Local area agreements and local economic development

Project report

Syrett, S., North, D., Owen, R., Etherington, D., Engelbert, S. and CEEDR 2009. Local area agreements and local economic development. London Department for Communities and Local Government.
TypeProject report
TitleLocal area agreements and local economic development
AuthorsSyrett, S., North, D., Owen, R., Etherington, D., Engelbert, S. and CEEDR

This study explores the variations in the number and types of economic indicators adopted across different localities within the 2008 Local Area Agreement (LAA) process by identifying the factors that influenced indicator selection and the extent and nature of the relationship of the adopted indicators to processes of local economic development. It does not cover subsequent negotiations on the refresh of LAAs. Ten case study localities characterised by different numbers and types of economic indicators were purposively selected to reflect different types of local economic conditions and governance arrangements

Research GroupCentre for Enterprise, Environment and Development Research (CEEDR)
PublisherDepartment for Communities and Local Government
Place of publicationLondon
Publication dates
Print15 Jul 2009
Publication process dates
Deposited22 Feb 2010
Output statusPublished
Copyright Statement

Permitted under the terms of Open Government Licence.

Web address (URL)http://www.communities.gov.uk/publications/localgovernment/laaeconomicdevelopment?view=Standard
Institution nameMiddlesex University Business School
Department nameCentre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research
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Teasdale, S., Lyon, F. and Owen, R. 2013. Playing with numbers: a methodological critique of the social enterprise growth myth. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship. 4 (2), pp. 113-131. https://doi.org/10.1080/19420676.2012.762800
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Is there a debt finance gap relating to Scottish SMEs? A demand-side perspective
North, D., Owen, R. and Ekanem, I. 2010. Is there a debt finance gap relating to Scottish SMEs? A demand-side perspective. Venture Capital. 12 (3), pp. 173-192. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691061003658670
Frit valg eller frit fald: når velfærd er et tilbud [Free choice or free fall when welfare is a choice]
Bohn, L. and Etherington, D. 2007. Frit valg eller frit fald: når velfærd er et tilbud [Free choice or free fall when welfare is a choice]. Copenhagen Fagligt Fælles Forbund. (Danish General Workers Union).
SMEs in a low carbon economy: final report for BERR enterprise directorate.
Vickers, I., Vaze, P., Corr, L., Kasparova, E., Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2009. SMEs in a low carbon economy: final report for BERR enterprise directorate. London Department for Business, Innovation & Skills..
Mapping the regional social enterprise sector.
Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2008. Mapping the regional social enterprise sector. South East of England Development Agency.
Welfare reforms local government and the politics of social inclusion: lessons from Denmark's labour market and area regeneration programmes.
Etherington, D. 2003. Welfare reforms local government and the politics of social inclusion: lessons from Denmark's labour market and area regeneration programmes. Roskilde Department of Social Sciences.
Flexicurity, workfare or inclusion? The politics of welfare and activation in the UK and Denmark
Etherington, D. and Andersen, J. 2005. Flexicurity, workfare or inclusion? The politics of welfare and activation in the UK and Denmark. Aalborg, Denmark CARMA : Centre for Labour Market Research, Aaalborg University.
Ethnic minority enterprise: policy in practice.
Ram, M., Smallbone, D., Owen, R., Ekanem, I. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2001. Ethnic minority enterprise: policy in practice. Small Business Service..
Governing the skills agenda: insights from the Sheffield city-region
Jones, M. and Etherington, D. 2009. Governing the skills agenda: insights from the Sheffield city-region. Local Economy. 24 (1), pp. 68-79. https://doi.org/10.1080/02690940802645521
Review of the enterprise promotion fund
Vickers, I., Owen, R., Etherington, D., North, D. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2006. Review of the enterprise promotion fund. Small Business Service..
Emerging themes: (D4.1) UK
Etherington, D., Lewis, S. and Mark, A. 2008. Emerging themes: (D4.1) UK. Middlesex University/Utrecht University.
Mapping the regional social enterprise sector: past approaches, challenges and future direction
Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2009. Mapping the regional social enterprise sector: past approaches, challenges and future direction. Emerald Publishing Limited. https://doi.org/10.1108/17508610910956426
Measuring enterprise impacts upon deprived areas.
