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2411 results found
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Survivors of male rape: the emergence of a social and legal issue.
Abdullah-Khan, N. 2002. Survivors of male rape: the emergence of a social and legal issue. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Social Sciences

PhD thesis

Urbanization and security: moving forward, key themes, and challenges
Davidson, J. and Martellozzo, E. 2009. Urbanization and security: moving forward, key themes, and challenges. in: Cordner, G., Das, D. and Cordner, A. (ed.) Urbanization, policing, and security: global perspectives. CRC Press. pp. 435-440

Book chapter

Moderating online child sexual abuse material (CSAM): Does self-regulation work, or is greater state regulation needed?
Bleakley, P., Martellozzo, E., Spence, R. and DeMarco, J. 2023. Moderating online child sexual abuse material (CSAM): Does self-regulation work, or is greater state regulation needed? European Journal of Criminology. 21 (2), pp. 231-250.


Encountering authority and avoiding trouble: young migrant men’s narratives of negotiation in Europe
Fox, C., Jo, D., Spencer, J. and Acik, N. 2022. Encountering authority and avoiding trouble: young migrant men’s narratives of negotiation in Europe. European Journal of Criminology. 19 (4), pp. 791-810.


The crime-commission process of sexual offences on London trains (SOLT): offending in plain sight, not just at night
Apena Rogers, F. 2019. The crime-commission process of sexual offences on London trains (SOLT): offending in plain sight, not just at night. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Science and Technology

PhD thesis

Disengaging and rehabilitating high-value detainees: a small scale qualitative study
Dhami, M., Goodman-Delahunty, J., Martschuk, N., Cheung, S. and Belton, I. 2020. Disengaging and rehabilitating high-value detainees: a small scale qualitative study. Journal for Deradicalization.


Strengthening e-crime legislation in the UAE: learning lessons from the UK and the EU
Al Antali, W. 2018. Strengthening e-crime legislation in the UAE: learning lessons from the UK and the EU. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Capital punishment in South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh): a legal analysis
Alam, M. 2017. Capital punishment in South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh): a legal analysis. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Growing against gangs and violence (GAGV): findings from a process and outcome evaluation
Densley, J., Adler, J., Zhu, L. and Lambine, M. 2017. Growing against gangs and violence (GAGV): findings from a process and outcome evaluation. Psychology of Violence. 7 (2), pp. 242-252.


Implementation of the Licensing Act 2003: a national survey
Foster, J., Herring, R., Waller, S. and Thom, B. 2008. Implementation of the Licensing Act 2003: a national survey. Alcohol Research UK.

Project report

Value stability and change during self-chosen life transitions: self-selection versus socialization effects
Bardi, A., Buchanan, K., Goodwin, R., Slabu, L. and Robinson, M. 2014. Value stability and change during self-chosen life transitions: self-selection versus socialization effects. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 106 (1), pp. 131-147.


Preventing domestic violence and abuse: common themes and lessons learned from West Midlands' DHRs
Neville, L. and Sanders-McDonagh, E. 2015. Preventing domestic violence and abuse: common themes and lessons learned from West Midlands' DHRs. Birmingham, UK West Midlands PCC.


Community based practice and development in the probation service
Broad, R. 1988. Community based practice and development in the probation service. PhD thesis Middlesex Polytechnic School of Social Work

PhD thesis

Cuidado y protección de menores contra el abuso sexual on line
Martellozzo, E. 2009. Cuidado y protección de menores contra el abuso sexual on line. Cuadernos de Seguridad. 11, pp. 151-181.


The prevalence and social distribution of domestic violence: an analysis of theory and method.
Mooney, J. 1994. The prevalence and social distribution of domestic violence: an analysis of theory and method. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Sociology and Social Policy

PhD thesis

Weapons trade, human rights and international law
Wood, B. 2021. Weapons trade, human rights and international law. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Content moderator mental health, secondary trauma, and well-being: a cross-sectional study
Spence, R., Bifulco, A., Bradbury, P., Martellozzo, E. and DeMarco, J. 2024. Content moderator mental health, secondary trauma, and well-being: a cross-sectional study. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 27 (2), pp. 149-155.


Reasoning in criminal intelligence analysis through an argumentation theory-based framework
Groenewald, C. 2023. Reasoning in criminal intelligence analysis through an argumentation theory-based framework. PhD thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

PhD thesis

Is your accent guilty? The experiences of foreign born domestic violence victims within the English criminal justice system and criminal justice professionals’ perceptions of these victims
Cseri, I. 2020. Is your accent guilty? The experiences of foreign born domestic violence victims within the English criminal justice system and criminal justice professionals’ perceptions of these victims. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Law

PhD thesis

Muddy waters: critiquing the historical criminology method in the investigation of the Smiley Face murders theory
Bleakley, P. 2021. Muddy waters: critiquing the historical criminology method in the investigation of the Smiley Face murders theory. Homicide Studies. 25 (3), pp. 273-292.


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