Qualitative and Mixed Methods Research group

TitleQualitative and Mixed Methods Research group

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It blocks out the problem and becomes the addiction: the intersections between problem substance use and domestic and sexual violence experienced by young women in two London Boroughs
Horvath, M., Hansen, S., Apena-Rogers, S. and Adler, J. 2012. It blocks out the problem and becomes the addiction: the intersections between problem substance use and domestic and sexual violence experienced by young women in two London Boroughs. London, UK AVA Stella Project.

Project report

Reconstructing and sequencing behaviours in multiple perpetrator rape
Chambers, J., Horvath, M. and Kelly, L. 2013. Reconstructing and sequencing behaviours in multiple perpetrator rape. Psychology, Crime and Law. 19 (3), pp. 253-275. https://doi.org/10.1080/1068316X.2011.631537


A question of commitment – improving practitioner responses to domestic and sexual violence, problematic substance use and mental ill-health
Holly, J. and Horvath, M. 2012. A question of commitment – improving practitioner responses to domestic and sexual violence, problematic substance use and mental ill-health. Advances in Dual Diagnosis. 5 (2), pp. 59-67. https://doi.org/10.1108/17570971211241912


Lights on at the end of the party: are lads mags’ mainstreaming dangerous sexism?
Horvath, M., Hegarty, P., Tyler, S. and Mansfield, S. 2012. Lights on at the end of the party: are lads mags’ mainstreaming dangerous sexism? British Journal of Psychology. 103 (4), pp. 454-471.


Qualitative research methods in psychology: combining core approaches
Frost, N. 2011. Qualitative research methods in psychology: combining core approaches. Open University Press.


Drawings of self and best friend by children undergoing dialysis
Nyman, K., Baluch, B., Duffy, L. and Shinebourne, P. 2011. Drawings of self and best friend by children undergoing dialysis. Education and Health. 29 (1).


Understanding criminal investigation.
Tong, S., Bryant, R. and Horvath, M. 2009. Understanding criminal investigation. Chichester WileyBlackwell.


Do you believe her and is it real rape?
Brown, J. and Horvath, M. 2009. Do you believe her and is it real rape? in: Horvath, M. and Brown, J. (ed.) Rape: challenging contemporary thinking Cullompton Willan. pp. 325-342

Book chapter

Setting the scene: introduction to understanding rape.
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2009. Setting the scene: introduction to understanding rape. in: Horvath, M. and Brown, J. (ed.) Rape: challenging contemporary thinking. Cullompton Willan. pp. 1-16

Book chapter

Alcohol and drugs in rape and sexual assault
Lovett, J. and Horvath, M. 2009. Alcohol and drugs in rape and sexual assault. in: Horvath, M. and Brown, J. (ed.) Rape: challenging contemporary thinking Cullompton Willan Publishing. pp. 125-160

Book chapter

Using police data for empirical investigations of rape.
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2007. Using police data for empirical investigations of rape. Issues in Forensic Psychology. 6, pp. 49-56.


Rape: challenging contemporary thinking
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2009. Rape: challenging contemporary thinking. Cullompton Willan.


The role of drugs and alcohol in rape.
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2006. The role of drugs and alcohol in rape. Medicine, Science and the Law. 46 (3), pp. 219-228. https://doi.org/10.1258/rsmmsl.46.3.219


Critical issues in rape investigation: an overview of reform in England and Wales
Horvath, M., Tong, S. and Williams, E. 2011. Critical issues in rape investigation: an overview of reform in England and Wales. The Journal of Criminal Justice Research. 1 (2).


Between a rock and a hard place
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2010. Between a rock and a hard place. The Psychologist. 23 (7), pp. 556-559.


Alcohol as drug of choice; is drug-assisted rape a misnomer?
Horvath, M. and Brown, J. 2007. Alcohol as drug of choice; is drug-assisted rape a misnomer? Psychology, Crime and Law. 13 (5), pp. 417-429. https://doi.org/10.1080/10683160601061117


Below the age of consent: influences on moral and legal judgments of adult–adolescent sexual relationships
Horvath, M. and Giner-Sorolla, R. 2007. Below the age of consent: influences on moral and legal judgments of adult–adolescent sexual relationships. Journal of Applied Social Psychology. 37 (12), pp. 2980-3009. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1559-1816.2007.00290.x


Multiple perpetrator rape: naming an offence and initial research findings
Horvath, M. and Kelly, L. 2009. Multiple perpetrator rape: naming an offence and initial research findings. Journal of Sexual Aggression. 15 (1), pp. 83-96. https://doi.org/10.1080/13552600802653818


Lads mags, young men’s attitudes towards women and acceptance of myths about sexual aggression.
Coy, M. and Horvath, M. 2011. Lads mags, young men’s attitudes towards women and acceptance of myths about sexual aggression. Feminism & Psychology. 21 (1), pp. 144-150. https://doi.org/10.1177/0959353509359145


A typology of multiple perpetrator rape
Chambers, J., Horvath, M. and Kelly, L. 2010. A typology of multiple perpetrator rape. Criminal Justice and Behavior. 37 (10), pp. 1114-1139. https://doi.org/10.1177/0093854810377971


Pluralism in qualitative research: a report of the work of the PQR project. [research notes]
Frost, N. 2009. Pluralism in qualitative research: a report of the work of the PQR project. [research notes]. Social Psychological Review. 11 (1).