Lyon, F., Evans, M., Bertotti, M., Smallbone, D., Potts, G., Ramsden, P., CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) and New Economics Foundation 2002. Measuring enterprise impacts upon deprived areas. Small Business Service..
Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small firms.
Vickers, I., Owen, R., Smallbone, D., James, P., Ekanem, I., Bertotti, M. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2003. Cultural influences on health and safety attitudes and behaviour in small firms. London Health & Safety Executive Research Report, HSE Books.
Public service sectors in rural England.
North, D., Lyon, F., Ramsden, M., Owen, R. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2004. Public service sectors in rural England. Cheltenham Commission for Rural Communities.
Review of economic assessment and strategy activity at the local and sub-regional level.
Syrett, S. 2008. Review of economic assessment and strategy activity at the local and sub-regional level. London Department of Communities and Local Government.
Evaluation of the deprived urban post office fund.
North, D., Vickers, I., Owen, R., Ekanem, I. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2005. Evaluation of the deprived urban post office fund. London Office of the Deputy Prime Minister..
Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands.
Lyon, F., Smallbone, D., Evans, M., Ekanem, I., Smith, K. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2002. Mapping the social economy in the rural East Midlands. Countryside Agency.
Informal economic activities and deprived neighbourhoods.
Evans, M., Syrett, S., Williams, C. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2006. Informal economic activities and deprived neighbourhoods. London Department of Communities and Local Government.
Types and impacts of BME businesses
Lyon, F., Owen, R., McPherson, M., Ekanem, I., Ellis, C., Bertotti, M., Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Oyelere, M. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Types and impacts of BME businesses. South East England Development Agency.
Welfare, gender and political agency: comparing strategies in the UK and Denmark
Etherington, D. 2004. Welfare, gender and political agency: comparing strategies in the UK and Denmark. in: Andersen, J. and Siim, B. (ed.) Politics of inclusion and empowerment: gender, class and citizenship. Basingstoke Palgrave. pp. 186-204
Economies of deprived neighbourhoods: summary of research
North, D., Syrett, S., Evans, M., Sanderson, I., Williams, C. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2006. Economies of deprived neighbourhoods: summary of research. London Department of Communities and Local Government. https://doi.org/06NRU03863
The dynamics of local economies and deprived neighbourhoods
North, D., Syrett, S. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2006. The dynamics of local economies and deprived neighbourhoods. London Department of Communities and Local Government. https://doi.org/06NRU03866
Interventions to tackle the economic needs of deprived areas: analysis of six policy case studies.
North, D., Syrett, S., Etherington, D., Vickers, I. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Interventions to tackle the economic needs of deprived areas: analysis of six policy case studies. York Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Devolved governance and the economic problems of deprived areas: the cases of Scotland, Wales and four English Regions
North, D., Syrett, S., Etherington, D. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Devolved governance and the economic problems of deprived areas: the cases of Scotland, Wales and four English Regions. York Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Business-led regeneration of deprived areas: a review of the evidence base. [Research report 5]
North, D., Smallbone, D., Lyon, F., Potts, G. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2003. Business-led regeneration of deprived areas: a review of the evidence base. [Research report 5]. London Office of the Deputy Prime Minister..
Complementarity and co-ordination of self-employment support in rural areas.
Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2002. Complementarity and co-ordination of self-employment support in rural areas. Countryside Agency.
Comparative report on the innovation groups
Lewis, S., Etherington, D., Mark, A., Brookes, M. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2008. Comparative report on the innovation groups. Middlesex University/Utrecht University.
Formalising new arrival enterprises: challenges of new ethnic entrepreneurship for business support policy.
Sepulveda Ramirez, L., Lyon, F., Botero, A., Syrett, S. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2007. Formalising new arrival enterprises: challenges of new ethnic entrepreneurship for business support policy. Prevista Ltd.
Business regeneration in deprived areas: a review of the evidence base.
North, D. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2002. Business regeneration in deprived areas: a review of the evidence base. Neighbourhood Renewal Unit / Small Business Service / HM Treasury.
