Mr Nicola Montagna

NameMr Nicola Montagna
Job titleSenior Lecturer-Criminology & Sociology
Research institute
Primary appointmentLaw and Social Sciences
Contact categoryResearcher (past)

Research outputs

The two emergencies of migrant-related policies in Italy during the first wave of COVID-19: The spread of the virus and the workforce shortages

Montagna, N. 2023. The two emergencies of migrant-related policies in Italy during the first wave of COVID-19: The spread of the virus and the workforce shortages. Journal of International Migration and Integration. 24, p. 1817–1833.

For a new sociology of social love

Montagna, N. 2023. For a new sociology of social love. American Sociologist. 54 (2), pp. 338-348.

Quarantine ships as spaces of bordering: The securitization of migration policy in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic

Montagna, N. 2023. Quarantine ships as spaces of bordering: The securitization of migration policy in Italy during the COVID-19 pandemic. International Migration Review. 58 (2), pp. 499-521.

Non solo il Mediterraneo: sbarchi di migranti e politiche dei confini lungo la rotta della Manica

Montagna, N. 2022. Non solo il Mediterraneo: sbarchi di migranti e politiche dei confini lungo la rotta della Manica. in: MigraReport 2022. Migrazioni e migranti vittime delle guerre Vita & Pensiero.

Onward migration: an introduction

Montagna, N., della Puppa, F. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration: an introduction. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 8-15.

Onward migration: An introduction

Montagna, N., Della Puppa, F. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration: An introduction. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 8-15.

Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: a critical and theoretical overview

Della Puppa, F., Montagna, N. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: a critical and theoretical overview. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 16-28.

Da Blair a Brexit. Venti anni d'immigrazione e politiche migratorie nel Regno Unito

Montagna, N. 2020. Da Blair a Brexit. Venti anni d'immigrazione e politiche migratorie nel Regno Unito. FrancoAngeli.

'Narrations of the nation in mobility life stories: gendered scripts, emotional spheres and transnational performativity in the Greek diaspora'

Christou, A. 2018. 'Narrations of the nation in mobility life stories: gendered scripts, emotional spheres and transnational performativity in the Greek diaspora'. in: Mulholland, J., Montagna, N. and Sanders-McDonagh, E. (ed.) Gendering Nationalism: Intersections of Nation, Gender and Sexuality in the 21st Century Palgrave McMillan. pp. 299-314

Health challenges in refugee reception: dateline Europe 2016

Blitz, B., D'Angelo, A., Kofman, E. and Montagna, N. 2017. Health challenges in refugee reception: dateline Europe 2016. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 14 (12).

Dominant or subordinate? The relational dynamics in a protest cycle for undocumented migrant rights

Montagna, N. 2018. Dominant or subordinate? The relational dynamics in a protest cycle for undocumented migrant rights. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 41 (5), pp. 785-803.

Migration and the city: Diversity, migrant economies and urban space Introduction

Hatziprokopiou, P., Frangopoulos, Y. and Montagna, N. 2016. Migration and the city: Diversity, migrant economies and urban space Introduction. City: Analysis of Urban Trends. 20 (1), pp. 52-60.

The contestation of space in Milan’s Chinatown

Montagna, N. 2016. The contestation of space in Milan’s Chinatown. City: Analysis of Urban Trends. 20 (1), pp. 91-100.

Questioning while walking: the ‘disobedient movement’, and the centro sociale revolta in Italy

Montagna, N. 2005. Questioning while walking: the ‘disobedient movement’, and the centro sociale revolta in Italy. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Health & Social Science

Vent’anni d’immigrazione nel Regno Unito: i flussi, le politiche e il dibattito

Montagna, N. 2014. Vent’anni d’immigrazione nel Regno Unito: i flussi, le politiche e il dibattito. in: Ventesimo Rapporto sulle migrazioni: 1994-2014 FrancoAngeli. pp. 207-220

Thinking Lampedusa: border construction, the spectacle of bare life and the productivity of migrants

Dines, N., Montagna, N. and Ruggiero, V. 2015. Thinking Lampedusa: border construction, the spectacle of bare life and the productivity of migrants. Ethnic and Racial Studies. 38 (3), pp. 430-445.

Refugees and citizenship in the UK

Montagna, N. 2014. Refugees and citizenship in the UK. in: Codini, E. and D'Odorico, M. (ed.) Democracy and Citizenship in the 21st Century: Critical issues and perspectives McGraw Hill Education.

La comunicazione ambientale in alcune imprese pubbliche e private (The environmental communication of public and private companies)

Montagna, N. and Tacchi, E. (ed.) La comunicazione ambientale in alcune imprese pubbliche e private (The environmental communication of public and private companies). FrancoAngeli.

The de‐commodification of urban space and the occupied social centres in Italy

Montagna, N. 2006. The de‐commodification of urban space and the occupied social centres in Italy. City: analysis of urban trends, culture, theory, policy, action. 10 (3), pp. 295-304.

La riunificazione familiare nel Regno Unito

Montagna, N. 2013. La riunificazione familiare nel Regno Unito. in: Diciottesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2012 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 203-216

Milan Chinatown: economic incorporation and the contentious uses of urban space

Montagna, N. 2013. Milan Chinatown: economic incorporation and the contentious uses of urban space. in: Gospodini, A. (ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing Cities”: Spatial, Morphological, Formal & Socio-Economic Dimensions Grafima.

