Workfare in 21st century Britain: the erosion of rights to social assistance

Working paper

Daguerre, A. and Etherington, D. 2014. Workfare in 21st century Britain: the erosion of rights to social assistance. ESRC.
TypeWorking paper
TitleWorkfare in 21st century Britain: the erosion of rights to social assistance
AuthorsDaguerre, A. and Etherington, D.

This report is part of an ESRC funded research which analyses the evolution of welfare reform in the US and the UK. The report focuses on the decision making processes behind the expansion of workfare schemes and benefit sanctions endorsed by the coalition government (2010/present), especially:
 The Mandatory Work Activity and Employment, Skills and Enterprise Scheme Regulations (ESE 2011)
 The benefit sanctions regime under the Welfare Reform Act 2012
 The Job Seekers Back to Work Schemes (emergency retroactive legislation introduced in March 2013).
The aim of the research was to identify the legal and political arguments that justify the reframing of welfare rights as conditional. The interview schedule included questions regarding the evolution of workfare schemes as well as questions regarding the degree of political consensus between Labour and Coalition government actors (with an assessment of Labour and current government policies).

Publication dates
Online21 Nov 2014
Publication process dates
Deposited08 May 2015
CompletedNov 2014
Output statusPublished
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