Employment Relations group

TitleEmployment Relations group

Latest research outputs

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Employee turnover, HRM and institutional contexts.
Croucher, R., Wood, G., Brewster, C. and Brookes, M. 2012. Employee turnover, HRM and institutional contexts. Economic and Industrial Democracy. https://doi.org/10.1177/0143831X11424768


Beyond ‘Political Economism’: new identities for unions in Western Europe?
Taylor, G., Mathers, A. and Upchurch, M. 2012. Beyond ‘Political Economism’: new identities for unions in Western Europe? Capital and Class. 36 (1), pp. 17-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309816811428664


A reappraisal of the rank-and-file versus bureaucracy debate
Darlington, R. and Upchurch, M. 2012. A reappraisal of the rank-and-file versus bureaucracy debate. Capital and Class. 36 (1), pp. 77-95. https://doi.org/10.1177/0309816811430369


Antipoverty programmes in Venezuela
Daguerre, A. 2011. Antipoverty programmes in Venezuela. Journal of Social Policy. 40 (4), pp. 835-852. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0047279411000018


Beyond the chains that bind: the political crisis of unions in Western Europe
Taylor, G., Mathers, A. and Upchurch, M. 2011. Beyond the chains that bind: the political crisis of unions in Western Europe. Labor History. 52 (3), pp. 287-305. https://doi.org/10.1080/0023656X.2011.600541


Co-determination and working time accounts in the German finance industry
Singe, I. and Croucher, R. 2004. Co-determination and working time accounts in the German finance industry. Industrial Relations Journal. 35 (2), pp. 153-168.


US multi-nationals and the German industrial relations system
Singe, I. and Croucher, R. 2005. US multi-nationals and the German industrial relations system. Management revue. 16 (1), pp. 123-137.


Consultation in a British utilities company: reinforcing the hierarchy?
Croucher, R. and Singe, I. 2005. Consultation in a British utilities company: reinforcing the hierarchy? Journal of Industrial Relations. 47 (4), pp. 471-475. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1472-9296.2005.00186.x


Die Einführung des britischen Mindestlohns.
Croucher, R. 2005. Die Einführung des britischen Mindestlohns. Arbeit. 2, pp. 94-102.


Divisions in the movement: the national unemployed workers’ movement and its rivals in comparative perspective
Croucher, R. 1995. Divisions in the movement: the national unemployed workers’ movement and its rivals in comparative perspective. in: Andrews, G., Fishman, N. and Morgan, K. (ed.) Opening the books: essays on the social and cultural history of British Communism London Pluto Press. pp. 23-43

Book chapter

Potential future developments in HRM
Croucher, R. and Mayo, A. 2008. Potential future developments in HRM. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. pp. 489-490

Book chapter

Employment relations
Croucher, R. and Higgins, P. 2008. Employment relations. in: Muller-Camen, M., Croucher, R. and Leigh, S. (ed.) Human resource management: a case study approach Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. pp. 317-338

Book chapter

Critical issues in employee relations (2): global unions
Croucher, R. 2010. Critical issues in employee relations (2): global unions. in: Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. (ed.) Critical issues in human resource management London Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. pp. 195-211

Book chapter

The Coventry branch of the minority movement
Croucher, R. 1975. The Coventry branch of the minority movement. Society for the study of labour history bulletin. 30, pp. 37-41.


Women and militancy in the munitions industries, 1935-45
Croucher, R. 1979. Women and militancy in the munitions industries, 1935-45. Society for the study of labour history bulletin. 38, pp. 8-9.


Flexible working practices and the trade unions
Croucher, R. and Brewster, C. 1998. Flexible working practices and the trade unions. Employee Relations. 20 (5), pp. 443-452.


The management of trust-based working time in Germany
Singe, I. and Croucher, R. 2003. The management of trust-based working time in Germany. Personnel Review. 32 (4), pp. 492-509.


The right to request flexible working in Britain: the Law and organisational realities
Croucher, R. and Kelliher, C. 2005. The right to request flexible working in Britain: the Law and organisational realities. International Journal of Comparative Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 21 (3), pp. 503-520.


Wild capitalism, privatisation and employment relations in Serbia
Upchurch, M. and Marinković, D. 2011. Wild capitalism, privatisation and employment relations in Serbia. Employee Relations. 33 (4), pp. 316-333.


The impact of the UK national minimum wage on productivity by low-paying sectors and firm-size groups: report to the Low Pay Commission.
Rizov, M. and Croucher, R. 2011. The impact of the UK national minimum wage on productivity by low-paying sectors and firm-size groups: report to the Low Pay Commission. London The Low Pay Commission.

Project report

The impact of minimum wages on the youth labour market: an international literature review for the Low Pay Commission
Croucher, R. and White, G. 2011. The impact of minimum wages on the youth labour market: an international literature review for the Low Pay Commission. London The Low Pay Commission.

