcke, S. 2022. Anwendungsorientierte Konzeption zur internen Qualitätssteuerung der Klassifikationen KTL und ICF in der medizinischen Rehabilitation. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business SchoolDBA thesis
Cognitive dissonance shaping consumer behaviour within Generation Z: a case of the Indian healthcare industry
Vellore Nagarajan, D. 2022. Cognitive dissonance shaping consumer behaviour within Generation Z: a case of the Indian healthcare industry. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and LawPhD thesis
Reclaiming British Gujarati culture after conversion to Evangelical Christianity
Reifsnider, U. 2022. Reclaiming British Gujarati culture after conversion to Evangelical Christianity. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Hybrid christian youth ministry: a study of closed-group social media
Hill, S.R. 2022. Hybrid christian youth ministry: a study of closed-group social media. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawMasters thesis