Criminology & Sociology

TitleCriminology & Sociology
AlternativeBAL - Crim & Soc
FacultyFaculty of Business and Law

Latest research outputs

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“Lucky Boy!”; Public perceptions of child sexual offending committed by women
Bradbury, P. and Martellozzo, E. 2021. “Lucky Boy!”; Public perceptions of child sexual offending committed by women. Journal of Victimology and Victim Justice. 4 (2), pp. 160-178.


A perfect storm: how shifting climate and demographics are contributing to the demise of pond hockey in Canada
Orr, M. and Sailofsky, D. 2019. A perfect storm: how shifting climate and demographics are contributing to the demise of pond hockey in Canada. Sport Canada Research Initiative (SCRI) Conference. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 24 - 25 Oct 2019

Conference poster

Human rights and terrorism: issues and overview
Shor, E. and Sailofsky, D. 2019. Human rights and terrorism: issues and overview. in: Shor, E. and Hoadley, S. (ed.) International Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism Springer. pp. 1-9

Book chapter

When Rape Was Legal—The Untold History of Sexual Violence During Slavery by Rachel A. Feinstein. 2018. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group: New York, NY. 108 pp. $29.57 paper. ISBN: 9781138629684 [Book Review]
Sailofsky, D. 2019. When Rape Was Legal—The Untold History of Sexual Violence During Slavery by Rachel A. Feinstein. 2018. Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group: New York, NY. 108 pp. $29.57 paper. ISBN: 9781138629684 [Book Review]. Sociological Inquiry. 89, pp. 556-558.


Book review: The struggle for freedom from fear: contesting violence against women at the frontiers of globalization
Sailofsky, D. 2020. Book review: The struggle for freedom from fear: contesting violence against women at the frontiers of globalization. International Review of Victimology. 26 (2), pp. 253-255.


One step forward, two tweets back: exploring cultural backlash and hockey masculinity on Twitter
Sailofsky, D. and Orr, M. 2021. One step forward, two tweets back: exploring cultural backlash and hockey masculinity on Twitter. Sociology of Sport Journal. 38 (1), pp. 67-77.


The liminality of loneliness: negotiating feminist ethics and intersectional affectivity
Christou, A. and Bloor, K. 2021. The liminality of loneliness: negotiating feminist ethics and intersectional affectivity. Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change. 6 (1).


From the 'seamless sentence' to 'through the gate': understanding the common threads of resettlement policy failures
Cracknell, M. 2021. From the 'seamless sentence' to 'through the gate': understanding the common threads of resettlement policy failures. British Journal of Community Justice. 17 (2), pp. 86-103.


Concepts for the revitalisation of critical criminology
Ruggiero, V. 2021. Concepts for the revitalisation of critical criminology. The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice. 60 (3), pp. 290-303.


Supporting girls and young women victims of sexual harassment in schools: 'me and you and everyone we know'
Goodman, A. and Calestani, M. 2022. Supporting girls and young women victims of sexual harassment in schools: 'me and you and everyone we know'. Safer Communities. 21 (1), pp. 1-18.


Assessing the resettlement reforms under transforming rehabilitation
Cracknell, M. 2021. Assessing the resettlement reforms under transforming rehabilitation. Probation Quarterly.


The resettlement net: ‘revolving door’ imprisonment and carceral (re)circulation
Cracknell, M. 2023. The resettlement net: ‘revolving door’ imprisonment and carceral (re)circulation. Punishment and Society: The International Journal of Penology. 25 (1), pp. 223-240.


Critical criminology today: counter-hegemonic essays
Ruggiero, V. 2021. Critical criminology today: counter-hegemonic essays. London / New York Routledge.


Onward migration: an introduction
Montagna, N., della Puppa, F. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration: an introduction. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 8-15.


Maria Janion
Narkowicz, K. 2020. Maria Janion. Global Social Theory.


Gendered nationalism in India and Poland: postcolonial and postsocialist conditions in times of populism
Narkowicz, K. and Kumar, M. 2021. Gendered nationalism in India and Poland: postcolonial and postsocialist conditions in times of populism. in: Koobak, R., Tlostanova, M. and Thapar-Bjorkert, S. (ed.) Postcolonial and postsocialist dialogues. Intersections, opacities, challenges in feminist theorizing and practice Routledge. pp. 243-258

Book chapter

The crimes of the powerful: between force and consensus
Ruggiero, V. 2021. The crimes of the powerful: between force and consensus. Social Sciences. 10 (2), pp. 1-9.


Editorial DEPP: drug experienced young people in contact with the criminal justice system. Understanding the challenges and working towards solutions
Frank, V., Rolando, S., Thom, B., Beccaria, F., Duke, K. and Herold, M. 2021. Editorial DEPP: drug experienced young people in contact with the criminal justice system. Understanding the challenges and working towards solutions. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy. 28 (1), pp. 1-6.


(Pseudo)intellectualism and democratic (il)liberalism: on Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter's "Reactionary democracy"
Saini, R. 2021. (Pseudo)intellectualism and democratic (il)liberalism: on Aurelien Mondon and Aaron Winter's "Reactionary democracy". Ethnic and Racial Studies. 44 (13), pp. 2381-2386.


Onward migration: An introduction
Montagna, N., Della Puppa, F. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration: An introduction. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 8-15.


