Dr Cathal Doyle

NameDr Cathal Doyle
Job titleSenior Lecturer in Law
Research institute
Primary appointmentLaw and Social Sciences
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)

Research outputs

The Philippines Indigenous Peoples Rights Act and ILO Convention 169 on tribal and indigenous peoples: exploring synergies for rights realisation

Doyle, C. 2020. The Philippines Indigenous Peoples Rights Act and ILO Convention 169 on tribal and indigenous peoples: exploring synergies for rights realisation. The International Journal of Human Rights. 24 (2-3), pp. 170-190. https://doi.org/10.1080/13642987.2019.1679120

Indigenous peoples' rights: Is HRIA an enabler for free, prior and informed consent?

Doyle, C. 2019. Indigenous peoples' rights: Is HRIA an enabler for free, prior and informed consent? in: Götzmann, N. (ed.) Hardback Handbook on Human Rights Impact Assessment Cheltenham, UK Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 135-153

Indigenous peoples’ experiences of resistance, participation and autonomy: consultation and free, prior and informed consent in Peru

Doyle, C. 2019. Indigenous peoples’ experiences of resistance, participation and autonomy: consultation and free, prior and informed consent in Peru. in: Wright, C. and Tomaselli, A. (ed.) The Prior Consultation of Indigenous Peoples in Latin America London and New York Routledge. pp. 58-74

The evolving duty to consult and obtain free prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples for extractive projects in the United States and Canada

Doyle, C. 2019. The evolving duty to consult and obtain free prior and informed consent of Indigenous peoples for extractive projects in the United States and Canada. in: Feichtner, I., Krajewski, M. and Roesch, R. (ed.) Human Rights in the Extractive Industries: Transparency, Participation, Resistance Cham Springer.

Introduction to 'Growing Bougainville’s Future'

Hill, C., Fletcher, L. and Doyle, C. 2018. Introduction to 'Growing Bougainville’s Future'. in: Hill, C. and Flecher, L. (ed.) Growing Bougainville’s Future: Choices for an Island and its Peoples Sydney Jubilee Australia Research Centre. pp. 4-12

Free prior and informed consent, development and mining on Bougainville: Choice and the pursuit of self-determined development

Doyle, C. 2018. Free prior and informed consent, development and mining on Bougainville: Choice and the pursuit of self-determined development. in: Hill, C. and Flecher, L. (ed.) Growing Bougainville’s Future: Choices for an Island and its Peoples Sydney Jubilee Australia Research Centre. pp. 68-76

Free prior and informed consent, development and mining on Bougainville: Choice and the pursuit of self-determined development

Doyle, C. 2018. Free prior and informed consent, development and mining on Bougainville: Choice and the pursuit of self-determined development. in: Bougainville 2020 Sydney Jubilee Australia Research Centre.

Part I The UNDRIP’s relationship to existing international law, Ch.1 Who are ‘Indigenous Peoples’? An examination of concepts concerning group membership in the UNDRIP

Castellino, J. and Doyle, C. 2018. Part I The UNDRIP’s relationship to existing international law, Ch.1 Who are ‘Indigenous Peoples’? An examination of concepts concerning group membership in the UNDRIP. in: Hohmann, J. and Weller, M. (ed.) The UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: a commentary Oxford University Press (OUP). pp. 7-37

CERD, the State, mining corporations and indigenous people’ rights: the experience of the Subanon in the Philippines

Doyle, C. 2017. CERD, the State, mining corporations and indigenous people’ rights: the experience of the Subanon in the Philippines. in: Keane, D. and Waughray, A. (ed.) Fifty Years of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination: A living instrument Manchester University Press. pp. 182-206

El Dano No Se Olvida: Impactos socioambientales en territorios de pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía norperuana afectados por las operaciones de la empresa Pluspetrol

Campanario Baqué, Y. and Doyle, C. 2017. El Dano No Se Olvida: Impactos socioambientales en territorios de pueblos indígenas de la Amazonía norperuana afectados por las operaciones de la empresa Pluspetrol. Equidad, IWGIA.