Provide advice on methods to improve promotion and facilitation of Rural Enterprise Scheme - RE0114
Lyon, F., CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) and Plunkett Foundation 2003. Provide advice on methods to improve promotion and facilitation of Rural Enterprise Scheme - RE0114. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
The contribution of social enterprises to rural economies.
Lyon, F. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2003. The contribution of social enterprises to rural economies. Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
Evaluation of the support for enterprising communities pilot project.
Lyon, F., Evans, M., Ramsden, M., Burch, J. and CEEDR (Centre for Enterprise and Economic Development Research) 2005. Evaluation of the support for enterprising communities pilot project. Department of Education and Skills..
From crisis manager to strategic partner: the changing role of four london boroughs in economic regeneration.
North, D. and Owen, R. 2000. From crisis manager to strategic partner: the changing role of four london boroughs in economic regeneration. Town Planning Review. 71 (4), pp. 435-454.
The politics of the jobs gap and activation: future directions for labour market policy in the UK and Denmark.
Etherington, D. 2004. The politics of the jobs gap and activation: future directions for labour market policy in the UK and Denmark. in: Jørgensen, H., Knudsen, H. and Lind, J. (ed.) Labour and employment regulation in Europe. Brussels Peter Lang.
Policy support for small firms in rural areas: the English experience
Smallbone, D., Owen, R. and North, D. 2003. Policy support for small firms in rural areas: the English experience. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 21 (6), pp. 825-841. https://doi.org/10.1068/c0316
Regulating health and safety in small firms.
Smallbone, D., Vickers, I., James, P. and Owen, R. 2005. Regulating health and safety in small firms. in: Gray, C. and Bannock, G. (ed.) Government regulation and the small firm Milton Keynes, UK Open University Business School.
The implications of new technology for the skill and training needs of small and medium-sized printing firms
Smallbone, D., Supri, S. and Owen, R. 2000. The implications of new technology for the skill and training needs of small and medium-sized printing firms. Education and training. 42 (4), pp. 299-307. https://doi.org/10.1108/00400910010347768
Bridging the gap in support for ethnic minority owned business: the case of Devon and Cornwall
Owen, R. and Smallbone, D. 2003. Bridging the gap in support for ethnic minority owned business: the case of Devon and Cornwall. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. 10 (1), pp. 40-49. https://doi.org/10.1108/14626000310461204
Beyond contradictions of the workfare state? Denmark, welfare-through-work, and the promises of job-rotation
Etherington, D. and Jones, M. 2004. Beyond contradictions of the workfare state? Denmark, welfare-through-work, and the promises of job-rotation. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 22 (1), pp. 129-148. https://doi.org/10.1068/c28m
Whatever happened to local government? Labour market policy in the UK and Denmark
Etherington, D. and Jones, M. 2004. Whatever happened to local government? Labour market policy in the UK and Denmark. Policy and Politics. 32 (2), pp. 137-150. https://doi.org/10.1332/030557304773558116
Managing local labour markets and making up new spaces of welfare
Cochrane, A. and Etherington, D. 2007. Managing local labour markets and making up new spaces of welfare. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. 39 (12), pp. 2958-2974. https://doi.org/10.1068/a38465
New welfare spaces: labour market policies in the UK and Denmark
Etherington, D. 2008. New welfare spaces: labour market policies in the UK and Denmark. Saarbrucken VDM Verlag Dr. Mueller e.K..
External evaluation of Innovation Exchange.
Lyon, F. and CEEDR 2010. External evaluation of Innovation Exchange. London Middlesex University.
Between economic competitiveness and social inclusion: New Labour and the economic revival of deprived neighbourhoods.
Syrett, S. and North, D. 2010. Between economic competitiveness and social inclusion: New Labour and the economic revival of deprived neighbourhoods. Local Economy. 25 (5/6), pp. 476-493.
City-regions: new geographies of uneven development and inequality.
Etherington, D. and Jones, M. 2009. City-regions: new geographies of uneven development and inequality. Regional Studies. 43 (2), pp. 247-265. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400801968353
Metropolitan governance and regionalism: the case of Lisbon.
