Artificial Intelligence group

TitleArtificial Intelligence group

Latest research outputs

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Embodied language learning and cognitive bootstrapping: methods and design principles
Lyon, C., Nehaniv, C., Saunders, J., Belpaeme, T., Bisio, A., Fischer, K., Förster, F., Lehmann, H., Metta, G., Mohan, V., Morse, A., Nolfi, S., Nori, F., Rohlfing, K., Sciutti, A., Tani, J., Tuci, E., Wrede, B., Zeschel, A. and Cangelosi, A. 2016. Embodied language learning and cognitive bootstrapping: methods and design principles. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems. 13 (3), p. 105.


Cooperative object transport with a swarm of e-puck robots: robustness and scalability of evolved collective strategies
Alkilabi, M., Narayan, A. and Tuci, E. 2017. Cooperative object transport with a swarm of e-puck robots: robustness and scalability of evolved collective strategies. Swarm Intelligence. 11 (3-4), pp. 185-209.


Evolutionary coordination system for fixed-wing communications unmanned aerial vehicles
Giagkos, A., Tuci, E., Wilson, M. and Charlesworth, P. 2014. Evolutionary coordination system for fixed-wing communications unmanned aerial vehicles. TAROS 2014: 15th Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems annual conference. Birmingham, United Kingdom 01 - 03 Sep 2014 Springer.

Conference paper

Critical mutation rate has an exponential dependence on population size for eukaryotic-length genomes with crossover
Aston, E., Channon, A., Belavkin, R., Gifford, D., Krašovec, R. and Knight, C. 2017. Critical mutation rate has an exponential dependence on population size for eukaryotic-length genomes with crossover. Scientific Reports. 7 (1).


Spontaneous mutation rate is a plastic trait associated with population density across domains of life
Krašovec, R., Richards, H., Gifford, D., Hatcher, C., Faulkner, K., Belavkin, R., Channon, A., Aston, E., McBain, A. and Knight, C. 2017. Spontaneous mutation rate is a plastic trait associated with population density across domains of life. PLOS Biology. 15 (8).


Application of deep learning neural network for classification of TB lung CT images based on patches
Gao, X. and Qian, Y. 2017. Application of deep learning neural network for classification of TB lung CT images based on patches. ImageCLEF / LifeCLEF - Multimedia Retrieval in CLEF: CLEF 2017: Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum. Dublin, Ireland 11 - 14 Sep 2017 CEUR Workshop Proceedings.

Conference paper

Programming a cognitive architecture with simulated neurons, Chris Eliasmith. How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013). 456 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-026212-9 [Book review]
Huyck, C. 2017. Programming a cognitive architecture with simulated neurons, Chris Eliasmith. How to Build a Brain: A Neural Architecture for Biological Cognition. Oxford University Press, Oxford (2013). 456 pp., ISBN: 978-0-19-026212-9 [Book review]. Cognitive Systems Research. 41, pp. 36-37.


Programming with simulated neurons: a first design pattern
Evans, C., Mitchell, I. and Huyck, C. 2016. Programming with simulated neurons: a first design pattern. PPIG 2016 - 27th Annual Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group. University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK 07 - 10 Sep 2016 Psychology of Programming Interest Group. pp. 36-45

Conference paper

Interactive evolutionary generative art
Hernandez Mengesha, L. and James-Reynolds, C. 2016. Interactive evolutionary generative art. AI-2016 Thirty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, UK 13 - 15 Dec 2016 Springer. pp. 377-382

Conference paper

PlaNeural: spiking neural networks that plan
Mitchell, I., Huyck, C. and Evans, C. 2016. PlaNeural: spiking neural networks that plan. 7th Annual International Conference on Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, BICA 2016. New York City, NY, USA 16 Jul 2016 Elsevier. pp. 198-204

Conference paper

EEuGene: employing electroencephalograph signals in the rating strategy of a hardware-based interactive genetic algorithm
James-Reynolds, C. and Currie, E. 2016. EEuGene: employing electroencephalograph signals in the rating strategy of a hardware-based interactive genetic algorithm. AI-2016 Thirty-sixth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, UK 13 - 15 Dec 2016 Springer. pp. 343-353

Conference paper

Monotonicity of fitness landscapes and mutation rate control
Belavkin, R., Channon, A., Aston, E., Aston, J., Krašovec, R. and Knight, C. 2016. Monotonicity of fitness landscapes and mutation rate control. Journal of Mathematical Biology. 73 (6-7), pp. 1491-1524.