The content of free prior and informed consent

Doyle, C. 2015. The content of free prior and informed consent. in: Doyle, C., Tugendhat, H. and Halip, R. (ed.) Mining, the Aluminium Industry, and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Chiang Mai/Gloucestershire/Gland Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). pp. 33-48

Criteria for the identification of indigenous peoples

Doyle, C. 2015. Criteria for the identification of indigenous peoples. in: Doyle, C., Tugendhat, H. and Halip, R. (ed.) Mining, the Aluminium Industry, and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). pp. 13-32

Operational-level grievance mechanism and indigenous peoples’ access to remedy

Doyle, C. 2015. Operational-level grievance mechanism and indigenous peoples’ access to remedy. in: Doyle, C. (ed.) Business and Human Rights: Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences with Access to Remedy. Case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America Chiang Mai, Madrid, Copenhagen Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Almáciga, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. pp. 27-72

Part III – Conclusion and Recommendations: Conclusion – Towards certification of compliance and 'good practice' [&] Recommendations – Synthesis of case study recommendations

Doyle, C., Tugendhat, H. and Halip, R. 2015. Part III – Conclusion and Recommendations: Conclusion – Towards certification of compliance and 'good practice' [&] Recommendations – Synthesis of case study recommendations. in: Doyle, C., Tugendhat, H. and Halip, R. (ed.) Mining, the Aluminium Industry, and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Chiang Mai/Gloucestershire/Gland Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). pp. 150-157

Australia: rolling back on progress towards rights realization: the Wik peoples’ experiences with 40 years of bauxite mining in their homelands

Doyle, C. 2015. Australia: rolling back on progress towards rights realization: the Wik peoples’ experiences with 40 years of bauxite mining in their homelands. in: Doyle, C., Tugendhat, H. and Halip, R. (ed.) Mining, the Aluminium Industry, and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). pp. 49-70

Introduction – Indigenous peoples’ rights and the aluminium industry

Tugendhat, H., Doyle, C. and Halip, R. 2015. Introduction – Indigenous peoples’ rights and the aluminium industry. in: Doyle, C., Tugendhat, H. and Halip, R. (ed.) Mining, the Aluminium Industry, and Indigenous Peoples: Enhancing Corporate Respect for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact (AIPP) Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). pp. vii-xiv

Part III: Conclusion and Recommendations: Conclusion: lessons emerging from indigenous peoples’ experiences [&] Recommendations

Doyle, C. 2015. Part III: Conclusion and Recommendations: Conclusion: lessons emerging from indigenous peoples’ experiences [&] Recommendations. in: Doyle, C. (ed.) Business and Human Rights: Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences with Access to Remedy. Case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Almáciga, International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs. pp. 259-275

Business and human rights: indigenous peoples’ experiences with access to remedy. An introduction

Doyle, C. 2015. Business and human rights: indigenous peoples’ experiences with access to remedy. An introduction. in: Doyle, C. (ed.) Business and Human Rights: Indigenous Peoples’ Experiences with Access to Remedy. Case studies from Africa, Asia and Latin America Chiang Mai, Madrid, Copenhagen Asia Indigenous Peoples Pact, Almaciga, International Working Group on Indigenous Affairs. pp. 1-10

Indigenous peoples, title to territory, rights and resources: the transformative role of free prior and informed consent

Doyle, C. 2014. Indigenous peoples, title to territory, rights and resources: the transformative role of free prior and informed consent. Routledge.

Peuples Autochtones et Industries Extractives: Mettre en oeuvre le consentement, libre, préalable, informé

Doyle, C. and Carino, J. 2014. Peuples Autochtones et Industries Extractives: Mettre en oeuvre le consentement, libre, préalable, informé. Paris L'Harmattan.

Indigenous peoples and the extractive sector: towards a rights respecting engagement

Doyle, C. and Whitmore, A. 2014. Indigenous peoples and the extractive sector: towards a rights respecting engagement. Tebtebba Foundation, Indigenous Peoples Links (PIPLinks) and Middlesex University.

Indigenous peoples and globalization: from development aggression to self-determined development

Doyle, C., Gilbert, J., The European Centre for Minority Issues and The European Academy Bozen/Bolzano 2011. Indigenous peoples and globalization: from development aggression to self-determined development. in: European yearbook of minority issues Martinus Nijhoff.

A new dawn over the land: shedding light on collective ownership and consent.

Gilbert, J. and Doyle, C. 2011. A new dawn over the land: shedding light on collective ownership and consent. in: Allen, S. and Xanthaki, A. (ed.) Reflections on the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. Oxford Hart Publishing.

Indigenous peoples and the Millennium Development Goals: sacrificial lambs or equal beneficiaries?

Doyle, C. 2009. Indigenous peoples and the Millennium Development Goals: sacrificial lambs or equal beneficiaries? The International Journal of Human Rights. 13 (1), pp. 44-71. https://doi.org/10.1080/13642980802532341
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