Syrett, S. and Silva, C. 2005. Metropolitan governance and regionalism: the case of Lisbon. in: Sagan, I. and Halkier, H. (ed.) Regionalism contested: institutions, society and territorial governance. Aldershot Ashgate. pp. 247-264
Portugal: the economy.
Syrett, S. 2009. Portugal: the economy. in: Western Europe, 2010 London Routledge.
Agências de Desenvolvimento Regional em Portugal: que futuro?
Silva, C. and Syrett, S. 2000. Agências de Desenvolvimento Regional em Portugal: que futuro? Cadernos Municipais - Revista de Acção Regional e Local. 14 (72), pp. 36-47.
Tackling concentrated worklessness: integrating governance and policy across and within spatial scales
North, D., Syrett, S. and Etherington, D. 2009. Tackling concentrated worklessness: integrating governance and policy across and within spatial scales. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 27 (6), pp. 1022-1039. https://doi.org/10.1068/c0855
Targeted support for high-growth start-ups: some policy issues
Owen, R., Burgess, S. and Smallbone, D. 2002. Targeted support for high-growth start-ups: some policy issues. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 20 (2), pp. 195-209. https://doi.org/10.1068/c0049
Influences on small firm compliance-related behaviour: the case of workplace health and safety.
Owen, R., James, P., Smallbone, D. and Vickers, I. 2006. Influences on small firm compliance-related behaviour: the case of workplace health and safety. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 24 (6), pp. 827-846. https://doi.org/10.1068/c0564
Understanding small firm responses to regulation: the case of workplace health and safety
Vickers, I., Smallbone, D., James, P. and Owen, R. 2005. Understanding small firm responses to regulation: the case of workplace health and safety. Policy Studies. 26 (2), pp. 149-169. https://doi.org/10.1080/01442870500127626
Devolution and regional governance: tackling the economic needs of deprived areas
North, D., Etherington, D. and Syrett, S. 2007. Devolution and regional governance: tackling the economic needs of deprived areas. Joseph Rowntree Foundation.
Neighbourhood renewal policy and spatial differentiation in housing markets: recent trends in England and Denmark
Etherington, D. and Cole, I. 2005. Neighbourhood renewal policy and spatial differentiation in housing markets: recent trends in England and Denmark. European Journal of Housing Policy. 5 (1), pp. 77-97. https://doi.org/10.1080/14616710500055703
Access to finance by ethnic minority businesses in the UK
Owen, R., Deakins, D., Ram, M. and Smallbone, D. 2003. Access to finance by ethnic minority businesses in the UK. International Small Business Journal. 21 (3), pp. 291-314. https://doi.org/10.1177/02662426030213003
The use of external sources of health and safety information and advice: the case of small firms
Vickers, I., Smallbone, D. and Owen, R. 2004. The use of external sources of health and safety information and advice: the case of small firms. Policy and Practice in Health and Safety. 2 (1), pp. 91-104.
Welfare through work and the re-regulation of labour markets in Denmark
Etherington, D. and Jones, M. 2004. Welfare through work and the re-regulation of labour markets in Denmark. Capital and Class. 28 (2), pp. 19-45. https://doi.org/10.1177/030981680408300103
SMEs’ Access to Finance: Is there still a debt finance gap?
Deakins, D., North, D., Owen, R. and Whittam, G. 2008. SMEs’ Access to Finance: Is there still a debt finance gap? Belfast Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship.
Renewing neighbourhoods: work, enterprise and governance
Syrett, S. and North, D. 2008. Renewing neighbourhoods: work, enterprise and governance. Bristol Policy Press.
