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Criminology and political theory
Amatrudo, A. 2009. Criminology and political theory. London and Los Angeles SAGE Publications.Book
Policing wildlife: perspectives on criminality in wildlife crime
Nurse, A. 2011. Policing wildlife: perspectives on criminality in wildlife crime. Papers from the British Criminology Conference. 11, pp. 38-53.Article
Policing public drugs nuisance through the anti-social behaviour legislation: questions and contradictions
Ward, J. 2011. Policing public drugs nuisance through the anti-social behaviour legislation: questions and contradictions. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research. 17 (4), pp. 323-341.
Policing black people: a study of ethnic relations as seen through the police complaints system
Kennison, P. 2001. Policing black people: a study of ethnic relations as seen through the police complaints system. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Social SciencePhD thesis
Mandatory Retirement in the Police Service: the Case of the London MPS
Flynn, M. 2011. Mandatory Retirement in the Police Service: the Case of the London MPS. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management. 34 (1), pp. 67-82.
Online child sexual abuse: grooming, policing and child protection in a multi-media world
Martellozzo, E. 2012. Online child sexual abuse: grooming, policing and child protection in a multi-media world. London, UK Routledge.Book
Good cop, Polish cop: findings from an evaluation of the secondment of two Polish police officers to work with the Metropolitan Police
Porteous, D. 2011. Good cop, Polish cop: findings from an evaluation of the secondment of two Polish police officers to work with the Metropolitan Police. Safer Communities. 10 (2), pp. 32-41.
Stopped, searched and (reasonably) suspicious: young people’s experiences of pro-active policing
Puniskis, M., Porteous, D. and Goodman, S. 2010. Stopped, searched and (reasonably) suspicious: young people’s experiences of pro-active policing. 2nd Annual Postgraduate Criminology Conference. Cambridge, UK 30 Sep - 01 Oct 2010Conference poster
It may be true, but how’s it helping? UK police detectives’ views of the operational usefulness of offender profiling
Gekoski, A. and Gray, J. 2011. It may be true, but how’s it helping? UK police detectives’ views of the operational usefulness of offender profiling. International Journal of Police Science and Management. 13 (2), pp. 103-116.
Using police data for empirical investigations of rape.
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2007. Using police data for empirical investigations of rape. Issues in Forensic Psychology. 6, pp. 49-56.Article
Attitudes to the police and policing in contemporary Cyprus with particular reference to the dark figure of crime
Hadjidemetriou, M. 1995. Attitudes to the police and policing in contemporary Cyprus with particular reference to the dark figure of crime. PhD thesis Middlesex University Health and Social SciencesPhD thesis
Designing and implementing a new appraisal system for the Ministry of Defence Police.
Manghnani, R. 2000. Designing and implementing a new appraisal system for the Ministry of Defence Police. DProf thesis Middlesex University Work based learningDProf thesis
An overview of human rights instruments to raise concerns about trade and investment polices.
Dominguez-Redondo, E. and Carmona, M. 2009. An overview of human rights instruments to raise concerns about trade and investment polices. in: Murphy, S. and Paasch, A. (ed.) The global food challenge: towards a human rights approach to trade and investment policies Bern Brot fur alle [Bread for all]. pp. 92-101Book chapter
Change blindness and situation awareness in a police C2 environment.
Mancero, G., Wong, B. and Loomes, M. 2009. Change blindness and situation awareness in a police C2 environment. in: Norros, L. (ed.) ECCE 2009 - European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics: designing beyond the product: understanding activity and user experience in ubiquitous environments. Vuorimiehentie VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland.Book chapter
The press, police and prosecution: perspectives on infanticide in the 1920s
Ryan, L. 2004. The press, police and prosecution: perspectives on infanticide in the 1920s. in: Hayes, A. and Urquhart, D. (ed.) Irish women's history Dublin Irish Academic press. pp. 137-151Book chapter
Policing a complex society; political influence on policing and its impact on local and central accountability.
Fletcher, R. 2005. Policing a complex society; political influence on policing and its impact on local and central accountability. Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology. 15 (3), pp. 170-187.
The role of the Police in crime prevention and community safety
Fletcher, R. 2005. The role of the Police in crime prevention and community safety. in: Winstone, J. and Pakes, F. (ed.) Community justice: issues for probation and criminal justice Devon Willan Publishing. pp. 52-71Book chapter
Governance and the London Metropolitan Police Service.
Fletcher, R. and Stenson, K. 2009. Governance and the London Metropolitan Police Service. Policing: a Journal of Policy and Practice. 3 (1), pp. 12-21.
Partnerships and community policing
Fletcher, R. 2005. Partnerships and community policing. in: Barrett, G., Sellman, D. and Thomas, J. (ed.) Interprofessional working in health and social care: professional perspectives Palgrave Macmillan.Book chapter
Shoot to kill: understanding police use of force in combating suicide terrorism
Loumansky, A. and Kennison, P. 2007. Shoot to kill: understanding police use of force in combating suicide terrorism. Crime, Law and Social Change. 47 (3), pp. 151-168.Article