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2388 results found
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Tyndale, a Zwinglian theologian? A comparison between Tyndaleʼs and Zwingliʼs doctrines of the Lordʼs Supper
Mitterhofer, J. 2022. Tyndale, a Zwinglian theologian? A comparison between Tyndaleʼs and Zwingliʼs doctrines of the Lordʼs Supper. PhD thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of Law

PhD thesis

Unearthing the complexity of stigma: a narrative inquiry into clients’ experiences of stigma and psychotherapy
Webster, R. 2022. Unearthing the complexity of stigma: a narrative inquiry into clients’ experiences of stigma and psychotherapy. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Out of the shadows: from forlorn to flourishing (using self as instrument of care for helping)
Campbell, C. 2022. Out of the shadows: from forlorn to flourishing (using self as instrument of care for helping). DProf thesis Middlesex University / Ashridge Business School Business School

DProf thesis

The Little Giant in the South - the Education of Blacks at Oakwood University, Alabama
Cheddar, D. 2022. The Little Giant in the South - the Education of Blacks at Oakwood University, Alabama. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business School

DProf thesis

The transformation, expansion and success of a homelessness charity
Dwight, S. 2022. The transformation, expansion and success of a homelessness charity. DProf thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

DProf thesis

What is the meaning and essence of the lived experience of the outcome of existential therapy for depression?
Barnes, C. 2022. What is the meaning and essence of the lived experience of the outcome of existential therapy for depression? DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Using Sentiment Analysis on online product reviews for determining fairness
Zabek, A. 2022. Using Sentiment Analysis on online product reviews for determining fairness. Masters thesis Middlesex University Science and Technology

Masters thesis

Exploring Human Resource management practise through the Qatar HR Forum; framing the influence of 'Tharaba' culture and the development of Qatar-centric competencies for HR professionals practising in Qatar
El Mahdy, N. 2022. Exploring Human Resource management practise through the Qatar HR Forum; framing the influence of 'Tharaba' culture and the development of Qatar-centric competencies for HR professionals practising in Qatar. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and Education

DProf thesis

The effects of rhythmic presentation of stimuli on item and source memory
Lloyd, N. 2022. The effects of rhythmic presentation of stimuli on item and source memory. Masters thesis Middlesex University Psychology

Masters thesis

Cyber fraud: investigating substantive, procedural and evidentiary legal issues in Cyprus
Papantoniou, M. 2022. Cyber fraud: investigating substantive, procedural and evidentiary legal issues in Cyprus. DProf thesis Middlesex University School of Law

DProf thesis

From national development to local delivery: how neighbourhood policing policy and guidance has informed the understanding of communities and engagement practice at a local level
Ashman, D. 2022. From national development to local delivery: how neighbourhood policing policy and guidance has informed the understanding of communities and engagement practice at a local level. Masters thesis Middlesex University School of Law

Masters thesis

The effect of financial development, financial agglomeration, and financial constraint on China’s economic development
Zhu, Y. 2022. The effect of financial development, financial agglomeration, and financial constraint on China’s economic development. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business School

PhD thesis

How we see ourselves: beginning-teacher identity formation
O’Donoghue, A. 2022. How we see ourselves: beginning-teacher identity formation. PhD thesis Middlesex University Education

PhD thesis

Design of virtual reality for students with autism, developed in a special school setting
Korotkov, A. 2022. Design of virtual reality for students with autism, developed in a special school setting. Masters thesis Middlesex University Computer Science

Masters thesis

Who am I? Self and identity narratives told by second-generation ex-members of high control cultic groups. A life story narrative inquiry
Broom, K. 2022. Who am I? Self and identity narratives told by second-generation ex-members of high control cultic groups. A life story narrative inquiry. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

The intersubjective experience of women with chronic primary pain
Mena Garcés, C. 2022. The intersubjective experience of women with chronic primary pain. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) Psychology

DPsych thesis

New methodological approaches to better understanding the attacking process during open play moments in football
Gwon, U. 2022. New methodological approaches to better understanding the attacking process during open play moments in football. PhD thesis Middlesex University London Sport Institute

PhD thesis

Psychotherapist suicidality: breaking the silence using interactive interviewing
Oakland, M. 2022. Psychotherapist suicidality: breaking the silence using interactive interviewing. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute Psychology

DCPsych thesis

Walking with change: a first-person inquiry into the development of a post-human “frilufts”-life
Friebel, A. 2022. Walking with change: a first-person inquiry into the development of a post-human “frilufts”-life. DProf thesis Middlesex University / Ashridge Business School Business School

DProf thesis

Development of liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry method for measurement of sepsis biomarkers
Suparman, J. 2022. Development of liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry method for measurement of sepsis biomarkers. PhD thesis Middlesex University Natural Sciences

PhD thesis

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