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Patterns and predictors of stranger rape locations
Lundrigan, S., Weir, R., Newton, A., Agudelo, K. and Dhami, M. 2022. Patterns and predictors of stranger rape locations. European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research.
To have and to hold: marital rape perception in Russian women
Khokhlova, O. and Lamba, N. 2020. To have and to hold: marital rape perception in Russian women. 4th European Conference on Domestic Violence. Online from SloveniaConference item
Defining the limits of honour crimes
Gorar, M. 2020. Defining the limits of honour crimes. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of LawPhD thesis
The justice system is failing victims and survivors of sexual violence
Walker, T., Foster, A., Majeed-Ariss, R. and Horvath, M. 2021. The justice system is failing victims and survivors of sexual violence. The Psychologist. 34.Article
Discrimination-aware data analysis for criminal intelligence
Paudyal, P. 2019. Discrimination-aware data analysis for criminal intelligence. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Science and TechnologyPhD thesis
Online child sexual abuse
Martellozzo, E. 2019. Online child sexual abuse. in: Bryce, I., Robinson, Y. and Petherick, W. (ed.) Child Abuse and Neglect: Forensic Issues in Evidence, Impact, and Management Elsevier.Book chapter
Using SEEC credit level descriptors to support the accreditation of professional learning in the NHS: a case study
Miller, R. 2019. Using SEEC credit level descriptors to support the accreditation of professional learning in the NHS: a case study. in: The impact of the SEEC Credit Level Descriptors: case studies SEEC. pp. 13-15Report Section
The criminality of the Catalan independence referendum
Michelle, C. 2017. The criminality of the Catalan independence referendum.Design
A practical, hybrid argumentation model to assist with the formulation of defensible assessments in uncertain sense-making environments
Groenewald, C., Attfield, S., Passmore, P., Wong, B. and Kodagoda, N. 2017. A practical, hybrid argumentation model to assist with the formulation of defensible assessments in uncertain sense-making environments. 2017 International Conference Next Generation Community Policing. Heraklion, Crete, Greece 25 - 27 Oct 2017Conference paper
Organised and Terrorist Networks: Empirical Research Report
Ruggiero, V., DeMarco, J., Monaghan, A., Huber, F., Jäger, B., Musotto, R., Wall, D., Bonfanti, M. and Meyer- Daetsch, L. 2017. Organised and Terrorist Networks: Empirical Research Report. European Commission.Project report
Mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and hostility and help-seeking in the UK: a scoping review
Carr, S., Holley, J., Hafford-Letchfield, T., Faulkner, A., Gould, D., Khisa, C. and Megele, C. 2017. Mental health service user experiences of targeted violence and hostility and help-seeking in the UK: a scoping review. Global Mental Health. 4.
How analysts think: think-steps as a tool for structuring sensemaking in criminal intelligence analysis
Selvaraj, N., Attfield, S., Passmore, P. and Wong, B. 2016. How analysts think: think-steps as a tool for structuring sensemaking in criminal intelligence analysis. 2016 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC). Uppsala, Sweden 17 - 19 Aug 2016 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). pp. 68-75 paper
Towards analytical provenance visualization for criminal intelligence analysis
Islam, J., Anslow, C., Xu, K., Wong, B. and Zhang, L. 2016. Towards analytical provenance visualization for criminal intelligence analysis. Computer Graphics & Visual Computing (CGVC) 2016. Bournemouth University, United Kingdom 15 - 16 Sep 2016 The Eurographics Association. pp. 17-24 paper
Contemporary dog-fighting law in the UK
Nurse, A. and Harding, S. 2016. Contemporary dog-fighting law in the UK. Journal of Animal Welfare Law.Article
When it comes to behaviour, isn’t it time for young people to be seen and heard
Lees, M. 2016. When it comes to behaviour, isn’t it time for young people to be seen and heard. PhD thesis Middlesex University Social SciencesPhD thesis
Meeting the needs of adult mentally disordered offenders
Vaughan, P. 2003. Meeting the needs of adult mentally disordered offenders. PhD thesis Middlesex University School of Health and Social SciencesPhD thesis
Alcohol harm reduction in Europe.
Herring, R., Thom, B., Beccaria, F., Kolind, T. and Moskalewicz, J. 2010. Alcohol harm reduction in Europe. in: Rhodes, T. and Hedrich, D. (ed.) Harm reduction: evidence, impacts and challenges. Lisbon, Spain European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction.Book chapter
Trade and market in conflict development and conflict resolution in Nigeria: scoping study report to the UK department for International Development.
Porter, G., Lyon, F., Adamu, F., Obafemi, L. and Blench, R. 2005. Trade and market in conflict development and conflict resolution in Nigeria: scoping study report to the UK department for International Development. University of Minnesota AgEcon Search.Project report
The wrong kind of victim? Children and street crime
Porteous, D. 2008. The wrong kind of victim? Children and street crime. in: Kennison, P. and Goodman, A. (ed.) Children as victims Exeter, UK Learning Matters.Book chapter
Security, sovereignty and non-state governance 'From Below'
Stenson, K. and Lea, J. 2007. Security, sovereignty and non-state governance 'From Below'. Canadian Journal of Law and Society / La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société. 22 (2), pp. 9-28.