Making the links: economic deprivation, neighbourhood renewal and scales of governance
North, D. and Syrett, S. 2008. Making the links: economic deprivation, neighbourhood renewal and scales of governance. Regional Studies. 42 (1), pp. 133-148. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400601147273
Migration, new arrivals and local economies
Syrett, S. and Lyons, M. 2007. Migration, new arrivals and local economies. Local Economy. 22 (4), pp. 325-334. https://doi.org/10.1080/02690940701736710
Enterprising refugees: contributions and challenges in deprived areas
Lyon, F., Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and Syrett, S. 2007. Enterprising refugees: contributions and challenges in deprived areas. Local Economy. 22 (4), pp. 363-375. https://doi.org/10.1080/02690940701736769
Out of the shadows? Formalisation approaches to informal economic activity
Sepulveda Ramirez, L. and Syrett, S. 2007. Out of the shadows? Formalisation approaches to informal economic activity. Policy and Politics. 35 (1), pp. 87-104. https://doi.org/10.1332/030557307779657739
Generating social capital? The social economy and local economic development
Syrett, S. and Evans, M. 2007. Generating social capital? The social economy and local economic development. European Urban and Regional Studies. 14 (1), pp. 53-72. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969776407072664
Governing Lisbon: evolving forms of city governance
Syrett, S. and Silva, C. 2006. Governing Lisbon: evolving forms of city governance. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 30 (1), pp. 98-119. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2427.2006.00646.x
Governing the global city: economic challenges and London's new institutional arrangements
Syrett, S. 2006. Governing the global city: economic challenges and London's new institutional arrangements. Local Government Studies. 32 (3), pp. 293-309. https://doi.org/10.1080/03003930600693203
Reshaping London's economic governance: the role of the London Development Agency
Syrett, S. and Owen, R. 2003. Reshaping London's economic governance: the role of the London Development Agency. European Urban and Regional Studies. 10 (1), pp. 69-86. https://doi.org/10.1177/0969776403010001323
Portugal transformed
Syrett, S. 2002. Portugal transformed. in: Syrett, S. (ed.) Contemporary Portugal: dimensions of economic and political change Aldershot, UK Ashgate. pp. 1-23
Economic change and regional development in Portugal
Syrett, S. 2002. Economic change and regional development in Portugal. in: Syrett, S. and Owen, R. (ed.) Contemporary Portugal: dimensions of economic and political change Aldershot, UK Ashgate. pp. 47-82
Contemporary Portugal: dimensions of economic and political change
Syrett, S. 2002. Contemporary Portugal: dimensions of economic and political change. Aldershot, UK Ashgate.
Governing London: challenges for the new economic governance
Syrett, S., Owen, R., Middlesex University. Regional Regeneration Research Programme. and CEEDR 2001. Governing London: challenges for the new economic governance. in: Syrett, S. and Owen, R. (ed.) Governing London: competitiveness and regeneration in a global city London Middlesex University Press. pp. 48-160
Regional development agencies in Portugal: Past developments and future challenges
Syrett, S. and Silva, C. 2001. Regional development agencies in Portugal: Past developments and future challenges. Regional Studies. 35 (2), pp. 174-180. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343400120033160
Changing times, changing styles: new forms of economic governance in London
Syrett, S., Owen, R., Middlesex University. Regional Regeneration Research Programme. and CEEDR 2001. Changing times, changing styles: new forms of economic governance in London. in: Syrett, S. and Owen, R. (ed.) Governing London: competitiveness and regeneration in a global city London Middlesex University Press. pp. 1-22
Governing London: competitiveness and regeneration in a global city
Syrett, S., Owen, R., Middlesex University. Regional Regeneration Research Programme. and CEEDR 2001. Governing London: competitiveness and regeneration in a global city. London. Middlesex University Press.
The single European market and SMEs: a comparison of its effects in the food and clothing sectors in the UK and Portugal
Smallbone, D, Cumbers, A, Syrett, S and Leigh, R 1999. The single European market and SMEs: a comparison of its effects in the food and clothing sectors in the UK and Portugal. Regional Studies. 33 (1), pp. 51-62. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343409950118913
The politics of partnership - The role of social partners in local economic development in Portugal
Syrett, S 1997. The politics of partnership - The role of social partners in local economic development in Portugal. European Urban and Regional Studies. 4 (2), pp. 99-114. https://doi.org/10.1177/096977649700400201
Local power and economic policy: Local authority economic initiatives in Portugal
Syrett, S. 1994. Local power and economic policy: Local authority economic initiatives in Portugal. Regional Studies. 28 (1), pp. 53-67. https://doi.org/10.1080/00343409412331348066
Local economic initiatives in Portugal - Reality and rhetoric
Syrett, S. 1993. Local economic initiatives in Portugal - Reality and rhetoric. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 17 (4), pp. 526-546. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-2427.1993.tb00239.x