From the First to the Second Italian Republic in Catania (Sicily): politics, economy and society between cosmetic changes and deep continuities
Serrantino, G. 2021. From the First to the Second Italian Republic in Catania (Sicily): politics, economy and society between cosmetic changes and deep continuities. PhD thesis Middlesex University Business and Law

PhD thesis

The return of drugs courts: some important considerations
Ward, J. 2021. The return of drugs courts: some important considerations. The Justice Gap.


Editorial: Postcolonial-postsocialist decolonial investigations: a programmatic overture. Artha Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (2) . v-xii. ISSN 0975-329X
Kumar, M. and Narkowicz, K. 2021. Editorial: Postcolonial-postsocialist decolonial investigations: a programmatic overture. Artha Journal of Social Sciences, 20 (2) . v-xii. ISSN 0975-329X. Artha Journal of Social Sciences. 20 (2), pp. v-xii.


Justificatory narratives: the collapse of Greensill Capital
Ruggiero, V. 2021. Justificatory narratives: the collapse of Greensill Capital. International Journal of Crime, Justice and Social Democracy. 10 (3).


Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: a critical and theoretical overview
Della Puppa, F., Montagna, N. and Kofman, E. 2021. Onward migration and intra‐European mobilities: a critical and theoretical overview. International Migration. 59 (6), pp. 16-28.


Close reading and distance: between invariance and a rhetoric of embodiment
Cobley, P. and Siebers, J. 2021. Close reading and distance: between invariance and a rhetoric of embodiment. Language Sciences. 84, pp. 1-22.


The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts: findings from a cross-national European study
Duke, K., Gleeson, H., Dabrowska, K., Herold, M. and Rolando, S. 2021. The engagement of young people in drug interventions in coercive contexts: findings from a cross-national European study. Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy. 28 (1), pp. 26-35.


Ernst Bloch: Revue internationale de philosophie, 2019/3 (n° 289), ISSN 0048-8143
Siebers, J. Siebers, J. (ed.) 2019. Ernst Bloch: Revue internationale de philosophie, 2019/3 (n° 289), ISSN 0048-8143. De Boeck Supérieur.

Edited Journal

Transforming rehabilitation: a failed experiment in throughcare and offender reintegration
Cracknell, M. and Trebilcock, J. 2020. Transforming rehabilitation: a failed experiment in throughcare and offender reintegration. in: Birch, P. and Sicard, L. (ed.) Prisons and Community Corrections Critical Issues and Emerging Controversies London Routledge. pp. 1-14

Book chapter

Jihadist and far-right extremism: subjectivity, embodiment and imaginaries of violence
McDonald, K. 2020. Jihadist and far-right extremism: subjectivity, embodiment and imaginaries of violence. in: Waha, L. (ed.) United by violence, divided by cause? A comparison of drivers of radicalisation and violence in Asia and Europe Baden-Baden, Germany Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft. pp. 33-49

Book chapter

Brexit and the hierarchies of Europeanness
Narkowicz, K. 2020. Brexit and the hierarchies of Europeanness. The Long View: a quarterly magazine from Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC). 2 (1), pp. 11-13.


Before the Czarny protest: feminist activism in Poland
Narkowicz, K. 2018. Before the Czarny protest: feminist activism in Poland. Cultivate: The Feminist Journal of the Centre for Women's Studies.


‘Refugees not welcome here’: state, church and civil society responses to the refugee crisis in Poland
Narkowicz, K. 2018. ‘Refugees not welcome here’: state, church and civil society responses to the refugee crisis in Poland. International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society. 31 (4), pp. 357-373.


After or against secularism: Muslims in Europe
Narkowicz, K. and Phillips, R. 2018. After or against secularism: Muslims in Europe. in: Beaumont, J. (ed.) The Routledge Handbook of Postsecularity London, UK Routledge. pp. 349-359

Book chapter

Globalisation and social policy
Cowen, H., Jones, D. and Narkowicz, K. 2020. Globalisation and social policy. in: Bochel, H. and Daly, G. (ed.) Social Policy London, UK Routledge. pp. 544-567

Book chapter

Post-sentence supervision: A case study of the extension of community resettlement support for short sentence prisoners
Cracknell, M. 2020. Post-sentence supervision: A case study of the extension of community resettlement support for short sentence prisoners. Probation Journal. 67 (4), pp. 340-357.


Exploring the removal of online child sexual abuse material in the United Kingdom: processes and practice
Martellozzo, E. and DeMarco, J. 2020. Exploring the removal of online child sexual abuse material in the United Kingdom: processes and practice. Crime Prevention & Community Safety. 22 (4), pp. 331-350.


Safeguarding, surveillance and control: school policy and practice responses to the Prevent Duty and the "War on Terror" in the UK
Acik, N., Deakin, J. and Hindlle, R. 2018. Safeguarding, surveillance and control: school policy and practice responses to the Prevent Duty and the "War on Terror" in the UK. in: Deakin, J., Taylor, E. and Kupchik, A. (ed.) The Palgrave International Handbook of School Discipline, Surveillance, and Social Control Cham, Switzerland Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 467-489

Book chapter

Encountering authority and avoiding trouble: young migrant men’s narratives of negotiation in Europe
Fox, C., Jo, D., Spencer, J. and Acik, N. 2022. Encountering authority and avoiding trouble: young migrant men’s narratives of negotiation in Europe. European Journal of Criminology. 19 (4), pp. 791-810.


Killing environmental campaigners: manifest and latent justifications
Ruggiero, V. 2020. Killing environmental campaigners: manifest and latent justifications. Criminological Encounters. 3 (1), pp. 92-105.


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