Advancing ambient assisted living with caution
Huyck, C., Augusto, J., Gao, X. and Botia, J. 2015. Advancing ambient assisted living with caution. in: Helfert, M., Holzinger, A., Ziefle, M., Fred, A., O'Donoghue, J. and Röcker, C. (ed.) Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing Well and e-Health: First International Conference, ICT4AgeingWell 2015, Lisbon, Portugal, May 20-22, 2015. Revised Selected Papers Springer.

Book chapter

Eugene: a generic interactive genetic algorithm controller
James-Reynolds, C. and Currie, E. 2015. Eugene: a generic interactive genetic algorithm controller. AI-2015: Thirty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Cambridge, UK 15 - 17 Dec 2015 Springer International Publishing. pp. 361-366

Conference poster

Neural constraints and flexibility in language processing
Huyck, C. 2016. Neural constraints and flexibility in language processing. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: An International Journal of Current Research and Theory with Open Peer Commentary. 39, p. e78.


Comment on "collinear segment detection using HT neighborhoods"
Rahmdel, P., Shi, D. and Comley, R. 2013. Comment on "collinear segment detection using HT neighborhoods". IEEE Transactions on Image Processing. 23 (2), pp. 952-955.


Pairwise-similarity-based instance reduction for efficient instance selection in multiple-instance learning
Yuan, L., Liu, J., Tang, X., Shi, D. and Zhao, L. 2015. Pairwise-similarity-based instance reduction for efficient instance selection in multiple-instance learning. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 6 (1), pp. 83-93.


Argumentation about treatment efficacy
Gorogiannis, N., Hunter, A., Patkar, V. and Williams, M. 2010. Argumentation about treatment efficacy. KR4HC 2009: International Workshop on Knowledge Representation for Health Care. Verona, Italy 19 Jul 2009 Springer.

Conference paper

Merging first-order knowledge using dilation operators
Gorogiannis, N. and Hunter, A. 2008. Merging first-order knowledge using dilation operators. FOIKS 2008.

Conference paper

Requirements, specifications, and minimal refinement
Gorogiannis, N. and Ryan, M. 2002. Requirements, specifications, and minimal refinement. WoLLIC 2002: 9th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 30 Jul - 02 Aug 2002 Elsevier.

Conference paper

Instantiating abstract argumentation with classical logic arguments: postulates and properties
Gorogiannis, N. and Hunter, A. 2011. Instantiating abstract argumentation with classical logic arguments: postulates and properties. Artificial Intelligence. 175 (9-10), pp. 1479-1497.


The complexity of the warranted formula problem in propositional argumentation
Hirsch, R. and Gorogiannis, N. 2010. The complexity of the warranted formula problem in propositional argumentation. Journal of Logic and Computation. 20 (2), pp. 481-499.


An argument-based approach to reasoning with clinical knowledge
Gorogiannis, N., Hunter, A. and Williams, M. 2009. An argument-based approach to reasoning with clinical knowledge. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 51 (1), pp. 1-22.


Implementing semantic merging operators using binary decision diagrams
Gorogiannis, N. and Hunter, A. 2008. Implementing semantic merging operators using binary decision diagrams. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 49 (1), pp. 234-251.


Minimal refinements of specifications in modal and temporal logics
Gorogiannis, N. and Ryan, M. 2007. Minimal refinements of specifications in modal and temporal logics. Formal Aspects of Computing. 19 (4), pp. 417-444.


Implementation of belief change operators using BDDs
Gorogiannis, N. and Ryan, M. 2002. Implementation of belief change operators using BDDs. Studia Logica. 70 (1), pp. 131-156.