Editors' introduction: conflicts within the crisis

Montagna, N. and Mew, S. 2012. Editors' introduction: conflicts within the crisis. Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict & World Order. 39 (1), pp. 1-7.

Multiculturalismo, politiche d’integrazione e big society nel Regno Unito

Montagna, N. 2012. Multiculturalismo, politiche d’integrazione e big society nel Regno Unito. in: Diciasettesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2011 FrancoAngeli. pp. 255-266

Conflitti, movimenti e cambiamento sociale nelle teorie sui movimenti

Montagna, N. 2012. Conflitti, movimenti e cambiamento sociale nelle teorie sui movimenti. in: Koensler, A. and Rossi, A. (ed.) Comprendere il dissenso. Etnografia e antropologia dei movimenti sociali Morlacchi Editore.

Labor, citizenship, and subjectivity: migrants’ struggles within the Italian crisis

Montagna, N. 2012. Labor, citizenship, and subjectivity: migrants’ struggles within the Italian crisis. Social Justice: A Journal of Crime, Conflict & World Order. 39 (1), pp. 37-53.

Contested Chinatown: Chinese migrants' incorporation and the urban space in London and Milan

Hatziprokopiou, P. and Montagna, N. 2012. Contested Chinatown: Chinese migrants' incorporation and the urban space in London and Milan. Ethnicities. 12 (6), pp. 706-729.

London's Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging

Sales, R., Hatziprokopiou, P., Flemming, C., D'Angelo, A., Liang, X., Lin, X. and Montagna, N. 2011. London's Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging. International Journal of Business & Globalisation. 7 (2), pp. 195-231.

L'immigrazione irregolare nel Regno Unito

Montagna, N. 2011. L'immigrazione irregolare nel Regno Unito. in: Sedicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2010 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 263-276

The making of a global movement: cycles of protest and scales of action

Montagna, N. 2010. The making of a global movement: cycles of protest and scales of action. Sociological Review. 58 (4), pp. 638-655.

Chinese in London: images and realities of an urban diaspora.

D'Angelo, A. and Montagna, N. 2009. Chinese in London: images and realities of an urban diaspora. Race in the Modern World Conference. London, UK 01 - 03 Apr 2009

L'idraulico polacco torna a cassa? Migrazione e recessione nel Regno Unito

Montagna, N. 2010. L'idraulico polacco torna a cassa? Migrazione e recessione nel Regno Unito. in: Quindicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2009 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 285-298

The changing Chinese community in London: new migration, new needs.

Lam, T., Sales, R., D'Angelo, A., Lin, X. and Montagna, N. 2009. The changing Chinese community in London: new migration, new needs. London Middlesex University: School of Health and Social Sciences.

London’s Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging

Sales, R., Hatziprokopiou, P., Christiansen, F., D'Angelo, A., Liang, X., Lin, X. and Montagna, N. 2009. London’s Chinatown: diaspora, identity and belonging. London Middlesex University.

La nuova migrazione cinese nel Regno Unito

Montagna, N. 2009. La nuova migrazione cinese nel Regno Unito. in: Quattordicesimo rapporto sulle migrazioni 2008 Milan FrancoAngeli. pp. 323-336

The equality implications of being a migrant in Britain.

Kofman, E., Lukes, S., D'Angelo, A., Montagna, N. and Midllesex University Social Policy Research Centre 2009. The equality implications of being a migrant in Britain. London Equality and Human Rights Commission.

London's Chinatown: branded place or community space?

Sales, R., D'Angelo, A., Liang, X. and Montagna, N. 2008. London's Chinatown: branded place or community space? in: Donald, S., Kofman, E. and Kevin, C. (ed.) Branding cities: cosmopolitanism, parochialism, and social change London, UK Routledge. pp. 45-58

Chinatown, Londra: città vetrina e luogo d’appartenenza

Montagna, N. 2008. Chinatown, Londra: città vetrina e luogo d’appartenenza. in: Besozzi, E. (ed.) Immigrazione e contesti locali. Annuario CIRMiB 2008 Milan Vita e Pensiero.

Social movements: a reader

Montagna, N. and Ruggiero, V. (ed.) 2008. Social movements: a reader. London Routledge.

Social movements and global mobilisations

Montagna, N. 2008. Social movements and global mobilisations. in: Ruggiero, V. and Montagna, N. (ed.) Social movements: a reader London, UK Routledge.

Cityscapes of diaspora: images and realities of London's Chinatown

Sales, R., Hatziprokopiou, P., Liang, X., Montagna, N., D'Angelo, A., Lin, X. and Christiansen, F. 2008. Cityscapes of diaspora: images and realities of London's Chinatown. London, UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC).

New migrants in England and their needs.

Kofman, E., Lukes, S., D'Angelo, A., Montagna, N., Di Florido, E. and Middlesex University Social Policy Research Centre 2007. New migrants in England and their needs. London Metropolitan Support Trust.

Rappresentanza e autorganizzazione: il "welfare dal basso" dei CSA del Nord-Est

Montagna, N. 2007. Rappresentanza e autorganizzazione: il "welfare dal basso" dei CSA del Nord-Est. in: Vitale, T. (ed.) In nome di chi? Partecipazione e rappresentanza nelle mobilitazioni locali Milan, Italy FrancoAngeli.

Der früling der migrantinnen

Montagna, N. 2002. Der früling der migrantinnen. in: Azzellini, D. and Gleitze, J. (ed.) Italien: Legalisierung der Flüchtlinge - Militarisierung der Grenzen? Berlin Assoziation A.
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