Project report

Labour management in Belarus: transcendent retrogression.
Danilovich, H. and Croucher, R. 2011. Labour management in Belarus: transcendent retrogression. Journal of Communist Studies and Transition Politics. 27 (2), pp. 241-262. https://doi.org/10.1080/13523279.2011.564095


Critical issues in people resourcing (2): the dilemmas with outsourcing and offshoring
Prouska, R. 2010. Critical issues in people resourcing (2): the dilemmas with outsourcing and offshoring. in: Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. (ed.) Critical Issues in Human Resource Management. London Chartered Institute of Personnel Development. pp. 161-177

Book chapter

Critical issues in human resource management
Roper, I., Prouska, R. and Chatrakul Na Ayudhya, U. 2010. Critical issues in human resource management. London Chartered Institute of Personnel Development.


Neoliberal globalization and trade unionism: toward radical political unionism?
Upchurch, M. and Mathers, A. 2011. Neoliberal globalization and trade unionism: toward radical political unionism? Critical sociology. https://doi.org/10.1177/0896920510396384


Conflitto e consapevolezza operaia nell’Europa sud-orientale: organizzazione sindacale e resistenza in tre studi di caso
Cretu, O. and Morrison, C. 2011. Conflitto e consapevolezza operaia nell’Europa sud-orientale: organizzazione sindacale e resistenza in tre studi di caso. in: Sacchetto, D. (ed.) Ai margini dell’ Unione Europea Roma Carocci. pp. 181-203

Book chapter

The social audit of labour standards: what can it tell us about employer motivation to disclose?
Roper, I., Parsa, S. and Muller-Camen, M. 2011. The social audit of labour standards: what can it tell us about employer motivation to disclose? Across Boundaries: An Interdisciplinary Conference on the Global Challenges Facing Workers and Employment Research. BJIR 50th Anniversary Conference. London School of Economics 12 - 13 Dec 2011

Conference paper

Measuring competing explanations of human resource management practices through the Cranet survey: cultural versus institutional explanations
Brookes, M., Croucher, R., Fenton-O'Creevy, M. and Gooderham, P. 2011. Measuring competing explanations of human resource management practices through the Cranet survey: cultural versus institutional explanations. Human Resource Management Review. 21 (1), pp. 68-79. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hrmr.2010.09.012


Gaps in the US Safety Net: a challenge for the Obama Administration.
Daguerre, A. 2010. Gaps in the US Safety Net: a challenge for the Obama Administration. Les Études du CERI.


Child care policies in diverse European welfare states: Switzerland, Sweden, France and Britain
Daguerre, A. 2006. Child care policies in diverse European welfare states: Switzerland, Sweden, France and Britain. in: Armingeon, K. and Bonoli, G. (ed.) The politics of post-industrial welfare states: adapting post-war social policies to new social risks Routledge.

Book chapter

Active labour market policies in international context: what works best? Lessons for the UK
Daguerre, A. and Etherington, D. 2009. Active labour market policies in international context: what works best? Lessons for the UK. Department for Work and Pensions, HMSO.


Policy networks in England and France: the case of child care policy 1980-1989.
Daguerre, A. 2000. Policy networks in England and France: the case of child care policy 1980-1989. Journal of European Public Policy. 7 (2), pp. 244-260. https://doi.org/10.1080/135017600343188


Adaptation to labour market change in France and the UK: convergent or parallel tracks?
Daguerre, A. and Taylor-Gooby, P. 2003. Adaptation to labour market change in France and the UK: convergent or parallel tracks? Social Policy and Administration. 37 (6), pp. 625-638. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9515.00362


The second phase of US welfare reform, 2000–2006: blaming the poor again?
Daguerre, A. 2008. The second phase of US welfare reform, 2000–2006: blaming the poor again? Social Policy and Administration. 42 (4), pp. 362-378. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1467-9515.2008.00609.x


Decision-taking on human resource issues.
Croucher, R. and Druker, J. 2001. Decision-taking on human resource issues. Employee Relations. 23 (1), pp. 55-74. https://doi.org/10.1108/01425450110366273


BA's culture of industrial relations
Upchurch, M. 2010. BA's culture of industrial relations.

Digital or visual media

Creating a sustainable work environment in British Airways: implications of the 2010 cabin crew dispute.
Upchurch, M. 2010. Creating a sustainable work environment in British Airways: implications of the 2010 cabin crew dispute. London Middlesex University.

Technical report

Chinese migrant worker representation and institutional change: social or centralist corporatism?
Croucher, R. and Miles, L. 2010. Chinese migrant worker representation and institutional change: social or centralist corporatism? Asian Journal of Comparative Law. 5 (1). https://doi.org/10.2202/1932-0205.1245


Corporate governance and employees in South Africa.
Croucher, R. and Miles, L. 2010. Corporate governance and employees in South Africa. Journal of Corporate Law Studies. 10 (2), pp. 367-389. https://doi.org/10.5235/147359710793129435


Employee involvement in Ukrainian companies
Croucher, R. 2010. Employee involvement in Ukrainian companies. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 21 (14), pp. 2659-2676. https://doi.org/10.1080/09585192.2010.523582


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