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Therapists’ experiences of shame: an interpretative phenomenological analysis
Kaimaklioti, S. 2021. Therapists’ experiences of shame: an interpretative phenomenological analysis. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Clozapine in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (TRS): improving access and utilisation
Whiskey, E. 2021. Clozapine in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia (TRS): improving access and utilisation. PhD thesis Middlesex University Science and TechnologyPhD thesis
Ethical business modeling: developing a business model for the REIT industry towards an ethical structure
Lok, A. 2021. Ethical business modeling: developing a business model for the REIT industry towards an ethical structure. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationDProf thesis
Rewriting the grammar of secondary schools: lessons in paradigm change from multi-age organisation
Barnard, P. 2021. Rewriting the grammar of secondary schools: lessons in paradigm change from multi-age organisation. DProf thesis Middlesex University Health, Social Care and EducationDProf thesis
Determinants of tourism in African countries: the market value of the economy, financial factors and country risk
Khondoker, M. 2021. Determinants of tourism in African countries: the market value of the economy, financial factors and country risk. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolPhD thesis
Circular Economy strategies of social enterprises in Lagos: a case study approach
Adelekan, A. 2021. Circular Economy strategies of social enterprises in Lagos: a case study approach. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business SchoolPhD thesis
Sport rehabilitation in a young offenders institution: the "get onside" Rugby intervention, from practice to perception
Welland, S. 2021. Sport rehabilitation in a young offenders institution: the "get onside" Rugby intervention, from practice to perception. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Science and TechnologyPhD thesis
The critical voice; A heuristic enquiry into the experience of hearing a critical inner voice to deepen our understanding of its meaning and purpose
Dyson-Horton, G. 2021. The critical voice; A heuristic enquiry into the experience of hearing a critical inner voice to deepen our understanding of its meaning and purpose. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / New School of Psychotherapy and Counselling (NSPC) PsychologyDCPsych thesis
An exploration of student nurses’ experiences and development in non-judgementality, through the analysis of the learning of sexuality in preparatory adult nurse education
Everett, S. 2021. An exploration of student nurses’ experiences and development in non-judgementality, through the analysis of the learning of sexuality in preparatory adult nurse education. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Health and EducationPhD thesis
Paul's opponents and views of women in 1 Corinthians
Cowland, G. 2021. Paul's opponents and views of women in 1 Corinthians. Masters thesis Middlesex University / London School of Theology (LST) School of LawMasters thesis
Eine Evaluierung des außergerichtlichen Schuldenregulierungsversuchs nach § 305 InsO unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frage der Anwendbarkeit mediativer Elemente im Bereich der vorgerichtlichen Schuldenregulierung von Verbrauchern
Weidenfäller, M. 2021. Eine Evaluierung des außergerichtlichen Schuldenregulierungsversuchs nach § 305 InsO unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Frage der Anwendbarkeit mediativer Elemente im Bereich der vorgerichtlichen Schuldenregulierung von Verbrauchern. DBA thesis Middlesex University / KMU Akademie & Management AG Business SchoolDBA thesis
Religion and the public sphere: the spatial theory of Michel de Certeau and religious space
Thomas, J. 2021. Religion and the public sphere: the spatial theory of Michel de Certeau and religious space. PhD thesis Middlesex University / Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) School of LawPhD thesis
Exploring barriers and opportunities to black nurses’ professional development
Gordon, P. 2021. Exploring barriers and opportunities to black nurses’ professional development. DProf thesis Middlesex University School of Health and EducationDProf thesis
Moral conduct in intelligence practice: lessons from the British experience in Northern Ireland, 1968-1998
Kalajdziovski, N. 2021. Moral conduct in intelligence practice: lessons from the British experience in Northern Ireland, 1968-1998. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of LawPhD thesis
An investigation of Black Minority Ethnic service users’ perception of their needs within a North London mental health NHS trust
Flood, V. 2021. An investigation of Black Minority Ethnic service users’ perception of their needs within a North London mental health NHS trust. DProf thesis Middlesex University School of Health and EducationDProf thesis
The lived experience of Diabulimia. Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes using insulin for weight control
Morris, S. 2021. The lived experience of Diabulimia. Individuals with Type 1 Diabetes using insulin for weight control. DCPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDCPsych thesis
Inevitable magic – reason, magic and manipulation
Goodwin Self, B. 2021. Inevitable magic – reason, magic and manipulation. Masters thesis Middlesex University School of Science and TechnologyMasters thesis
The interior, the experiencer, kokoro – Towards the essence of place
Fern, D. 2021. The interior, the experiencer, kokoro – Towards the essence of place. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Art and DesignPhD thesis
On learning from experience: existential perspectives on teaching and writing about Psychotherapy
Adams, M. 2021. On learning from experience: existential perspectives on teaching and writing about Psychotherapy. DPsych thesis Middlesex University / Metanoia Institute PsychologyDPsych thesis
Nursing on the edge: nursing identity in liminal spaces
Attenborough, J. 2021. Nursing on the edge: nursing identity in liminal spaces. DProf thesis Middlesex University Work Based LearningDProf thesis