Mothering on the margins of space: meanings of space in accounts of maternal experience
Frost, N. 2010. Mothering on the margins of space: meanings of space in accounts of maternal experience. Radical Psychology: A Journal of Psychology, Politics, and Radicalism. 9 (2).


Developing a qualitative research culture in university psychology departments
Frost, N. and Barry, R. 2010. Developing a qualitative research culture in university psychology departments. QMiP Newsletter. 1 (2).


Taking the other out of mother: the transition to secondtime motherhood
Frost, N. 1996. Taking the other out of mother: the transition to secondtime motherhood. "Mobility and conflict", Psychology of Women Section. Manchester Metropolitan University

Conference paper

Alcohol and the self.
Shinebourne, P. 2008. Alcohol and the self. British Psychological Society Qualitative Methods in Psychology (QMiP) Section Inaugural Conference. University of Leeds 02 - 04 Sep 2008

Conference paper

Images of recovery from addiction: using participants’ drawings in qualitative research on addiction and recovery.
Shinebourne, P. 2009. Images of recovery from addiction: using participants’ drawings in qualitative research on addiction and recovery. 1st International Visual Methods Conference. University of Leeds 15 - 17 Sep 2009

Conference paper

Collective findings, individual interpretations: an illustration of a pluralistic approach to qualitative data analysis qualitative research in Psychology
Frost, N., Holt, A., Shinebourne, P., Esin, C., Nolas, S., Mehdizadeh, L. and Brooks-Gordon, B. 2011. Collective findings, individual interpretations: an illustration of a pluralistic approach to qualitative data analysis qualitative research in Psychology. Qualitative Research in Psychology. 8 (1), pp. 93-113. https://doi.org/10.1080/14780887.2010.500351


Pluralism in qualitative research: the impact of different researchers and qualitative approaches on the analysis of qualitative data.
Frost, N., Nolas, S., Brooks-Gordon, B., Esin, C., Holt, A., Mehdizadeh, L. and Shinebourne, P. 2010. Pluralism in qualitative research: the impact of different researchers and qualitative approaches on the analysis of qualitative data. Qualitative Research. 10 (4), pp. 441-460. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794110366802


Pluralism in qualitative research: some emerging findings
Frost, N. 2008. Pluralism in qualitative research: some emerging findings. QMiP Newsletter.


The communicative power of metaphors: an analysis and interpretation of metaphors in accounts of the experience of addiction.
Shinebourne, P. and Smith, J. 2010. The communicative power of metaphors: an analysis and interpretation of metaphors in accounts of the experience of addiction. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 83 (1), pp. 59-73.


Q-methodology as a phenomenological research method.
Shinebourne, P. and Adams, M. 2008. Q-methodology as a phenomenological research method. Existential Analysis. 18.1, pp. 103-116.


It's about time: perspectives on time and temporality in time-limited therapy.
Shinebourne, P. 2006. It's about time: perspectives on time and temporality in time-limited therapy. Existential Analysis. 17.1, pp. 102-116.


The process of becoming art: existential-phenomenological explorations.
Shinebourne, P. 2005. The process of becoming art: existential-phenomenological explorations. Existential Analysis. 16 (1), pp. 50-60.


Using Q method in qualitative research
Shinebourne, P. 2009. Using Q method in qualitative research. International Journal of Qualitative Methods. 8 (1), pp. 93-97.


Therapists' understandings and experiences of working with clients with problems of addiction: a pilot study using Q methodology.
Shinebourne, P. and Adams, M. 2007. Therapists' understandings and experiences of working with clients with problems of addiction: a pilot study using Q methodology. Counselling and Psychotherapy Research: linking research with practice. 7 (4), pp. 211-219. https://doi.org/10.1080/14733140701726159


Alcohol and the self: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of addiction and its impact on the sense of self and identity.
Shinebourne, P. and Smith, J. 2009. Alcohol and the self: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experience of addiction and its impact on the sense of self and identity. Addiction Research & Theory. 17 (2), pp. 152-167. https://doi.org/10.1080/16066350802245650


Trauma and culture: on Freud’s writing about trauma and its resonances in contemporary cultural discourse
Shinebourne, P. 2006. Trauma and culture: on Freud’s writing about trauma and its resonances in contemporary cultural discourse. British Journal of Psychotherapy. 22 (3), pp. 335-345. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1752-0118.2006.tb00289.x


Do you know what I mean? The use of a pluralistic narrative analysis approach in the interpretation of an interview
Frost, N. 2009. Do you know what I mean? The use of a pluralistic narrative analysis approach in the interpretation of an interview. Qualitative Research. 9 (1), pp. 9-29. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468794108094867


Self-deception and the therapist: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive.
Westland, S. and Shinebourne, P. 2009. Self-deception and the therapist: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 82 (4), pp. 385-401. https://doi.org/10.1348/147608309X450508


Self-deception and the therapist: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive.
Westland, S. and Shinebourne, P. 2009. Self-deception and the therapist: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences and understandings of therapists working with clients they describe as self-deceptive. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 82 (4), pp. 385-401. https://doi.org/10.1348/147608309X450508


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