Dr Rhonda Cohen

NameDr Rhonda Cohen
Job titleEnterprise and Engagement Manager (LSI)
Research institute
Primary appointmentLondon Sports Institute
Contact categoryAcademic staff (past)



I am a Sport and Exercise Psychologist under the protected title (British Psychological Society) which is regulated by the Health Care Profession Council . 

I belong to the BPS Division of Sport Exercise Psychology and the Division of Coaching Psychology, as I am a NLP Life coaching practitioner. I am a chartered BPS Psychologist (CPsycol) ,chartered scientist (CSci) Associate Fellow of BPS (AFBPsS) , Registered of Applied Psychology Practice Supervisors (RAPPS)  . I am a former Head of Department for London Sport Institute and now working part time as a Senoir Manager enterprise and engagement.

I am the author of  the book,  Sport Psychology : Optimising Performance, published Bloomsbuty Press. 


Teaching on the MSc Sport Exercise Psychology in specialist areas and with the MSc Exercise and Physical Activity with Special Populations area. 

Post Graduate Supervision 

A. Elliott - A multi-method investigation into Physical Activity in Middlese Age through A Life Course perspective ( PhD awaraded July 2016) 

F. Fazeli -A study into Parents perception of Physical Activity, Weight status, Fundamental Movement Skills , and Obesity in Children . A trasncultural study . ( PhD awarded 2022) 

Tija Hubej -Supporting and Developing Carers who work with thos with Dementia ( Viva in 2024) 

D.Holmes - Mental Health in Professional Footballers (transfer passed in 2022) 

Bushra Ali - Enhancing Physical Activity - A Transculutrual Study  ( transfer due in 2024)

Stephen Orwin - Physical Activity and Parkinsons in care homes (transfer due in 2024/5) 


Senior manager for Enterprise and Engagement
Middlesex University
01 Sept 2023
Head of Department for thje London Sport Institute
Middlesex University
01 Sept 2009
31 Aug 2023
Principle Lecturer /Associate Prof / Director of Programmes
Middlesex University
01 Sept 2002
01 Sept 2009

Education and qualifications


Prizes and Awards

External activities

Research outputs

Was Physical Education as bad as people remember it? A qualitative thematic review

Elliott, A., Evans, T., Cohen, R., Watt, J. and Volante, M. 2022. Was Physical Education as bad as people remember it? A qualitative thematic review. The Sky-International Journal of Physical Education and Sports Sciences (IJPESS). https://doi.org/10.51846/the-sky.v0i0.2071

Using Narrative Inquiry to understand physical activity connections through the lifecourse

Elliott, A., Volante, M., Watt, J. and Cohen, R. 2022. Using Narrative Inquiry to understand physical activity connections through the lifecourse. Leisure Studies Association Conference 2022: In pursuit of leisure: inequality, storytelling and the meanings of place. Falmouth University 12 - 14 Jul 2022 Falmouth University. pp. 1-80

A survey into the use of priming techniques implemented by athletes and coaches to improve athletic performance

Collins, J., Bishop, C., Hills, F., Spiegelhalter, A., Cohen, R. and Turner, A. 2023. A survey into the use of priming techniques implemented by athletes and coaches to improve athletic performance. The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. 37 (1), pp. 107-113. https://doi.org/10.1519/jsc.0000000000004220

Was Physical Education as bad as people remember it?

Elliott, A., Volante, M., Evans, T., Watt, J. and Cohen, R. 2021. Was Physical Education as bad as people remember it? Dancs, H., Whyte, I. and Gaillard, J. (ed.) The INSHS 13th International Christmas Sports Scientific Conference. Hungary (online) 01 - 03 Dec 2021 Savaria University Press. pp. 15

Are personal trainers' values and philosophy of practitionership hampering clients' success?

Elliott, A., Volante, M., Watt, J. and Cohen, R. 2021. Are personal trainers' values and philosophy of practitionership hampering clients' success? Leisure Studies Association Conference 2021: Leisure identities, health and wellbeing. Southampton Solent University, UK (Virtual) 06 - 08 Jul 2021 Leisure Studies Association. pp. 65-65

Personality differences amongst drag racers and archers: implications for sport injury rehabilitation

Cohen, R., Baluch, B. and Duffy, L. 2018. Personality differences amongst drag racers and archers: implications for sport injury rehabilitation. Journal of Exercise Rehabilitation. 14 (5), pp. 783-790. https://doi.org/10.12965/jer.1836350.175

Defining extreme sport: conceptions and misconceptions

Cohen, R., Baluch, B. and Duffy, L. 2018. Defining extreme sport: conceptions and misconceptions. Frontiers in Psychology. 9. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2018.01974

The impact of Dementia Club UK on support for people living with dementia and their carers in the local community: findings from an external independent evaluation

Cohen, R. and Hafford-Letchfield, T. 2017. The impact of Dementia Club UK on support for people living with dementia and their carers in the local community: findings from an external independent evaluation. London, UK Middlesex University.

Sport psychology: the basics: optimising human performance

Cohen, R. 2016. Sport psychology: the basics: optimising human performance. London Bloomsbury.

Psychology - performance enhancement

Cohen, R. 2014. Psychology - performance enhancement. in: Narvani, A., Thomas, P. and Lynn, B. (ed.) Key Clinical Topics in Sports and Exercise Medicine London, UK JP Medical Ltd.. pp. 239-241

Psychology - sports injuries

Cohen, R. 2014. Psychology - sports injuries. in: Narvani, A., Thomas, P. and Lynn, B. (ed.) Key Clinical Topics in Sports and Exercise Medicine London, UK JP Medical Ltd.. pp. 242-244

The relationship between personality, sensation seeking, reaction time and sport participation: evidence from drag racers, sport science students and archers

Cohen, R. 2012. The relationship between personality, sensation seeking, reaction time and sport participation: evidence from drag racers, sport science students and archers. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Health and Social Sciences

Personality and sensation seeking in extreme sport

Cohen, R. 2012. Personality and sensation seeking in extreme sport. The 7th INSHS International Christmas Sport Scientific Conference "Qualitative and Quantitative Research in Sport Science”. University of West – Hungary, Savaria Campus, Institute of Sport Science and INSHS (International Network on Sport and Health Science) Szombathely – Hungary 09 - 11 Dec 2012

Psychology and sports rehabilitation

Cohen, R., Nordin, S. and Abrahamson, E. 2010. Psychology and sports rehabilitation. in: Comfort, P. and Abrahamson, E. (ed.) Sport Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention WileyBlackwell.

Psychology and sport rehabilitation

Cohen, R., Nordin, S. and Abrahamson, E. 2010. Psychology and sport rehabilitation. in: Comfort, P. and Abrahamson, E. (ed.) Sports Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention WileyBlackwell. pp. 275-296

Sport psychology and use of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) in sport

Lazarus, J. and Cohen, R. 2009. Sport psychology and use of neuro linguistic programming (NLP) in sport. Journal of Health, Social and Environmental Issues. 10 (1), pp. 5-12.
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