Embedding employability in English programmes

Conference paper

Clark, B., Charalambidou, A. and Shaw, S. 2016. Embedding employability in English programmes. HEA's annual Arts and Humanities conference: Inspire - sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning. Brighton, UK 03 - 04 Mar 2016
TypeConference paper
TitleEmbedding employability in English programmes
AuthorsClark, B., Charalambidou, A. and Shaw, S.
Research GroupEnglish Language and Literature
ConferenceHEA's annual Arts and Humanities conference: Inspire - sharing great practice in Arts and Humanities teaching and learning
Publication dates
Print03 Mar 2016
Publication process dates
Deposited14 May 2019
Accepted08 Nov 2015
Output statusPublished
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Shaw, S. 1999. Demystifying the contents and construction of dictionaries. in: Wheeler, R. (ed.) Language alive in the classroom. London Praeger. pp. 189-199
Politics of performance: rhetoric and political speech
Shaw, S., Bajpai, R. and Finlayson, A. 2008. Politics of performance: rhetoric and political speech. 1st Annual Conference of Gendered Ritual and Ceremony in Parliament (GCRP). Warwick University 23 - 24 Oct 2008
Governed by the rules? The female voice in parliamentary debates
Shaw, S. 2006. Governed by the rules? The female voice in parliamentary debates. in: Baxter, J. (ed.) Speaking out: the female voice in public contexts Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 81-102
Gender, language and floor apportionment in political debates
Shaw, S. 2000. Gender, language and floor apportionment in political debates. Discourse and Society. 11 (3), pp. 401-418. https://doi.org/10.1177/0957926500011003006
The difference women make: a critique of the notion of a 'women's style' of speech in political contexts
Shaw, S. 2009. The difference women make: a critique of the notion of a 'women's style' of speech in political contexts. 42nd Annual Meeting of the British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL). Newcastle 03 - 05 Sep 2009
An ethnographic and linguistic investigation into the construction of an individual’s ‘unpopularity’ on the debating floor of the Northern Ireland Assembly
Shaw, S. 2010. An ethnographic and linguistic investigation into the construction of an individual’s ‘unpopularity’ on the debating floor of the Northern Ireland Assembly. Political speech – Il parlato politico. University Roma Tre, Rome, Italy 10 - 12 Nov 2010