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2388 results found
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A study of Kierkegaard as a missionary and the possible applications in Japan
Ogino, M. 2022. A study of Kierkegaard as a missionary and the possible applications in Japan. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

A comprehensive analysis of calendar anomalies in mature and emerging markets: essays on the major calendar anomalies in the US and Saudi markets
Althenayan, F. 2022. A comprehensive analysis of calendar anomalies in mature and emerging markets: essays on the major calendar anomalies in the US and Saudi markets. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

A cross-discipline study in the school of health and education: examining interpersonal conflict in college life through collective cultural lens
Chan, J. 2022. A cross-discipline study in the school of health and education: examining interpersonal conflict in college life through collective cultural lens. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

PhD thesis

An exploration of women’s representation in senior leadership positions in the English National Health Service
Atherton, A. 2022. An exploration of women’s representation in senior leadership positions in the English National Health Service. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

PhD thesis

The phenomenon of coping for women with primary breast cancer
Dyer, K. 2022. The phenomenon of coping for women with primary breast cancer. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Christian contemplative prayer: a grounded theory exploration of well-being and embodiment within Christian spirituality
Holley, K. 2022. Christian contemplative prayer: a grounded theory exploration of well-being and embodiment within Christian spirituality. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

Coaching psychology: the effect of coaching by values in forming Arab teens’ personal and collective self-esteem in the state of Israel
Awawdi, H. 2022. Coaching psychology: the effect of coaching by values in forming Arab teens’ personal and collective self-esteem in the state of Israel. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

PhD thesis

The emergence of the forensic and legal project manager
Hutchison, T. 2022. The emergence of the forensic and legal project manager. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

The evaluation of the impact of risk disclosure and bank-level stability: an empirical study of European and US banks
Mahmud, R. 2022. The evaluation of the impact of risk disclosure and bank-level stability: an empirical study of European and US banks. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Detection of human face from sketches using deep learning networks
Abbey, M. 2022. Detection of human face from sketches using deep learning networks. Masters thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

Masters thesis

CAGE - Consensus Algorithm Genetically Encouraged
Maka, K. 2022. CAGE - Consensus Algorithm Genetically Encouraged. Masters thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

Masters thesis

Antecedents and consequences of peer engagement behaviour: A study of peer perception in the context of the peer-to-peer platform in the United Kingdom
Marvi, R. 2022. Antecedents and consequences of peer engagement behaviour: A study of peer perception in the context of the peer-to-peer platform in the United Kingdom. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

The risen and ascended humanity of Christ in Thomas F. Torrance’s holistic Christology
John, S. 2022. The risen and ascended humanity of Christ in Thomas F. Torrance’s holistic Christology. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of Law

PhD thesis

The present moment as home in mindfulness of God – a spiritual autoethnography
Lambert, M.S. 2022. The present moment as home in mindfulness of God – a spiritual autoethnography. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

PhD thesis

Pursuing efficiency in business: the technological and commercial development of LEO Computers
Mori, E. 2022. Pursuing efficiency in business: the technological and commercial development of LEO Computers. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Analysis and characterisation of human chorionic gonadotropin glycoforms in pregnancy and trophoblastic disorders
Gondek, M. 2022. Analysis and characterisation of human chorionic gonadotropin glycoforms in pregnancy and trophoblastic disorders. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

PhD thesis

A grounded theory study of existential psychotherapists’ experiences of working with clients with shopping addiction
Kettleborough, S. 2022. A grounded theory study of existential psychotherapists’ experiences of working with clients with shopping addiction. DProf thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DProf thesis

Is the Dayton Agreement a model for long-term peace? A problematic case of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Davis, N. 2022. Is the Dayton Agreement a model for long-term peace? A problematic case of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Masters thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

Masters thesis

Acquirer reputation in mergers and acquisitions
Miah, M. 2022. Acquirer reputation in mergers and acquisitions. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

Experiential accounts of young men between the age of 20 to 29 in the UK who previously engaged in harmful levels of alcohol use but no longer do so
Njeri, G. 2022. Experiential accounts of young men between the age of 20 to 29 in the UK who previously engaged in harmful levels of alcohol use but no longer do so. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

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