Self organising maps with a point neuron model
Huyck, C. and Mitchell, I. 2013. Self organising maps with a point neuron model. Intl Conf. on Cognitive and Neural Systems.


A comparison of simple agents implemented in simulated neurons
Huyck, C., Evans, C. and Mitchell, I. 2015. A comparison of simple agents implemented in simulated neurons. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. 12, pp. 9-19.


A neuro-computational approach to PP attachment ambiguity resolution
Nadh, K. and Huyck, C. 2012. A neuro-computational approach to PP attachment ambiguity resolution. Neural Computation. 24 (7), pp. 1906-1925.


A review of cell assemblies
Huyck, C. and Passmore, P. 2013. A review of cell assemblies. Biological Cybernetics. 107 (3), pp. 263-288.


Compensatory Hebbian learning for categorisation in simulated biological neural nets
Huyck, C. and Mitchell, I. 2013. Compensatory Hebbian learning for categorisation in simulated biological neural nets. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures. 6 (5), pp. 3-7.


Asymmetric topologies on statistical manifolds
Belavkin, R. 2015. Asymmetric topologies on statistical manifolds. 2nd International Conference on Geometric Science of Information. Palaiseau, France 28 - 30 Oct 2015 Springer.

Conference paper

On the role of value sensitive concerns in software engineering practice
Barn, B., Barn, R. and Raimondi, F. 2015. On the role of value sensitive concerns in software engineering practice. 37th International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2015. Florence, Italy 16 - 24 May 2015 IEEE. pp. 497-500

Conference paper

Modelling of chromatic contrast for retrieval of wallpaper images
Gao, X., Wang, Y., Qian, Y. and Gao, A. 2015. Modelling of chromatic contrast for retrieval of wallpaper images. Color Research and Application. 40 (4), pp. 361-373.


A racket-based robot to teach first-year computer science
Androutsopoulos, K., Gorogiannis, N., Loomes, M., Margolis, M., Primiero, G., Raimondi, F., Varsani, P., Weldin, N. and Zivanovic, A. 2014. A racket-based robot to teach first-year computer science. 7 th European Lisp Symposium. IRCAM, Paris, France 05 - 06 May 2014 pp. 54-61

Conference paper

TPSLVM: a dimensionality reduction algorithm based on thin plate splines
Jiang, X., Gao, J., Wang, T. and Shi, D. 2014. TPSLVM: a dimensionality reduction algorithm based on thin plate splines. IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics. 44 (10), pp. 1795-1807.


Managing the complexity of large free and open source package-based software distributions
Mancinelli, F., Boender, J., Di Cosmo, R., Vouillon, J., Durak, B., Leroy, X. and Treinen, R. 2006. Managing the complexity of large free and open source package-based software distributions. Automated Software Engineering, 2006. ASE '06. 21st IEEE/ACM International Conference on.


Small world characteristics of FLOSS distributions
Boender, J. and Fernandes, S. 2014. Small world characteristics of FLOSS distributions. in: Counsell, S. and Núñez, M. (ed.) Software Engineering and Formal Methods : SEFM 2013 Collocated Workshops: BEAT2, WS-FMDS, FM-RAIL-Bok, MoKMaSD, and OpenCert, Madrid, Spain, September 23-24, 2013, Revised Selected Papers Springer International Publishing. pp. 417-429

Book chapter

On the correctness of a branch displacement algorithm
Boender, J. and Sacerdoti Coen, C. 2014. On the correctness of a branch displacement algorithm. in: Ábrahám, E. and Havelund, K. (ed.) Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems : 20th International Conference, TACAS 2014, Held as Part of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2014, Grenoble, France, April 5-13, 2014. Proceedings Springer.

Book chapter

Employable knowledge: benchmarking education about standardization in the UK
Whitney, G., Keith, S., Selvaraj, N., Maguire, M. and Nicolle, C. 2014. Employable knowledge: benchmarking education about standardization in the UK. London, UK British Standards Institute.


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