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Christian-Muslim dialogue in post-revolutionary Egypt: the influence of the humanist discourse
Kan, K. 2024. Christian-Muslim dialogue in post-revolutionary Egypt: the influence of the humanist discourse. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Swimming against the tide: why do people create spaces to support mental health and wellness? A reflexive thematic analysis
Lewis, E. 2024. Swimming against the tide: why do people create spaces to support mental health and wellness? A reflexive thematic analysis. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDCPsych thesis
An investigation into how the application of the processes and procedures are perceived by the UK Taekwondo community through the lens of Rawls’ theories of justice, fairness and equality
Sadiqi, S. 2024. An investigation into how the application of the processes and procedures are perceived by the UK Taekwondo community through the lens of Rawls’ theories of justice, fairness and equality. PhD thesis Middlesex University EducationPhD thesis
Prozesscontrolling in der Kunststoffrecycling-Branche – Möglichkeiten und Chancen für KMU durch Standardisierung und Tool-Support
Berbalk, C. 2024. Prozesscontrolling in der Kunststoffrecycling-Branche – Möglichkeiten und Chancen für KMU durch Standardisierung und Tool-Support. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business SchoolDBA thesis
Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmervertretungen im Lichte der datenschutzrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen unter Berücksichtigung der Mitbestimmungsgesetze und Regelungen zum Beschäftigtenschutz
Keup, T. 2024. Zusammenarbeit zwischen Arbeitgebern und Arbeitnehmervertretungen im Lichte der datenschutzrechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen unter Berücksichtigung der Mitbestimmungsgesetze und Regelungen zum Beschäftigtenschutz. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business SchoolDBA thesis
An investigation into organisational hybridity in faith-based social enterprises in Ghana: an organisational spirituality perspective
Vanderpuye, E. 2024. An investigation into organisational hybridity in faith-based social enterprises in Ghana: an organisational spirituality perspective. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Ethnic identity negotiation through dialogical self: the case of Anywaa and Nuer evangelicals in Gambella, Ethiopia
Kebede, S. 2024. Ethnic identity negotiation through dialogical self: the case of Anywaa and Nuer evangelicals in Gambella, Ethiopia. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Investigating enhancement of factors affecting mobile government services adoption in Egypt
Elbatanouny, S. 2024. Investigating enhancement of factors affecting mobile government services adoption in Egypt. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer SciencePhD thesis
Anthropometry and physical characteristics in English premiership women’s rugby
Yao, X. 2024. Anthropometry and physical characteristics in English premiership women’s rugby. PhD thesis Middlesex University London Sports InstitutePhD thesis
The planning, monitoring and training of elite weightlifting
Chavda, S. 2024. The planning, monitoring and training of elite weightlifting. PhD thesis Middlesex University London Sports InstitutePhD thesis
Building engagement for post-pandemic survival and growth in an SME
Davies, P. 2024. Building engagement for post-pandemic survival and growth in an SME. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolDProf thesis
Rooms of light: bearing witness to the Azerbaijani hospitable being
Tiessen, C. 2024. Rooms of light: bearing witness to the Azerbaijani hospitable being. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Coaching through maternity transitions: through the prism of coaching, how can women going through the maternity transitions in the private equity industry be better supported?
Reynolds, K. 2024. Coaching through maternity transitions: through the prism of coaching, how can women going through the maternity transitions in the private equity industry be better supported? DProf thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolDProf thesis
Governance and guidance as alternatives to law change: solutions from a comparison of UK prescribed persons’ approaches to whistleblowing with contemporary international practice
Moore, B. 2024. Governance and guidance as alternatives to law change: solutions from a comparison of UK prescribed persons’ approaches to whistleblowing with contemporary international practice. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of LawPhD thesis
An exploration of the interaction between professional identity formation and the campus built environment in health professions education
Gilroy, J. 2024. An exploration of the interaction between professional identity formation and the campus built environment in health professions education. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationDProf thesis
Transforming business capabilities at William Hill
Morrison, D. 2024. Transforming business capabilities at William Hill. DBA thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolDBA thesis
Grounding in groundlessness, being the change: an existential phenomenological exploration into the embodied experience of postmenopause
Duffy, S. 2024. Grounding in groundlessness, being the change: an existential phenomenological exploration into the embodied experience of postmenopause. DProf thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDProf thesis
An exploration of parents’ perception of Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) in the development of parent voice and authentic, productive and lasting partnerships
Meehan, A. 2024. An exploration of parents’ perception of Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) in the development of parent voice and authentic, productive and lasting partnerships. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationDProf thesis
Women returning to work: what can we learn from mothers’ stories about 'keeping in touch days' during maternity leave? A narrative inquiry to aid the development of relevant psychotherapeutic approaches
Sansom, C. 2024. Women returning to work: what can we learn from mothers’ stories about 'keeping in touch days' during maternity leave? A narrative inquiry to aid the development of relevant psychotherapeutic approaches. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDPsych thesis
Faith living understanding: towards a theatrical model for oral theologizing
Stringer, S. 2024. Faith living understanding: towards a theatrical model for oral theologizing. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis